"Katsuragi-san, please take a seat."

Following Qianchuan's instructions, Katsuragi slowly sat down on the chair and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It's really hard for you."

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? Isn't this what we agreed on at the beginning? We must eliminate these hidden dangers of instability for the class. This is not only for us, but also for our classmates."

"But I didn't expect that you have such a talent for acting."

The two of them smiled at each other.

In fact, there is no doubt that Senkawa is a member of the Katsuragi faction. He is indeed relatively transparent in the class, but it is precisely because of this appearance that almost no one realizes that he is actually a real"rooted man".

The so-called root can also be understood as backbone, which is often seen in the male protagonists of some hot-blooded comics. They are generally also called"Showa men".

When the Katsuragi faction was just established, Senkawa was deeply influenced by Katsuragi. This mature and stable image, dedicated to the collective, was too dazzling.

So it was completely spontaneous at the time, and he took the initiative to join the Katsuragi faction. It's just that because his mind is too delicate, he is afraid that others will stay away from him again because of his ordinary appearance. A fiery heart, so he has never shown his true appearance.

But Katsuragi guessed something through Senkawa's usual paintings and hobbies. After the preferential treatment, when the Katsuragi faction was on the verge of disbanding, he took the initiative to find Senkawa. The two talked all night and became close friends.

Originally, it was just two like-minded high school students discussing the future of society together. With Katsuragi's withdrawal from the center of the power vortex, no one noticed the specialness of Senkawa.

However, it happened that in this game, Katsuragi happened to need a capable assistant who could help him expel the traitor, so he found Senkawa.

Because the confidentiality agreement had not been signed when he found him, this matter was not considered a violation. It was similar to Yingyi's previous operation, but it was just another loophole.

After all, there is no need for carelessness and carelessness in the Highly Cultivated Middle School. Being exploited and defrauded, you can only stand at attention.

Senkawa actually felt that Hashimoto was untrustworthy a long time ago, but he was the core of the Sakayanagi faction after all, so what qualifications did he have to speak?

This time just provided me with this opportunity, and I must find this hateful traitor in front of everyone!

The two hit it off, and Senkawa deliberately exposed some problems in his family in order to attract Hashimoto's attention.

Sure enough, the night before the game started, Hashimoto found Senkawa alone, and forced Senkawa to approach Katsuragi in a threatening way and then betray him!

"But, this is really too much of a sacrifice for you......"

Katsuragi seemed to feel bad. He had no choice but to sacrifice himself for the class. But sacrificing his friend.....No matter how you think about it, it's impossible to make a comparison.

Qianchuan didn't care about this. He waved his hand carelessly:"Well...You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child. Besides, anyone can keep silent about this matter or point fingers, but I can't. What he did may be sorry for the society, but it is definitely worthy of the word man!"

Like Qianchuan, his father was once an aspiring young man with ideals. But with the arrival of the mid-life crisis, his shoulders were crushed by the heavy burden.

In the course of work, he accidentally discovered that his direct leader was about to molest one of his female colleagues. As the woman's cry for help became smaller and smaller, her sobbing became louder and louder, and the sound of her clothes tearing continued to ring, this man with faith finally found his heart again. He picked up the mop beside him and rushed towards his boss, hitting him on the back of the head.......

Later....Qianchuan's father not only lost his job, but was also almost banned from the entire industry. The female colleague wanted to speak up for her savior at first, but suddenly one day, the woman disappeared.....

Qianchuan's father became depressed because of this......Did he really do the right thing? Who did he save?,,,,If she had not rushed forward, would she have disappeared?

Unfortunately, no one could give him an answer. The boss was still the same boss, and he would continue to exploit and harass the employees in his company.

However, the heart that had just been ignited was extinguished by a series of cold water.

Qianchuan's mother looked at her husband who was drinking day after day, and took Qianchuan away from the family in anger. Before leaving, tears of heartache flashed in her eyes.

She understood her husband and supported her husband. But......Such a pillar of existence would actually become so decadent....As a wife, she certainly had the obligation to help her husband through the difficult times, but the child could not continue to grow up in such a family.

It was not until Qianchuan entered junior high school that he heard the whole story from his mother, because when the accident happened, he was just a child who knew nothing. He always thought that his father was a cold-blooded man who abandoned his wife and son. How could this be the case?....

After that, Senkawa would occasionally go back with his mother to the house where he used to live to visit his father. The man seemed to have forgotten the incident after a long period of numbness, and he could not suppress his excitement when looking at his son.

Unlike the neighbors who were pointing fingers, Senkawa felt that his father was a real hero. Although it was not a good ending in the end, what qualifications did a group of ignorant guys have to laugh at a brave man who drew his weapon against the devil?

That's probably what happened. In order to solve the plight of his family, to gain more voice to redress his father's grievances, and to realize the great dream in his heart, he came to High School for Idolization!

Katsuragi only learned about this not long ago, and for this he left a sentence:"What a great man!"

"Let’s not talk about that for now. Anyway, congratulations on your birthday, Qianchuan!"

"How can I not mention it?....The reason why I celebrated my birthday five days in advance is because today is also my father's birthday."

The two raised their glasses of juice and clinked them together, looking out the window together:"We can't let our dreams be destroyed by these egoists!"

"Ah, I will have to rely on you from now on, Qianchuan!"

"Same here, Katsuragi!"

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