As Hirata handed over the leadership to Horikita Suzune and Matsushita Chiaki, who had demonstrated her strength in the last special exam, the atmosphere of the entire class changed dramatically. Matsushita Chiaki did not stand up and speak immediately, but instead looked at Horikita Suzune who was sitting in the back row. She was not suitable to be a leader, but should be a strategist who assists the leader, so at this time, the general commander should naturally make a speech, and then she would check for any deficiencies. Horikita

Suzune did not have so many ideas. Since the right to speak was given to her, she had to stand up and take responsibility in order to win.

"First, according to the special exam information we know, our opponent is one of the remaining three classes. The specific one needs to be decided by drawing lots, so except for the projects where individual students have specialties, the rest of the projects should be divided equally between academic ability and physical strength."

"In our class, including me, Yukimura, Hirata, and Takaharadera, the four of us have almost no shortcomings in academic ability, and can even be considered to be at the top of the grade. And in terms of physical strength, I, Hirata, Takaharadera, and Onodera are also among the best in the grade."

At this point, Horikita inadvertently glanced at Ayanokouji who pretended to be fine. If this guy is willing to show his strength, why would there be so much trouble? He snorted coldly and continued to express his understanding. Ayanokouji heard the familiar angry voice, and although he didn't understand why, there was no doubt that Horikita had just looked at his position. Did he make her angry again invisibly?

It's really complicated........

"Please wait a moment, Horikita girl. Although you admit that I am beautiful, I have never said what I will do for this class.

Before Horikita could arrange the project and everyone's tasks, Gaoyuan Temple took the lead to refuse.

"Gaoyuan Temple, you bastard!!!"

"Huh? What are you still talking about now? Do you think that after Yamauchi dropped out, we no longer have any goals to drop out of school?! Gaoyuan Temple, remember this, if there is such an exam next time, I will definitely vote for you!!!"

Gaoyuan Temple laughed coldly to show that he didn't care. Everyone in Class D was obviously familiar with his attitude of being a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, but no one knew that Gaoyuan Temple was really mocking the classmates in this class this time.

Even if there was such an exam, it would be a matter for the future. By that time, he would have been living a carefree life in Class A, right? How could he play childish games with the common people?

"Gaoyuan Temple, even if you don't plan to do anything for the class, can you at least not waste everyone's time? At least now we are discussing tactics."

Horikita Suzune was also very unhappy with Gaoyuan Temple's behavior, but she had no other choice. It was impossible to force Gaoyuan Temple to play. Even if he was forced to play, he could deliberately lose and then quit.

For this kind of rolling meat, it is better to ignore him......

Gaoyuan Temple made an OK gesture and stopped talking, continuing to comb her proud golden hair in front of a small mirror.

"Regarding our opponents, Class A and Class B will probably choose many academic projects, and Class C will probably choose physical projects to play to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, so we don't need to go head-to-head with them, and it will be enough to win four games."

She didn't dare to expect to win all the games. Although Class A will most likely choose many academic projects, it will definitely not leave the physical monster Dongfang Yingyi unused, so if there are any physical projects, Class D will most likely lose.

Class B is also a class with excellent academic and physical strength. The most critical point is that the players can only appear once. In other words, if a panacea like Horikita or Hirata is used in one of the links, then Class D will be left with a lot of inferior horses to fight against the opponent's middle and upper horses.

The most important thing is that since Hirata has protection points, the extremely dangerous position of the command tower can only be given to him.

In this way, the number of top-quality horses will be reduced by one, although he can play a greater role in academic projects......

The biggest problem of Class C is that Horikita Suzune is not very good at dealing with Ryuen's conspiracy and cruel means. If Ayanokouji is willing to do something, it's fine. If he is as bad as he is now, then it's good enough that he is not tricked by the opponent first.

Matsushita Chiaki also nodded in his heart. Class D is such an environment. There are too many inferior horses. This special test is obviously to test the diversity of the strengths of the class members. This is something that Class D does not have, so they can only follow Horikita's advice and choose this way of operation.

"Regarding the commander, I suggest that Hirata-san take the position."

Hirata, who was called, had a premonition. In fact, he took the initiative to apply for the position of commander the moment he heard the rule.

On the one hand, he can better coordinate everyone, and on the other hand, if he loses the battle, he can rely on the protection points to avoid being punished.

"No problem, it's the best and only choice."

The other people in Class D didn't have any objections. The position of the commander was a hot potato, and it would be the best news if someone was willing to take it over.

On the other hand, this position was quite critical. If some idiot took the position of the commander, it would definitely lead the whole class astray.

So Hirata's initiative to take the position of the commander was perfect for their wishes.

Therefore, without any objection, Horikita Suzune began to finalize the remaining competition items. Just when the class meeting was about to be disbanded, Ayano Kojima���Rarely raised his hand


The one with the biggest reaction was Horikita Suzune. Others might not know, but she knew this guy's personality very well. Even if it was an extremely urgent matter, he would basically not take the initiative to explain or point it out in front of everyone. He would just contact her or Hirata privately, being an ordinary invisible person in the eyes of the public.

Hirata felt relieved when he saw that Ayanokouji seemed to want to speak. Sure enough, everyone was quietly changing, and Ayanokouji-kun had also become more cheerful.....

"Ayanokouji-kun, do you have any other proposals?"

Everyone in Class D also focused their attention on this invisible man who seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth before and after his brilliant performance in the relay race at the sports festival.

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