Time slipped away inadvertently, leaving behind only the students' exhausted bodies and minds.

"The final exam is finally over!"

"The most acceptable thing in this school should be this kind of truly ordinary written test. No gimmicks and tricks, no traps and lies, all rely on our usual accumulation. This kind of test is really the best!"What just ended was the final exam of the third semester of the first academic year.

The students in Class A of the first year stretched involuntarily. For them, this kind of exam is really just child's play.

The key is that there will be two special exams every semester that give them a headache.

The forest school at the beginning counts as one, and the last vote for expulsion was forcibly added by Yuecheng, so that means... there is still an unknown big guy waiting after the final exam.

"Let’s finish that special exam quickly so that we can be promoted to the second grade right away!"

"That is to say, although there have been many ups and downs this year, we are fortunate to have Sakayanagi-san and Higashikata-san coordinating the overall situation, and reliable companions like Katsuragi-san and Senkawa-san who care about everyone, so we can be so far ahead like now."

Senkawa returned to the class shortly after Hashimoto dropped out. Because of his outstanding performance in the undercover operation and no one expected that he would carry such a heavy family burden and have great ambitions in his heart. He won the warm welcome of the whole class and now he has become a popular figure in the class.

"where....I didn't do anything. I just did a little bit when I needed to step up. There's no need for you to praise me so much......"

"What are you talking about! People who face challenges for the class deserve our respect! It is also thanks to you that we were able to successfully remove that disgusting bug of Hashimoto. You should just accept our praise. This belongs to you."


Mashima Tomoya, who was on the podium, was also very pleased to see this scene. It was obvious that Class A had become more united now. Although Sakayanagi, as the leader, still regarded these students as air and props, with Dongfang Kanxuan among them, this truly highly cultivated princess, began to change a little.....

After coughing twice, he was about to announce something that the students were concerned about:"Ahem, please keep quiet. Next, I'm going to announce something important."

As Mashima Tomoya spoke, Class A quickly fell silent. The only thing that could be considered an important matter at this time was that, right?

"Haha, actually you have already guessed it, yes, it is about the rules and content of the last special exam of this school year."

As expected!!

"This special exam is equivalent to a test of all the knowledge and skills you have learned so far. So, please pay full attention to what I am going to say next, it is very important!"

The students in Class A held their breath. No matter how they thought about it, the last special exam of the school year could not be something at the level of children's.

Although no special exam in this school is easy to pass, it is easy to capsize if you are not careful.

Moreover, if it is said to be very important by the serious teacher Mashima, it will definitely not be easy.

"This exam is called the 'Special Selection Exam', or the 'Commander Special Exam'.’"

"The rules are as follows: First, the participating classes of this exam are the four classes of Grade 1, ABCD. The exam is conducted in pairs, and the opponent is determined by drawing lots.

Second, each class can freely choose ten items as the exam items. For example, 'Mathematics’,‘mental arithmetic’,‘basketball’,‘Running', etc. However, you cannot submit two similar events, such as 'Basketball' and 'Shooting'.’,‘800-meter run' and '1000-meter run'.

By the way, if you choose a subject as the competition project, the difficulty will be based on the difficulty of this final exam.

Third, two days later, each class needs to submit its own project for public disclosure. When the exam officially starts, each class can choose five of its ten projects to add, and finally form a set of ten test questions.

The school will randomly select seven of these ten projects as your competition projects. By the way, if you have not decided or have enough projects for your side in two days, the S system will automatically provide an equal number of projects with lower difficulty to add. The confrontation system of this special exam is a seven-game four-win system.

Fourth, the minimum number of participants in each project is 1, and the maximum number of participants shall not exceed 20 (including substitutes), and there shall not be more than two projects with more than 10 participants in the projects you submitted. And each person in each class can only participate in one project.

Fifth, the reason why this special exam is called the Commander Special Exam is because a position such as the Commander will be introduced in the exam. Each class must select a student to serve as the Commander, that is, the role of commander. The commander will command all events of the class remotely, and the commander himself cannot directly participate in any event.

Sixth, about the reward part. For each event won, the winner can take 30 class points from the loser, and the school will give the winner an additional 100 class points. Even if the winner is determined during the competition, all events must still be completed.

Seventh, about the punishment part. The loser of this exam will be expelled from school."

The rules have been explained very briefly, and although it sounds long, it is actually not difficult to understand this special exam.

In simple terms, there is a commander in charge, and if he (she) loses, he (she) will be expelled.

The class needs to choose ten events to compete based on their strengths, and each person can only compete once. That's about it. Although the students in Class A are very good both academically and physically, if there is no such restriction, it would be safest to let all of Dongfang students participate.......

"There are still some things to add about the rules. If the school judges that the project you submitted is too niche, it will be forced to modify it. After all, if every class brings out ten things that are basically unheard of to participate in the competition, then this special exam will really become a pure battle of luck."

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