Hashimoto showed a bitter smile on his face.

Yes... He thought Ayanokouji was a strong man who could fight against Arisu, and thought that as long as he showed a certain sincerity, maybe that person would give him some opportunities.

Although it was not nice to say that he could not go out, he could survive in this complicated school by playing both sides and adding icing on the cake when one side needed it.

However, he ignored a huge problem. Since Ayanokouji had to hide himself from the beginning, what would he do if he knew that someone had discovered his secret and was trying to get something?

First, he would no longer hide it and be a high-profile person.

Second, he could do nothing about the other party and could only negotiate and compromise.

Third, he would use all means to make the guy who knew his secret disappear or shut up forever...

First, he could be directly eliminated, and Ayanokouji was destined to be impossible to be high-profile.

This not only violated his original intention of wanting to live an ordinary life, but would make him look more like that man.

Second, he faced people like Kageichi, Arisu, and Chabashira Sae.

If he couldn't afford to offend, he would just say it clearly and pay a certain price through negotiations with the other party in exchange for peace in life.

But if it can be done... even Ayanokouji, who has no feelings, will not be willing to negotiate obediently.

So, Hashimoto just belongs to the third type. Betray him at the most critical moment, and then let him withdraw from his own world.

As for whether this guy will announce to the whole school at the last minute that Ayanokouji is a guy with hidden strength... that kind of thing can be rest assured. Not to mention Sakayanagi in Class A who wants to duel with him, even the current chairman of the board of directors cannot watch the secret of the white room being spread to everyone.

Moreover, since Hashimoto can know all this, he should know that some secrets are better kept in his stomach.

Otherwise, he may have to say goodbye to this world.

Just as everyone was collectively attacking Hashimoto, Mashima Tomoya, who had been waiting outside the classroom for a long time, slowly walked in.

Looking at Hashimoto on the podium, he sighed slightly:"Hashimoto, you go back to your seat first."

The latter nodded slightly, still putting on that fake smile, but everyone could see that his spine was slightly bent.

Mashima Tomoya walked up to the podium, scanned the students in Class A with his eyes, and stayed on Katsuragi for a while, and then moved away.

At this moment, it is impossible to say that he is not excited. As a teacher of Class A for many years, he has long been accustomed to these disgusting farces between students.

But every time there are these betrayals, framing, and bullying, he will feel sad and blame himself.

But who should be blamed for this kind of thing?

Throw all the responsibility on Hashimoto? To put it bluntly, he is just a student. Although Mashima Satoshi does not support betraying the class to add an insurance for himself, it is not completely incomprehensible.

Then should Arisu and Yingyi be blamed? This is even more impossible. In order to eliminate the scourge of the class, they even considered the feelings of other students and achieved great success. They should be rewarded.

It must be the fault of High School Idolization Middle School! It is the school that puts great pressure on these children, so they have to do some despicable things...

I am afraid that this may not be the case. The money of the school also comes from taxpayers and national finances. It is impossible to spend huge investments and then see no results, right?

Therefore, competition and pressure are necessary. And it must be extremely cruel so that they can learn to grow continuously in adversity.

"Hashimoto-san, about your incident.....According to the rules, you have one chance to make a presentation."

Before presiding over the special exam, he must do his job as a notary public.

Mashima Tomoya's words confused the students in Class A, but it didn't matter.....Although I couldn't understand what it meant, the teacher seemed to want to give Hashimoto a chance to explain it in public?

"I said.....There is no need for this, teacher. Even if Hashimoto talks a lot, it won't change what he did in the video."

"That is to say, although I don’t know what happened. But we don’t want to listen to what Hashimoto says now, or there is no need to listen to it at all. I just want to start the special exam as soon as possible and expel this real traitor from the class."

The voices of many people kept talking, and Mashima Satoshi did not respond. Although he felt a little sorry for Hashimoto, it was all his own fault.

Hashimoto shook his head and smiled bitterly:"Haha, I don't think this is necessary.....Being a traitor is enough. I don't really want to be like this at this time....."Death struggle."

Mashima Tomoya nodded and said,"Since you give up, I can only announce that the traitor's death struggle has ended with your complete failure. As for the injured Senkawa, after the diagnosis and treatment by the school doctor, it can be confirmed that he is not seriously injured, although he needs a period of rest."

Although Senkawa doesn't have many friends, he is still a member of Class A. As a classmate on the surface, he still cares about him to some extent. What's more, he was injured in order to catch the traitor in the class.

"Then we are relieved. I hope Qianchuan can recover soon."

Katsuragi also expressed his opinion at this time:"In that case, I will go to visit him on behalf of the classmates after school. After all, Qianchuan has made great efforts in this activity of catching traitors."

"I'll leave it to you, Katsuragi-san."

"When Senkawa recovers, let's hold a celebration party together! How do you think? It's a celebration for us to have passed this inexplicable special exam, a celebration for us to have caught the traitor in the class, and a cheer for the hero of our class!"

Everyone started talking about the celebration, not caring that Hashimoto hasn't left Class A yet.

Mashima Tomoya coughed twice:"Ahem....I will talk about irrelevant things after class. I am currently in charge of the class special exam arrangement regarding the withdrawal vote.���Please keep quiet."

The result was just as mentioned above. The first place in the praise vote of Class A was Arisu, who received protection points that were basically useless to her.

The first place in the criticism vote was Hashimoto, who received a precious certificate of permission to leave school. However, this certificate only allowed him to leave, but not to return again.

Hashimoto stood up, walked to Arisu's side, and performed a poor gentleman's salute:"Your Highness, it seems that I can only assist you here."

"It seems so, but I think I will remember that there is a person like you."..............

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