"Even if you say so....But I didn't do anything."

Yingyi spread his hands innocently.

"Didn't do anything? Well, let me ask you, as the student council president, why did you stand by and watch students from two classes fighting?"

"how to say...As the saying goes, it takes two to tango, and their conflict cannot be explained in a few words. It seems that two people are fighting because of personal conflicts, but isn't this also a venting of the long-standing grievances between the two classes? In other words, what about other grades? Won't they also accumulate dissatisfaction and anger because of the high-intensity competition?"

These words also express the thoughts of many class teachers. Highly trained class teachers are generally graduates of the school, and they have also come step by step from this environment.

"But even so, you can't....."

"Mr. Matsumoto, please forgive me for being rude." Yingyi interrupted Matsumoto's speech and said,"I am just exercising the power of the student union to announce new bills that are closely related to student life and supervise them personally. To be honest, these tasks should have been handed over to the discipline committee, but considering that there would be some imperfections in the early stage, I did it myself."

"Besides, I also got the official written documents from the chairman of the board, and all my actions were in compliance with the formal procedures."

How could the teachers representing the school not know what Yingyi said? The chairman of the board was not a person who played by the rules at all. He even made drastic reforms as soon as he took office. First, he created a withdrawal exam for first-year students, and then he handed over part of the school's lifeblood to the students themselves.

I was thinking about whether to dissuade him, but he was the chairman of the board! It is no exaggeration to say that in school, the chairman of the board is the emperor, and his decision is equivalent to an imperial edict. Even if this chairman is only an acting chairman.

Matsumoto blushed and couldn't say anything. He had rehearsed countless dialogues and questions and answers in his mind, and was even prepared for a heated debate, but now he had no way out.

Indeed, with the authorization of the chairman of the board, even if there were any irreversible consequences, he, as a teacher, had no right to ask anything.

"Sakayanagi-san, do you think this is a good idea? Your father has put all his efforts into this school!"

Matsumoto turned his attention to Arisu, but unfortunately, he chose the wrong person.

"Hello, teachers."

Arisu bowed gracefully to Matsumoto and the teachers behind him.

"Ah, Gui'an"


Matsumoto, I do know what this school means to my father.

But just as my father chose to trust Higashikata-kun and gave him the vote for the student council president.

I also trust Higashikata-kun.

And I don’t think it’s wrong to allow acts of violence, because this can more truly reflect what this society will look like in the future.

"What else can Matsumoto and the others say now? Regardless of public or private matters, Higashikata Yingyi has the upper hand in this matter.

They can only pray that Chairman Sakayanagi will return soon and quickly dispel the depressing atmosphere above the school!

The teachers slowly left with heavy steps, leaving only Yingyi and Arisu. The two looked at each other, linked their arms and walked towards Class A.......

On the other side, the health room

"Teacher Hoshinomiya! Teacher Hoshinomiya! Hurry up and check on Hirata-kun!!"

Hoshinomiya, who was dozing on the desk, was suddenly awakened by Wang Meiyu's shouting and a large wave of footsteps.

""Hey?! Okay, okay. Please lay him flat on the bed."

Fortunately, as a health teacher, she still had her professional ethics and sorted out the situation in time and made arrangements.

After about fifteen minutes of careful inspection, Xing Zhigong pulled open the white isolation curtain with some fatigue.

"Teacher Hoshinomiya! Hirata...How is Hirata-kun?"

The first one to rush forward was Wang Meiyu. She was originally shy and no longer concealed her concern. What happened today was too much of a shock to this girl.

First, Hirata Yosuke seemed to have asked Karuizawa to discuss getting back together. Then, Hirata, with a gloomy face, revealed the disgusting frame-up plan in front of the whole class.

When he learned that all this was true, Hirata suddenly lost his mind, turned into another stranger, slammed the door and left.

Who would have thought that on his way out he would actually meet Ryuen, and the two of them fought each other. Hirata is now unconscious......

Xing Zhigong subconsciously wanted to tease this student. The other party now looked like a little girl who had fallen in love, which made her playful for a while.

However, when she saw that there were many classmates from Class D behind her who were eager to know the result, she could only put away her playful thoughts and sighed:

"Alas. His injury is not serious. At present, it seems that he is in a coma due to excessive physical exhaustion. However, what the teacher did not expect is that Hirata-kun in your class would actually fight with others."

"It's not Hirata-kun who wants to fight!......."

Wang Meiyu then realized that she might have acted too aggressively.....She is not related to Hirata, but now she acts as if.....

However, after she learned that Hirata was safe and sound, she finally felt relieved.

"What is it?"

""Teacher Hoshinomiya, this is not important." Horikita

Suzune stepped forward and answered Hoshinomiya's question. It was obvious that the latter wanted to extract information from Wang Meiyu. How could Horikita let her succeed?

"It's not important, of course it's not important. No matter what the injury is, no matter what Hirata-kun did, as long as you are injured or need help, you can come to me!"

Hoshinomiya is also a seasoned man. When he couldn't get the conversation going, he simply changed the subject:"It's just that the teacher also liked boys like Hirata-kun back then. Usually gentle, sunny and handsome, reliable, strong and safe at critical moments. Haha, as expected, there are many girls in your class who like him~"

Wang Meiyu's face suddenly turned a little red, but Horikita Suzune seemed to have heard nothing.

"Horikita-san, you are becoming more and more like Sae-sae~ Girls should smile more, smiling more is cute~ That's how boys will like you"

"I don't need other people's likes, let alone boys' likes. Since Hirata is fine, I'll leave."

Horikita left with a large group of students. Although they were concerned about Hirata, they just wanted to know that the result was a good one. Now they faced a huge problem: the special exam!

The interest of everyone in Class D dropped, and soon only Wang Meiyu and Kushida Kikyo were left in the health room.

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