"If it's a challenge... I'm always welcome."

Yingyi didn't want to agree to Gaoyuansi's bold words. Unlike facing other people, although they just met, Yingyi knew that Gaoyuansi was definitely the type who would fight to the death.

This type of person tends to become extremely paranoid, and if he doesn't get what he wants, his personality may be distorted to a certain extent.

Until the goal justifies the means...

However, in this occasion, with the presence of elders, Yingyi had to pretend to be very welcoming.

Gaoyuansi got a satisfactory answer, and after saying goodbye to Dongfang Shouxin, he left the dojo alone and went to visit other places on his own.

"Aha, I am really sorry about what happened today. That kid was spoiled and behaved very rudely. Although the matter can be turned over, I as a father cannot help but express my opinion. Yingyi, I apologize to you on behalf of that brat."

After that, Meilidie pretended to bow and apologize to Yingyi, but was stopped by a strong hand.

Yingyi hurriedly persuaded with some"fear":"Uncle Gaoyuansi, since what happened today has passed, there is no need to mention it again. What's more, it is really embarrassing for an elder like you to bow and apologize to me."

This is also part of the diplomatic rhetoric. Meilidie couldn't really bow and apologize to Yingyi, he knew that Dongfang Shouxin would stop him.

Yingyi couldn't be really fearful, he knew that Meilidie was just pretending, Dongfang Shouxin would stop him.

"Brother Dongfang, please don't stop me. This is the family education and tradition of our Gaoyuan Temple family. A father must bear the sins for his ignorant son!"

"Uncle Gaoyuansi, you must not do this.……"


Arisu just looked at an adult pretending to apologize, a young master pretending to persuade, and a master pretending to stop... until Arisu felt a little sleepy and yawned involuntarily, the beautiful father finally stopped.

After several desperate attempts, he had to give up the idea of bowing to apologize.

"Alas...you guys...well, I will definitely teach him a lesson when I get back!"



Shouxin pulled Meili's father when he saw this. The party was still going on, and it was inappropriate for these two important people to leave for so long.

Meili's father nodded in understanding, and said that he had something important to talk to Dongfang Shouxin about, avoiding the topic of teaching his son a lesson, and walked out with the latter.

Only Yingyi and Youqi were left looking at each other.……

"What were we doing before that guy came in?"

"You were doing chopping training, and I was reading the story book you wrote for me."

Arisu said, pointing to the wooden dummy that Yingyi had chopped and the book that lay flat on the floor.

"So that's how it is... But I suddenly feel a little tired. Do you want to go eat something and take a rest?"

"If there is mango pudding"

"As long as you want to eat, I can give you any pudding."

The two childhood friends took their own things and supported each other to the rest room in the dojo.

"Haha, thank you Brother Dongfang for what happened today."

In the second-floor box of the banquet hall, Meili Daddy bowed to Dongfang Shouxin and said

"There is nothing to be thankful for. In fact, apart from that girl Arisu, Yingyi has not had much communication with people of the same age."

"It's no wonder... After all, if children of their age don't have a common language, it's hard to fake the feeling of communication even if they pretend."

Meili's father deeply agrees with this. In fact, Gaoyuan Temple is in such a state.

Although he has had many contacts with the young masters and young ladies of other chaebols, this is actually more of a necessary contact between chaebols.

"However, this time, I was going to let that kid know what it means that there are always people who are better than you. But at the same time, the experience of never being defeated has inspired his fighting spirit. I'm afraid your son will have a lot of troubles in the future~"

Dongfang Shou waved his hand indifferently:"Isn't this a kind of practice for him? Only by controlling your own emotions and not being disturbed by any external factors around you can you reach the state of being as still as a mirror."

"Oh my god... He is such a strict father."

"There is nothing that can be done about it. Gaoyuan Temple's situation is not so bad, as the situation was discovered relatively early, and there are still people who can teach him a lesson. But Yingyi... heh, I'm afraid he will suffer a lot."

Although this sentence sounds unpleasant, it is an indisputable fact.

No matter how talented Gaoyuan Temple is, he is still no match for Yingyi. So as long as the latter defeats him in a crushing manner, he can re-examine himself and recognize a wider world.

But what should Yingyi do? At present, it seems that he is really invincible.

"Yingyi? That child looks quite steady. Although he is only nine years old, he is calmer than some old-timers who have been in the martial arts world for many years."

Dongfang Shouxin exhaled a breath of turbid air and picked up the teacup in front of him:"Alas, this is the problem. Now he has only stepped into the threshold of the sword, and he does not think that the initial stage is anything great."

"In terms of academics and thinking ability, because Arisu has always been with him, he doesn't think he has any outstanding qualities. After all, he has a companion who is smarter than him."

"But as he gets older and his kendo skills become more advanced, his arrogance and conceit of youth will still be released... Then, he may have to face a bloody lesson!"

Meili Dad also realized the seriousness of the problem and nodded to acknowledge the great probability of this possibility happening.

"But... there is nothing we can do about it. How can you be called a young man if you are not hot-tempered? Only after suffering can you learn to grow... Didn't we climb up step by step from this stage in the beginning?"

Dongfang Shouxin picked up the teacup and drank it all. It is inevitable that Yingyi will swell up in the future, and we can only hope that nothing irreversible will happen at that time...

This is what happened to the kidnappers in Morioh Town who kidnapped Arisu when Yingyi entered the middle transmission realm later.

After that, Kouenji Rokusuke practiced his kendo desperately, just to defeat the mountain pressing in front of him one day!

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