Arisu told Yingyi what happened just now. She believed that Ichinose would make a decision that would satisfy her.

Because, that was Class B.

"Come to think of it, Ryuen has contacted me before, but I never responded. I guess it's because of our extracurricular appreciation votes."

"That's about it. That guy doesn't have a good relationship with people. There are countless people in Class C who want him to drop out. It's just a pity that I can't vote for him."

"But, he wants to do business with me, what should I ask for?"

Yingyi is already choosing a house and a car. The one who is anxious about this deal should be Ryuen. Arisu has definitely got the praise votes from Class B. Even if he doesn't get them, they will not vote for Ryuen.

This guy is a rat in this grade. Basically, there is no student who doesn't want him to drop out.

Not to mention the students in Class D. They will probably only vote for the boys and goddesses they like, or make an appointment with a few other friends to vote for each other.

"Don't you think that Class C is a great tool? Take this opportunity to take them down step by step. Now let the tyrant help you clean up the internal hygiene."

"Don't say that too much. I don't see them as tools. They are all useful people, especially to me."

That day, Long Yuan called twice and sent several messages, all of which were deliberately ignored by Ying Yi. Until twelve o'clock that night, a hurried phone ring rang, and the white ball in Ying Yi's arms arched his body in dissatisfaction.

"It must be that guy again. He's really annoying."

Ying Yi calmed the princess down, and after she fell asleep, he picked up his phone and walked out the door:"I said....Is there anything you can't say during the day?"


Long Yuan on the other end of the phone was almost angry. During the day? Will you come back if I call you during the day?

But he couldn't lose his temper now, because he had to ask for help.

"Scar on face....I'm waiting for you at the vending machine downstairs in the dormitory."

"Tsk. You're sick. You can just blow the cold wind down there. I'm going to go back and rest!"

Yingyi hung up the phone. Is this the attitude of Ryuen begging for help? He didn't even ask, and he still wanted him to go down. It was just a dream.

After turning off his phone, he returned to the bed, picked up his one-to-one figurine of Arisu, and entered the dreamland.

At dawn the next day, Yingyi yawned. Before preparing breakfast for Arisu, he wanted to go downstairs to breathe some fresh air. As a result, he saw a shivering figure next to the vending machine.

When he got closer, it turned out that this guy had really been waiting here all night......

"I said, do you really need to work so hard? Isn't there still some time before the exam?...."

Long Yuan was shivering and unable to speak, partly because he had caught a cold, and partly because he was filled with endless anger.

He didn't know if it was because the other person looked too pitiful, or if Ying Yi suddenly felt guilty and bought him a can of hot drink.

"Just say it directly. I will make a decision based on your sincerity."

Ying Yi brought up the topic straight away. Anyway, there was nothing between him and Ryuen except for the interests. Friendship? If a person like Ryuen really established a friendship, it must be very deep. It's just that this process is extremely tortuous.

Ryuen opened the drink and drank it. After a burp, he said his request:"Please put it simply. You should be able to guess that I need your votes of appreciation. And I can help you eliminate a traitor in the class."

"Yes. But there is no need. Because what that guy did cannot be hidden from the two of us. Even without your help, we can expel him."

"Tsk. That guy is really pitiful......."

At this moment, Ryuen seemed to still have the energy to lament the pitiful lives of others. He drank the rest of the drink, crushed the can and threw it on the ground, then kicked it away.

"I said, your behavior will be considered a violation of school rules."

"Who cares about that? Just tell me, you should have decided what you want

, right?"Ryuen thought he had nothing anyway. Points? This guy doesn't care about his little bit. And this exam is a vote within the class, and it doesn't involve cooperation between the two classes.

So just like Ichinose, as long as he thinks Yingyi's conditions are okay, he will agree. He is flexible.

"Before I make a request, I want to ask you a question. Although there are countless people in Class C who hate you, there should be many people who want to keep you. Even if you really want to avoid being expelled, you don't have to ask me for the praise votes of the entire Class A, right?"

Long Yuan curled his lips. Of course, what he wanted was not as simple as not being expelled, but the protection points of the winner.’!

"I said, this acting chairman immediately held an exam against us, and the punishment was expulsion. Obviously, the competition in the class will be more intense in the future. So why give out protection points? Wouldn't it be better to give individual points?"

"Protection points cannot be transferred, they can only protect yourself from being expelled. Therefore, only after getting these points can you put yourself in the most dangerous position to command the whole class. Don't tell me that Sakayanagi doesn't think so."Tsukishiro

's goal this time is to expel Ayanokouji, and since this is to be done, future exams will basically carry the punishment of expulsion.

Therefore, Ryuen's guess is basically correct.

""Okay. You are worthy of me."

Long Yuan did not feel proud of this sentence. He was more concerned about what conditions the other party would propose next. Because the two of them were familiar with each other, he would definitely ask for a high price.

"Stop talking about this and tell me what you want in order to vote for me?"

"Simple, what I want is for you, Class C, to cooperate with me in the future."

"Huh? Hey, hey, you are not stupid. You want our class to be your dogs for just a few tickets?!"

No wonder Long Yuan overreacted. In fact, Ying hadn't finished speaking yet:"Don't get excited. In fact, what I want is that your class can cooperate with me in the future cross-grade competition. This is also a good thing for you, right?"

"Cross-gradeDo you know something?"

"Don't try to trick me. If you agree, we'll sign the contract. If you don't agree, I'll leave immediately."

Long Yuan quickly blocked Ying Yi's direction of departure. He seemed to be calculating. He didn't lose money on this deal. But was this guy really so kind?

"What do you want?"

Ying Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, so he turned around and left. To tell the truth, he didn't believe it, and it was no use telling a lie. It would take a long time to explain, so forget it. Anyway, he didn't need any protection points.

Just when Ying Yi walked out forty or fifty meters, he suddenly felt a figure running behind him.....

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