"Oh, it's Dongfang, the president of the student council. What can I do for you?"

Yue Cheng was looking at the boy sitting on the sofa with a smile on his face, but he stood up straight, as if the positions of the president and the student had been reversed.

Ying glanced at Yue Cheng calmly:"Hehe, I know who sent you here, and I'm sure you know who I am too."

"Hahaha, Dongfang Jun is really a quick-witted person. That's right, I am the subordinate sent by Master Ayanokouji to bring his child back."

Yingyi's disgust naturally could not escape Yuecheng's perception, but after all, that was his identity. It was normal to be hated by some people for working for that master. So he didn't care, but directly admitted the purpose of his trip.

"In the end, it's none of my business what you want to do. Whether Ayanokouji drops out or not, it's your freedom. As long as it goes through due process, the student council won't do anything. But I still have to say something in advance. Although the special exam was proposed by the school, it must be reviewed and revised by the student council before it can be officially implemented. And this time, you obviously broke the school's rules....."

Yingyi stated his position. Although Arisu did not intend to make any changes to the exam, and Ayanokouji would never be expelled so easily, Arisu would naturally have the opportunity to compete with him in the future. Therefore, Yingyi just wanted to blackmail him this time.

As a shrewd man who has lived for decades, Tsukishiro can guess some things without the other party saying them. If Yingyi intended to reject the exam or modify the exam itself, he would have said it directly.

Instead of telling him the rules like now.

He laughed on the spot:"Hahahaha, it was my oversight. I wonder what the student council president is planning?"

"Intend...That depends on what the acting chairman is willing to pay."

"Twenty million personal points! What do you think?"

The twenty million is more of an insurance policy. Yuecheng doesn't want his plan to get complicated. He doesn't want to offend Yingyi, the student council president, or Yingyi, the representative of the Dongfang family. Anyway

, he can still afford twenty million.

Yingyi shook his head:"Twenty million may be a huge sum of money for others, but it's nothing to me. And for you, these twenty million should be just a drop in the bucket, right?"

Bargaining is a natural requirement in business. Yuecheng has a lot of personal points that can be used, but there is also an upper limit. If it exceeds the limit, he will be impeached and removed from office immediately, and the best outcome at that time will be that Lord Ayanokouji will cripple his limbs and tongue, dig out his eyes, and lock him up in prison for the rest of his life.

Therefore, he asked for twenty million just to test Yingyi's bottom line.

"Haha, that's right. How about this, I'll offer 40 million personal points, Dongfang, 40 million. Even I can't use more."

Yue Cheng's words were half true and half false. As a newcomer, he naturally didn't have much money to squander, but it was definitely not just 40 million.

Ying Yi lowered his head and thought for a while. 40 million plus the points he had on hand was already more than 120 million. He didn't intend to break the rules of this school, so the points above were probably just numbers.

"Forty million. Plus I want to get a permission from you. I promise to turn a blind eye to your actions."

Yue Cheng was also confused at this time. Authority and so on. Not to mention that he already had great authority as the student council president, even if he directly managed the authority requested by the president, it would be a bad thing. Yue Cheng decided to ask first.

"What authority does Higashikata want? To be honest, although I am the acting chairman, there are many things that I cannot decide, and this is also the case with Chairman Sakayanagi."

"What I want is the legislative power of the student union"...................

"legislative power.....I'm afraid this...."

Of course, this cannot be agreed to! What is legislative power? This is the authority to set school rules! Although restricted by the S system, many school rules have been locked and cannot be changed, or new conflicting school rules have emerged.

But at the same time, there are still many school rules that can be changed and newly set. Just like the class supervision period proposed by Yingyi before, this is a newly set school rule.

Chairman Sakayanagi doesn't use this authority very much because in his eyes, the school is already relatively complete, and making rash changes will be counterproductive.

"As we all know, the school's legislative power lies in the hands of the school and the student union. However, the school rules in the hands of the student union can only be related to the students themselves, and must not involve the school level and the S system level. And the student union's proposals may be rejected. Therefore, I want to obtain the right of independent approval."

It is related to students. Although it sounds very broad, such as students' personal freedom, students' expulsion penalties, conflict mediation between students, and students' discipline issues.

But many of them have been locked, so the student union's authority is also very limited. Since the establishment of the school, the school rules have not been revised many times. The joint vote proposed by Yingyi before did not belong to the revision of the school rules, but to his own proposal to the school.

Therefore, the legislative power of the student union is more reflected in the mediation of conflicts between students and students' usual discipline issues.

"if it is like this....I can promise you for the time being. But classmate Dongfang must promise that the authority you ask for will never cause any trouble to my actions."

Yuecheng gritted his teeth. It was fine to give him this kind of power. After all, what did it have to do with him what the school would become after the son of that adult dropped out?

Ying nodded:"Of course, as long as your actions don't hinder me, I don't bother to care about your trivial matters."

In fact, if you ask Uncle Sakayanagi for this authority, he should give it to you, but you will surely encounter a lot of resistance.

Although the chairman has almost unlimited power, he still has to explain to the school when necessary. It is unprecedented to give the student-level legislative power to the student union, and no one can guarantee that this will not harm the foundation of the school.

On the other hand, there is no need for this. If Yingyi really wants to change something, he can just tell Uncle Sakayanagi and explain it. But now it is another person who makes the decision, so it is better to take this power.

Yingyi finished the coffee in the cup, and after confirming that the other party transferred 40 million through a special account, he walked out of the chairman's office directly, obviously not giving him any face.

Yuecheng didn't care at all. As a small person, he had the awareness of being ignored. The Dongfang family and that adult were not big figures that he could afford to talk about. If he wanted to live long, he had to abandon his temper.

Instead, he smiled and sent Yingyi off respectfully.

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