"It seems that you intend to use all the weapons you can use in this round. However, this also means that you have given up the academic subjects in the future."

Arisu calmly analyzed the consequences and significance of Horikita Suzune's last stand.

"I made this choice after careful consideration. The academic level of Class D is not as good as that of Class A, which is an indisputable fact. And even I don't think my grades can be better than yours. Instead of timidly spreading the fighting power, it is better to fight to the death!"

"I see. I like your idea very much."

If Suzuki was in Horikita Suzune's shoes, she would probably make the same decision.

Soon, the contestants from the two classes were seated in their respective seats, waiting for the S system to ask questions.

The test rules are similar to the previous English listening test. The system asks questions and displays them on the screen. The contestants then press the answer button and answer.

The rule is to see who can get the most correct answer in the shortest time. If successful, one point will be awarded. If you get the chance but answer incorrectly, one point will be deducted.

The competition uses a 10-point system. The party that accumulates 10 points first will successfully win the score for this project for their class.

Mental arithmetic, generally speaking, this type of subject They are one of the few people for whom talent is more decisive than hard work. Some people are particularly good at calculating secretly (in the physical sense), so they will use this unique talent to obtain the innate calculation method and get the answer faster.

If you do a lot of practice through hard work, then you are not actually jumping out of this framework. You still need to calculate slowly according to the steps, but you can improve the speed of the process.

Therefore, methods are more important than hard work!

Katsuragi happens to be such a person. He has a very meticulous mind, and he is obviously better at thinking than practice.

Then this game should be a big victory for Class A, right?!

Of course not.

Katsuragi unexpectedly met his opponent-----Chiaki Matsushita!

Due to family reasons, this girl unexpectedly inherited her parents' outstanding talent in accounting. Even if Arisu knew in advance that the other party was a master with hidden strength, it was impossible for him to know everything.

Katsuragi's information came from Arisu. Arisu's information came from Kushida. Kushida's information came from herself! Chiaki Matsushita exposed her strength, but not completely. The

Matsushita opposite Katsuragi, who frantically tapped the red answer button in front of her as soon as the question appeared, not only showed her excellent ability to secretly calculate, but also showed her unique hand speed!

The calculation competition between masters is completed from the moment the question appears to the moment before the exit. Therefore, for Katsuragi, the biggest difficulty of this project is not to answer the question, but how to successfully grab the opportunity to answer from the hand of the hand speed demon in front of him!!!

Looking at the sweaty Katsuragi, Arisu also felt powerless. In this situation, even if she were to replace her, it would be useless. The little princess's calculation speed at full firepower is probably several times the sum of Matsushita and Katsuragi, but it is useless.

This kind of competition doesn't require a particularly super-sized brain, which means that Arisu's performance is overflowing!

As for the speed of pressing the answer button, she feels even more powerless. If Arisu's brain can be given an A+, then her physical ability is E-. All aspects are E-.

Therefore, if she meets this kind of opponent, what she can do is not even as good as Katsuragi.

"Katsuragi-san, please don't be nervous. It doesn't matter if you lose the game. After all, there is nothing you can do about it.

Katsuragi suddenly heard a voice coming from the headset. Although he didn't want to lose the game, as Arisu said, it's useless to be anxious. If being anxious was useful, she would have been anxious a long time ago.

Katsuragi calmed down and concentrated his mind. Finally, with a mistake made by Matsushita Chiaki, he successfully grabbed the opportunity to answer the question.

This is the clarion call for a counterattack!!!

The blocked Matsushita panicked for a moment, thinking about integrating her state and taking the next question, but the so-called morale, something that can be seen but not touched, seemed to really exist at this competition.

No matter how fast she answered the question, she was always one step slower than Katsuragi.

And this game didn't know when it changed from a 3V3 confrontation to a one-man show between the two of them. Yukimura wanted to help a little, but the hand speed of these two people was even faster than his brain waves. How could he play?

Kushida Kikyo was eager to lose this game, so he was always slacking off. Now that he has such a good excuse, how can he not make good use of it?

‘I'm sorry, everyone! It's all my fault. I'm useless and didn't help Songxia at all in the competition! If only my hand speed could be faster, if my calculation speed could be faster, it would be better. Woohoo, I really hope there is a classmate in the class who has fast hand speed and calculation speed.......’

This is probably the kind of rhetoric that not only clears her of all blame, but also points the finger at Horikita Suzune, who is selecting the generals, without attracting attention! It

's all her fault. If she hadn't chosen someone like Hirata Yosuke who might have won the game, how could she have lost the game?

Those stress monsters will surely not let her down.

As Katsuragi successfully answered four questions in a row, the gap between them and Class D had narrowed to only two points. Matsushita became even more flustered. Class D couldn't lose!

She worked so hard just to beat Class A. Even if it was only once, it would prove that her efforts were not in vain.

But the more she thought, the more threads she needed to work.

The human brain is probably similar to a CPU, but the strength that can be displayed varies according to the degree of development of different people.

The more cores and threads a CPU has, the more operations can be performed at the same time. The same is true for the human brain, but because there is only one core, the more threads become the reason why people can do two or even three things at the same time.

Matsushita's anxiety and unnaturalness were naturally reflected to Horikita Suzune through the monitor. She immediately planned to force Matsushita to intervene. Otherwise, if she was allowed to continue in this state, Class D would definitely lose!

But the problem lies here. Horikita is not Ichinose. She cannot use her unique gentleness to truly comfort her classmates and let them relax.

Horikita is not Arisu. She does not have enough confidence to make Matsushita relieve the pressure on her shoulders.

Horikita is not Ryuen. She does not have enough deterrent power to make Matsushita unconditionally execute her orders.

Horikita is just Horikita, so.....

"Panasonic, please stay calm! We will definitely lose if we continue like this!"

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