Therefore, as time gets closer to the day of the special exam, the D class is filled with a strange atmosphere.

It's like a huge trap was suddenly opened without anyone noticing.

Yamauchi's plan did not include Horikita Suzune and the people in Ayanokouji's group. In addition, Hirata Yosuke was also unaware of this plan. Karuizawa and Kushida Kikyo asked their rulers how to choose, and the answers they got were all"Just be happy".

Kushida Kikyo's dislike for Ayanokouji was no less than Horikita Suzune's, so she did not hesitate to use her socialite attributes and pulled many D class students to join this plan.

It can be said that without her pulling the strings, this"conspiracy" would not have been carried out so smoothly.

Karuizawa felt that it didn't matter, at this time, just make the same decision as everyone else.

Although Matsushita meant to exclude useless people in the class, such as Yamauchi himself.

But the current trend is to secretly vote for Ayanokouji. Their small group can't do anything.

Finally, there is only one day left before the special exam.

Hirata Yosuke has been feeling that the atmosphere is weird these past two days, as if his classmates suddenly have some secrets about him.

At first, he didn't think much about it, as it is normal for classmates to have a gap. Even if everyone doesn't want to say something, that's everyone's freedom.

But now... this weird atmosphere seems to have reached its peak.

Ayanokouji knew that it was time for him to act. Yamauchi's actions were told to the Ayanokouji group and Horikita Suzune by him early on. Although everyone didn't quite understand why they didn't expose the conspiracy, there was no doubt that they all had absolute confidence in Ayanokouji.

Since he didn't act, does that mean he's still planning?

Only Horikita Suzune thought more, would Ayanokouji be a risk-takers? No, he's definitely not that kind of person.

Yamauchi's actions will basically succeed, because everyone thinks so. Unless everyone suddenly changes their minds and votes for another person.

Although Yamauchi executed the plan, he didn't participate in the whole process. He just told a few influential classmates that if they just chose a person with no friends and no sense of existence to steal, wouldn't they be able to protect everyone? Something like that.

Then, it was inadvertently brought out that Ayanokouji was such a person. Send him away, and Class D will still be Class D, and the sun will rise tomorrow. Don't you want to protect your partners?

Several small groups also think this is a good idea. It is always better to have a goal than to vote randomly, and no one wants themselves or their good friends to be sent away.

After discussing for a while, they agreed to this plan. So they began to unite secretly, and because of the left and right adhesion of Kikyo Kushida, the alliance of dropouts Ayanokouji became very strong.

So this also led to the fact that if Ayanokouji had evidence to identify Yamauchi as a traitor, he would suddenly attack on the day of the exam.

Then the situation would be reversed! If the rest of the people continued to vote for Ayanokouji, they would become scum who framed their classmates, although the vote itself was anonymous.

But in this case, the whole class would fall apart. Who would want to be in the same room with a group of hungry wolves who would bite them to death at any time?

I'm afraid even these hungry wolves themselves would not be at ease.

Therefore, they would be indignant and throw all the responsibility to Yamauchi!

‘So that guy is targeting Yamauchi Haruki! '

Horikita Suzune came to such a conclusion, but what she didn't understand was why Yamauchi would do this? And she didn't think Yamauchi had such a mind and courage.

If Ayanokouji hadn't planned to drop out of school from the beginning, then there was only one possibility.

The outside class and Yamauchi colluded in this exam!

Horikita Suzune's pupils shrank. The mastermind behind the scenes must know Ayanokouji's strength, otherwise this targeted action would be meaningless.

Ichinose can be ruled out, and Class B would never use such a strategy...

Here, Horikita Suzune had a preconceived notion that Class B was still the same group of Mianyang. In fact, this class has already faintly shown a"dark will".

Although it is still in its infancy, it does not mean that they are still a group of saints.


Excluding Class B, there are only Class AC, and both of these classes are likely to do such a thing.

After thinking for a long time, there seems to be no conclusion, but since Ayanokouji doesn't care about this kind of thing at all, she will not worry about it anymore.

Vote for Ayanokouji and vote for Yamauchi. For the other votes, we need to analyze who is useful to the class and who is not.

So, Ayanokouji walked to Hirata's side.:

"That's Hirata."

""What's wrong? Ayanokouji-san."

Hirata Yosuke asked gently.

"Nothing, I just feel the atmosphere in the class is weird"

"Do you have the same feeling?"

This time, Hirata Yosuke no longer thought it was an illusion. The secret brought either surprise or shock.

"Ah. And I feel like a lot of people would look at me from time to time during class. And the class now is really good."

""Hey? What do you mean?"

Hirata didn't understand what Ayanokouji said in the second half of the sentence. It seemed to be sarcastic, but this Ayanokouji didn't seem to be such a sharp-tongued person.

And his classmates would look at him from time to time?

"Ah, at least now the class doesn't have the anxious atmosphere that it had when the exam was first announced."

That's enough. With Hirata's mind, it's easy to imagine what might happen.

The students are relieved... which means they have confidence that they can get through the exam safely. The source of this confidence is……

"That is to say……"

Ling Xiaolu tilted his head expressionlessly, pretending to know nothing, saying that everything was just your own inference.

Hirata Yosuke's expression suddenly became gloomy. Did the thing he hated the most happen again?!

‘Please...please don't be like that...please...I don't want……’

As if possessed, Hirata Yosuke kept mumbling something.

And none of this escaped Ayanokouji's eyes. Sure enough... could this be the reason why Hirata was assigned to Class D?

The more outstanding the ability of the students in Class D, the greater his character flaws must be.

After a long time. Hirata Yosuke seemed to have recovered and comforted Ayanokouji:"It's okay, Ayanokouji. I swear to protect you. I swear... I will do it." However,

Ayanokouji thought that this consolation was actually said to himself.

Since the goal had been achieved, Ayanokouji did not stay any longer and turned back to his seat to daydream.

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