On the fifth night of the special exam, Horikita Manabu arrived at the door of Yingyi's dormitory.

"Boom boom boom"

"Please come in."

Horikita Manabu opened the door and walked straight in. Everyone in the dormitory saw that it was Horikita Manabu and guessed that he was here to see Yingyi. Ryuen looked nonchalant:

"Sorry, former president. If you're looking for our group leader, we don't know where he is."

"It's okay, if you don't mind, I want to wait for him here"

"Oh, it's up to you, but it's not impossible for that guy not to come back to rest." Ryuen responded and then ignored Horikita Manabu, letting him pull out a chair and sit down.

But the others were not as rude as Ryuen, especially since Horikita Manabu was not only a senior whom they admired very much, but also the person in charge of the exam group this time.

Katsuragi took the lead in pouring a glass of water for Horikita Manabu.

The latter thanked him and took a sip, then looked at Katsuragi in front of him and sighed:"Katsuragi-san, about why I didn't allow you to join the student union before, I think you have probably heard the reason from Dongfang."

"Yes, I originally thought it was because of my lack of ability, but I didn't expect that there would be so-called party disputes within the student union."

Others also became curious and listened to the gossip. Anyway, they had nothing to do.

"I'm glad you can understand. To be honest, if Dongfang hadn't made this choice, the school would probably be controlled by him now. And if that were the case, someone would definitely drop out of this exam."

He knew the others very well, none other than Nanyun Ya, another former vice president of the student union. And this guy is also a second-year integrator. Judging from his grades alone, no student in the school can compare to him.

Long Yuan curled his lips:"Dropping out of school is not necessarily a bad thing. Or is the former student union president a naive person who dreams of a happy ending like making dumplings like a sheep?"

"I never think that this school should or could have a situation where no one drops out. The school's finances come from the national finances, and the national finances come from taxpayers. There is no need to support a group of useless people."

Horikito Manabu paused:"But I can't watch someone take control of almost all the classes in the school and do whatever he wants, turning this place into his own paradise.

After all, this is a school, not a cruel hell.

" Schools should take teaching and educating as the first principle.

Although High School Idolization Middle School is rather peculiar, the entire school is full of so-called student self-cultivation, in other words, a laissez-faire policy, where everything is decided by the students themselves, and great pressure is exerted on the students, making them miserable.

But even so, the essence of High School Idolization is still a school.

If there really is so-called elimination and cruelty everywhere, then it would go against the original intention of the school.

"That's true, but there are too many ugly guys in this school. If they are not eradicated, their ugliness will surely spread to every plant and tree in the school."A voice with an accent came from an upper bunk in the corner.

"Therefore, I myself have no intention of abolishing all future expulsion penalties."

Yingyi said as he opened the door of the room and walked in, just in time to hear Gaoyuan Temple complaining about the shit in his eyes.

He looked at Horikita Manabu and bowed slightly:"Hello, Horikita Senior"

"Good evening"

After the two greeted each other, the whole room fell silent. After a long while, Ishizaki's weak voice came over:"That...Do we need to avoid it?"

He did not forget to look in the direction of Ryuen. As long as his elder brother was dissatisfied, he would immediately take back what he had just said. However, Ryuen did not make any statement, and seemed to have tacitly agreed that Ishizaki could say so.

The latter then asked his question with peace of mind.

"I don't care. Dongfang, you decide."

"......I don't mind. The reason you came to see me is nothing more than about that guy, and at least the people here won't stand on his side, so it's okay."

Needless to say, Class A, Katsuragi is now firmly in the Eastern faction, and the other two are firmly in the Sakayanagi faction, and although the other one has some small ideas, he is not stupid enough to do anything unnecessary at this juncture.

The advantage of the four people in Class B is that they don't have any conspiracies or tricks, and they will not betray their companions in the same group.

With Ryuuen's personality in Class C, he might really stab Kageichi one day, but it will definitely not be this time. This tyrant will probably stay quiet for a long time before cleaning up his mess. The three people in Class D have two maverick divine beasts and a firm Horikita faction. They will not betray Horikita's brother for the sake of currying favor.

Horikita Manabu glanced at everyone and nodded:"Okay."

Then, Horikita Manabu recounted what had happened in the past few days. That Ikari had been maliciously holding back the class from the beginning until now, and skipping classes was a regular occurrence. And he repeatedly used his authority as the person in charge to make Akane Tachibana do some troublesome and thankless things.

If this continued, it was inevitable that Akane Tachibana would be dragged down with her, and the other party was too lazy to even pretend now.

Horikita Manabu himself adopted Yingyi's suggestion and bribed the person in charge of Asahina's group at the cost of 10 million personal points, and would also give her tasks such as breakfast or cleaning.

Although this was very unfair to this innocent girl, Horikita Manabu could only apologize secretly and continue to act. If he wanted to protect Akane Tachibana, he had to sacrifice some innocent people..

Things have been going smoothly so far, and basically in line with the expectations of Yingyi and Horikita Manabu, but the story that Horikita Manabu told next made Yingyi and Kanzaki a little furious.

The story started the day before yesterday.

Nanyun did want to use Igari to bury Tachibana Akane with him in order to defeat Horikita Manabu. But how could he let go of the first-year student he hated the most?

Thinking that Yingyi and Horikita Manabu would definitely join forces, it is normal to think that he would attack others. Therefore, Igari's actions will most likely be discovered, so if that's the case, we can't put our hopes here. It's just right that I can use the trick against him. Igari continues to act, and at the same time, as an obvious move, he deliberately diverts the attention of Yingyi and Horikita Manabu. In fact, the hidden chess piece he prepared was just for Yingyi.

Class A is basically a united front now, and Arisu, who is apparently the closest to Kageichi, is definitely not an easy target. If things go wrong, he might even be defeated.

So Nanyun set his target on someone who is easy to defeat and has a relationship with Kageichi. Although such behavior may be considered despicable and even childish, as long as he can make you look stunned and let you know that all this is caused by you, Nanyun has already won.

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