"As long as you are willing, 20 million personal points will be credited to your account immediately.~"


"What did you say?...."

Now even Matsushita Chiaki frowned. Horikita Suzune is undoubtedly the best choice to be the commander. Because she is far better than Hirata in leadership and command ability, and because she has basically no shortcomings in academic subjects and sports, she can better adapt to the position of commander.

The only problem is that Horikita Suzune has no protection points for self-defense, and Class D simply cannot accept the cost of losing her, so they can only settle for the second best and let Hirata Yosuke take over.

But now, they offer 20 million to let Horikita be the leader?

This will be a hundred benefits to Class D, right? Could it be that Sakayanagi is really just doing it to fight Class D as she said?

Looking at Horikita Suzune, who also frowned, Arisu urged:"Well, have you thought it through? There is no need to worry about us playing any word games on the contract, because there is no need for that."

"It is impossible for you to do something that is beneficial to Class D, right? Even if our class does not seem to threaten your high status, we should not do such a blatant act of aiding the enemy, right?"

Ying Yi replied meaningfully:"Ah, we just want to have a fight with Mr. Strategist. You should understand what I mean, right?""


This name once again appeared in the ears of everyone in Class D!

(Ryuen: You guys pay me for the copyright!)

Matsushita Chiaki subconsciously wanted to look in the direction of Ayanokouji, but stopped halfway through turning her head.

She thought that since that person was also hiding his strength, it would be better to let him hide it first.

Her amazing observation ability naturally made her notice Ayanokouji's abnormality a long time ago!

How could there be a student who could perfectly control all subjects to 50 points? The hesitation and panic of Horikita Suzune in certain situations were obviously not pretended, but they could be explained as her plan every time.

Others might believe it and just think that this cold girl has strong acting skills.

But Matsushita Chiaki didn't think so.

Although Class D had not won any class confrontation so far, it could basically get away with it.

The root cause was that Horikita was definitely not alone!

At this moment, Horikita Suzune's mind suddenly became much clearer.

If this was the case, it could be explained.

The two people in Class A also noticed that Class D had a hidden talent.

Their purpose should be the same as Ryuen.

Find the strategist, defeat him, and completely destroy Class D's chance of rising.

How could I let you succeed?!

"Strategist? I don't understand what you are talking about."

After Ryuuen's harassment day after day, Horikita had long been accustomed to playing dumb in response to such questions. But......

Arisu showed a somewhat amused expression, and used his usual condescending tone to dispel the situation:"You seem to have misunderstood something. We are not here to test whether there is such a person in your class. Rather, we know who that person is, and considering that he just wants to pretend to be a normal person and some force majeure, we are giving you this option out of humanitarianism."

"Haha, if you have some intelligence, you'd better accept it obediently. You don't want the identity of that person to be known to the whole school the next day, right?"

Horikita Suzune was still trying to struggle, but she felt a slight tug from the side. She immediately glanced at Ayanokouji, only to find that he was shaking his head slightly.

"I....I understand. I accept your challenge."

In fact, she had no choice but to accept. Ayanokouji was her hope for promotion to Class A, and she also believed that he could lead her to continuous victory and growth.

Besides, there was no harm in this matter, so she simply agreed.

However, at this time, something completely expected happened.

"No! I absolutely disagree! Horikita can get 20 million personal points through the contract. If she wins, she can use these points to fly directly to Class A. If she loses, she can also use the 20 million to protect herself. She will not suffer any loss."

"But! Think about it, what can we gain? Our opponents have changed from random at the beginning to the strongest class A in the designated grade! Let's not talk about whether we can win, at least the chance of winning will be much lower than against the other two classes!"

I don't know who suddenly made this statement, and it immediately won the approval of most students in class D. The fact is just as he said, it doesn't matter who you fight, why fight the strongest opponent?

But Yukimura, who knew that Ayanokouji was the hidden strategist, raised an objection:

"Hey, hey, hey, you should be thinking about the strategist in our class, right? Whether it's Ryuen or these two from Class A, they want to challenge him or her, which is enough to show that the other party is the hope of our class! Are you going to uncover the protective cover of our own trump card with your own hands?"

"Huh? A strategist? If there really is a strategist, why haven't we won a special exam?! Besides, what's the point of protecting a guy who hides his head and shows his tail? Has a guy who hides himself really done anything for us?!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Do you want to hurt your companions?"

"Companions? If being in the same class can be considered a companion, then what about Yamauchi? We have all betrayed our companions! Why are you pretending to be a good person now? Yukimura, you'd better figure out where you stand!"

"You bastard!"

"You are the bastard!"

In an instant, the entire D class became chaotic. Although Yukimura and Matsushita argued with reason, it was obvious that more people refused to protect the strategist.

Arisu watched the excitement with relish, wishing he could rush up and yell at them. The feeling of two factions confronting each other and yelling at each other was really pleasant~

Chabashi Sae still had no reaction. She knew the mentality of the students in D class and the choices they would make in the face of such things.

As long as you don't get a share of the benefits, there will be conflicts and quarrels, which will eventually turn into a confrontation between factions. Both sides will waste time on quarrels and eventually get the lowest benefits with the slowest efficiency.

"Haha, this is my curse........"

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