When Hirata chased out of the gymnasium, he could no longer see Gaoyuan Temple. Just as he was wondering if he had seen it wrong and was about to go back to look for him, he heard a laugh behind him.

"Hey, Hirata boy, what do you want to tell me?"

Gaoyuan Temple was combing her hair in front of her pink mirror as usual.

Hirata tried to suppress his emotions as much as possible, but his tone of voice did not sound warm or friendly.

"Gaoyuan Temple-san, I hope I was just being overthinking. But...if possible, could you explain what the"future" in your statement"D class has nothing to do with your future" is?"

"Hehe, there are still smart people who can hear it... What I said about the future is of course literal~"

Gaoyuan Temple did not intend to hide it. Anyway, after this special exam, there will be spring break. Then he will be promoted to the second grade, and at that time he will be bought to Class A.

Since the people in Class D will know it sooner or later, it is better to tell this guy Hirata in advance to prevent any unnecessary trouble at that time.

After hearing Gaoyuan Temple's affirmation, Hirata's forehead and the back of his hands were throbbing with blue veins. He tried his best to stay rational and squeezed out three words from between his teeth.:


Gaoyuan Temple was not surprised by Hirata's reaction, and he had no intention of taking care of the other party's emotions. He spread his hands, shook his head and said helplessly:

"Why? This is really an interesting question. I remember saying more than once that this class is too ugly. From the so-called class teacher to the disgusting classmates, such an environment is really unacceptable to a beautiful me. I don't have the right to be chosen by you, but I can at least choose you."

"So you want to be a traitor?!!!"

Hirata was furious at the moment, clenching his fists tightly. If it weren't for Gaoyuan Temple's fighting power, he would definitely leave some marks on the other party's face that looked like he deserved a beating!

"Hahahaha, traitor is such an ugly word. Hirata boy, although you have the ability, your mind is too naive. In this respect, Horikita girl is much better than you."

"If your definition of a traitor is leaving this stinking garbage dump... then I can only say that no one would want to stay here if given the chance."

"Everyone knows which class to choose between A and D. Just because I got the chance to ascend, I am criticized as a traitor by you. What kind of bullshit is this? In my opinion, everyone who wants to ascend to A class is a traitor to D class... After all, no matter what method you use, you have already given up.‘D’The Name"

"The same is true for promotion from junior high school. If you don't choose to go to the same high school class as your junior high school classmates, then it is a collective act of betrayal? Hahahaha, what an interesting theory!"

"So, your so-called not allowing traitors is just your personal satisfaction."

Gaoyuan Temple calmly stated his rebuttal theory. Although Hirata wanted to refute it, he couldn't say anything.

Although the other party was making a sophistry, Hirata, as an authority, had to admit that Gaoyuan Temple's statement made sense.

But…………It's so hard for everyone to come together! It's so hard for everyone to agree with you! How could you!!!!!!

Gaoyuan Temple lost interest in staying here as he saw Hirata's body trembling slightly. He had said it very clearly and explained the reason clearly. If the other party still didn't understand and kept pestering him... then he could only apologize.

Because in Gaoyuan Temple's eyes, Hirata was more or less a person who was not annoying. The latter had a very high value, so he would waste some words to explain, otherwise, why would he waste time?

A direct sentence like"I'm sorry, the beautiful me will be a student in Class A next semester, so it doesn't matter what you ugly people do." can get rid of those people in Class D.

Just as Gaoyuan Temple turned and left, Hirata said something in a calm voice.

"is that true?"


"You really want to leave us because the environment in Class D is not good, right! ?"

Hirata's tone was very excited, and it was obvious that he wanted to verify the answer to this question.

Gaoyuan Temple thought for a while and gave his answer.:

"Although not entirely, after all, being promoted to Class A was the reason I returned the test answers to my family. But if this class becomes more beautiful, I might be willing to stay here~"

This is the truth! Beautiful Daddy did not give Gaoyuan Temple any requirements or homework. On the one hand, his outstanding son did not need these troublesome things at all.

On the other hand, even if Gaoyuan Temple could not complete it, what would it matter? He still had to inherit the huge family business.

But Gaoyuan Temple himself could not just spend three years casually because of this. He did not need the benefits of graduating from Class A, but that nice name was very important!

Especially before, the concept of Class S was proposed... This year, probably only Horikita Manabu has won this honor, so you can imagine how valuable this reputation is.

Gaoyuan Temple's goal is to get promoted to Class A by any means. But if there is a choice, who is willing to join the camp of his opponent?

Even if this does not mean surrender, it seems not very nice to say it out. The leader of Class A is the young patriarch of the Dongfang family, and the son of the Gaoyuan Temple family is just a winner who arrived at the finish line on a giant ship.

Gaoyuan Temple's answer restored some highlights in Hirata's pupils. He tremblingly raised his right index finger and pointed at Gaoyuan Temple.

"I'll let you see! You'll see that ugly nest that you thought was stinking becomes holy and clean! I'll let you see that sooner or later, Class D will be above everyone else!"

"This is really interesting~ But how are you going to do it? If you just brag about it, it will greatly reduce my impression of you."

""United as one."

Hirata said these four words without changing his expression.

Gao Yuan Temple was stunned for a moment, then burst into a piercing laugh, which revealed an undisguised mockery.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Unity...unity……"

Hirata naturally knew why the other party would react like this, but he did not back down. He firmly believed that... as long as he took the initiative, as long as he did it, he would definitely be able to unite all his partners!!!

You can laugh at me, Gaoyuan Temple! You can laugh at me, people who look down on us! I will use my victory to give you two loud slaps in the face!

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