"that..."Sure enough, let's change to another cup?"

Yingyi said to Ibuki who was looking around the cup of black coffee but didn't know how to drink it.

"I...Let me make it clear first, this is my unique taste, coffee must have its original appearance and taste to be authentic."

Ibuki has always had a great yearning for coffee. Ever since she first tasted that cup of cappuccino on the cruise ship, coffee has become the No. 1 drink in her mind.

In order to figure out whether the white moonlight in her mind is cappuccino or she loves all coffees, Ibuki had a new dream.

She wants to taste all the coffees in the world! To prove whether other types are qualified to be listed as a big category with that cup of cappuccino.

Black coffee is just something she saw in Shiina Hiyori's book. It is said that melancholy people prefer this type. I think it should be more famous.

But....The thing that appeared in front of her completely broke her inherent concept of drinks! Why does your next drink have to be liquid?

Yingyi stopped provoking Ibuki, but even if he was allowed to drink this cup of sludge, he probably couldn't drink it. Thinking that maybe Ibuki might be more relaxed alone, he made up an excuse and left in a hurry.

".....Well, I have some things to do, so I'll leave this to you and Mr. Slime.....I have already paid the bill. If you want to drink anything else, just tell the boss. Goodbye.

Ibuki waved her hand as if to shoo away a fly. Her attention was not on Yingyi at all. Even if the thing in front of her was strange, it could be called coffee, so it shouldn't be like poison.

"All right...."

Just like that, Yingyi left the room, leaving behind Ibuki and the slime, as well as the box of cookies that Ibuki had put aside.

When he got outside, Yingyi breathed a sigh of relief. There were only a few people who hadn't yet been repaid for their favors. He quickly sent them away and went back to find.....

I remember telling my boss that Arisu should stick with me! How can you be so spineless?

It seems that being spineless is useless......

This conclusion came to Yingyi's mind.

Then he shook his head and decided to deliver the gift first.

It was highly likely that Horikita Suzune could not be contacted, so Yingyi did not deliberately look for her.

He just put the cookies in her shoe cabinet in the teaching building and left a note to prove that this was not a terrorist attack or intestinal poison.

There was no need to deliberately contact Kushida Kikyo, because she would show up on her own initiative.

"Hello, Dongfang-kun!"

"Kushida-san, you seem to be in a good mood today."

Just like that, on the way to the gymnasium, Yingyi ran into Kushida Kikyo, who seemed to have been lying in ambush here.

"Hehe, although I am in a good mood every day, it is rare that you can see it."I am in a good mood every day? This is a lie. The special existence of Kikyo Kushida determines that she can only be a trash can. Everyone will convey negative emotions to her, so that she can live happier.

This also causes Kikyo Kushida to have more negative emotions than everyone else, but she is used to forbearance, used to the feeling of being dumped, so she looks very happy.

"Hahaha, since you are here, that's great. Here, this box is for you."

Yingyi treated everyone equally, and all the return gifts he prepared were Leblanc cookies. One is convenient, and the other is that the meaning is clear enough.

Since it is a return gift for Valentine's Day, you have to express your true meaning clearly no matter what. If you give a strange candy and then say that I have always regarded you as my best friend and you are very important to me,....Yingyi could never do that.

Kushida Kikyo excitedly took the biscuit and laughed happily. But you could see that there were still traces of tears in the corners of her eyes?

"Great! Great! It's cookies!"

"ah....Is such that....After all, we are friends, right?"

Yingyi said this without any hesitation. It was Arisu who treated people like dogs, and Yingyi thought that he treated these classmates with great respect and courtesy.

(Kamiro: Haha.)

Kushida Kikyo wiped her eyes with joy:"It turns out that Dongfangjun has always regarded people like me as friends. I thought that someone with my status was not worthy of receiving return gifts."

Kushida Kikyo has a clear understanding of her own position. She is Arisu's dog, and also Yingyi's dog. This is the fundamental position of her existence. No matter what she wants to do, no matter what ambitions and wishes she has, she must always remember who gave her everything.

Moreover, after several months of training by Arisu, Kushida Kikyo has become a very outstanding loyal dog.

Because of this, she was moved by the fact that she received a return gift from Yingyi on White Valentine's Day.

Yingyi did not expect that this girl would have such a big reaction. Judging from her performance, it seems that this is not just a disguise......

"I said...Just a cookie"

"No! This is not just a box of cookies, it also represents Dongfang's recognition of me! Please rest assured that I will definitely create greater value in the future and will never let Sakayanagi and Dongfang down!"

"ah...oh...Well, okay. I wish you good luck in martial arts....."

After some more pleasantries, Yingyi left this place that made him feel extremely tired with the farewell of Kushida Kikyo.

‘Why aren't there any normal girls in my social circle?

Yingyi looked at the phone's address book depressedly. The only one that hadn't been sent out was Karuizawa Tachibana Akane's. As for Kamuro Masumi's share, Arisu had already eaten it all in front of her. It was around 8 o'clock last night.

Arisu was lying leisurely in a rocking chair eating cookies. Kamuro Masumi beside him had to pour black tea for Arisu in time. This was her job.

"Hey, Alice, what are you eating?"

"Ah~ It's cookies, I don't know where they came from."

Yingyi immediately noticed the packaging boxes scattered on the ground. There was no doubt that these were the cookies he prepared as a return gift.

"ah...If you really don't know where it came from,"

"What do you mean? Should I know? If the cookies are wrapped in a box, how can I know what is inside without opening the box?"

"You are right, but was the card with the name on it also thrown away?"

Arisu then slowly picked up a card thrown in the trash can and read the words on it softly:

"Kamuro-san, please take care of me in the future."

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