Ordered to Marry Thrice, The Mysterious Wangfei

Chapter 314: don't look too small.

Hua Yuman took a look at the letter, and his look was heavy. The blue and blue letter said that Hailan Wang was suicidal. Now there are three deeds in the sea blue kingdom. One is to let Hailan Xuan inherit the throne, and the other is Let Hailan 琛 inherit the throne, and the third is to let the blue feather princess inherit the throne. Now the whole sea blue kingdom is chaotic, and Hailan Xuan makes it better for them not to appear in the sea blue kingdom.

After a moment of silence, Hua Yuman suddenly realized that why the sea blue king would let her take the jade as a flower language.

"Small feathers, it is not as good as the night to accompany the flower language to the sea blue kingdom!" Thirteen hearts sighed.

Yesterday, Sihua and Huayu said that they wanted to live in seclusion, but now they have to appear in the Kingdom of Hailan.

"Okay." There is no time to delay. The two of them went to the Jiuyi Tower, and the jade key was thrown directly to the Kingdom of the Sea Blue.

When the banner of the symbolic flower above the blue square of the Blue Lake was inserted, the people of the Kingdom of the Blue Sea were surprised and came to this side.

Soon, the sacred ministers of Hailanxuan, Hailanyu and Hailan Kingdom also came to the Blue Lake. Everyone knows that the flower language is a supreme mysterious existence. The king of the sea blue also mentioned before the death. There is a correct call in the flower language. It was handed over to the flower language by the emperor, so everyone will take it all at this time. The hope is pinned on the flower language.

"Flower girl, may I ask if the emperor has given you a call?" Hai Lan's look became very weird, and the throne was in front of him. He said that it is definitely a fake.

He was afraid that the flower words would break his good deeds at the moment, so he would rather have no such call.

The flower language glanced at the person standing on the edge, and according to the command of the sea blue king, took a bright yellow imperial edict from the gossip figure at the top of the three-party tower. Everyone took a breath, because this is obviously a will.


Hua Yuman took a look at it. He flashed a burst of surprises and hesitated. She handed her will to her most familiar general. "General, let's read it!"

General Haishu stunned, took over the sacred decree, read it out, "Fengtian carrier, the emperor 诏曰: the son of Qianwang, Hailan Xuan, also my emperor, the character is precious, deep Xiaoxi, will be able to inherit Followed by the emperor, the emperor... In addition, the emperor and the queen loved each other for many years, and they were buried in the imperial tomb, long companion side!"

If the first emperor is not the new emperor, it is the last one. After the death of the queen, it will shock everyone. It is the sea blue, and you must know that the will of the emperor is the queen. The ones came out, but the ministers were controversial, and no one would compromise them. Until someone took out the will of Princess Lan Yu as the queen, all the talents were divided into three factions. Of course, the support for the blue feather princess is definitely At least, there are only a few people headed by General Haishu.

Hai Lanzhen believes that he has grasped 50% of his own, but now, the will of the flower language has broken his king's dream. He is very unwilling, but he has no big noise, but he is serious: "May this is also a The fake will, the real will should be with the jade, but now the entire palace has been rummaged, and did not see the jade, the emperor's meaning may be, whoever finds jade, whoever inherits the throne."

The words of Hailan’s words made many ministers silent, because Yuxi did not find it. No matter which one is to be followed, it is impossible for anyone to be able to justify the new emperor.

Some people also put forward arguments. "This is too playful. Whoever finds the jade, whoever inherits the throne, if the old man or a person finds the jade, they can be the emperor."

"Of course not, only me, Hailan Xuan, Blue Feather Princess three, who first found the jade, who is the new emperor, if not I first find, I voluntarily surrender to the new emperor, and never give up the heart..." Hai Lanyi raised his hand Swear, because he knows, the queen will definitely help him find the jade.

When he is an emperor, the queen does not have to die, and Hai Lanxuan succeeds to the throne. The testament that has just been taken out by the flower language must be true and must be fulfilled. The queen will not escape the end of the funeral, but everyone should not want to die. !

"Just do it!" The people who supported the sea blue began to squat, and soon more and more people expressed their support for the proposal of Hailan.

Finally, Hailan Xuan also nodded, "That should be done!"

General Haiyan couldn't help but say a little more, "But the blue feather princess hasn't arrived yet. Is this not fair?"

"When a woman is a queen, she will quit directly." Someone snorted unhappyly. It is a man who has always been a man since ancient times. This rushes out to a princess who has no sense of existence. The unhappy people are gone. However, some people who support Hailan Xuan do not agree, even if people know that Hailan is the so-called blue feather princess.

"That is, a woman can manage a country, do not follow the position, sit on the throne every day and cry..." Someone sneered, surrounded by a discussion.

Hua Yuman was very depressed. Although she did not want to be an emperor's thought, she could be said that her heart was really uncomfortable. What happened to a woman, is a woman really useless?

Thirteen quietly patted her hand and signaled her emotions not to be affected by these people.

Hua Yuman nodded and coughed a little, and the tone was cold: "You don't have to look for it, Yuxi is here!"

Everyone stayed in the woods for a long time, and they couldn’t find their own voice for a long time. It was General Haidi who first asked the voice. "Flower girl, are you really talking?"

Hua Yuman nodded seriously. "This girl is not so busy to lie. This will is true. The jade is naturally true. If it is not for the Blue King, the flower language will not come from looking for boring."

She waved her hand, and a flash of light flashed across the top of the three-party tower. A cluster of petal clouds carried a majestic dragon-shaped jade, slowly descending, and gently stopped in front of the flower language.

Everyone immediately squatted down, because this is indeed the country of the sea blue kingdom, see the jade like the emperor...

"Hai Lan Xuan, come up and take the jade, let you inherit the will of Hailan Wang, be a good emperor of patriotism and love for the people."

! "Flower said a serious sentence, the hand waved, the petals have moved to the front of Hailan Xuan.

Hailan was standing next to Hailan Xuan. He stood up and just wanted to reach out to get the jade, and he was bounced to the side by a strange force. The body suddenly rushed.

The flower language is very disgusting to look at the sea blue dragonfly. "The girl's divination ability has disappeared, but the power is not weak, don't look too small."

The words of Huayu undoubtedly gave the people a bad thought in the presence. The people who are eager to move have a good sound and they are all spirited.

This Hailan Hyun has the refuge of the flower language. Naturally, no one dares to compete with him for the throne. However, several ministers who originally supported the blue feather princess also turned to support the blue and blue, and because some people are based on the majesty of the flower language, the sea blue Some people on the other side began to rebel, and the momentum soon showed a one-sided phenomenon.

The general trend has gone, Hailan has to surrender, otherwise, waiting for him may be death, or something more terrible than death, so he is silent.

At this time someone raised an objection, "What about the queen?"

Although Hua Yuman did not approve of the custom of burial, but when she thought of the will of Hailan Wang and his unknown cause of death, she nodded her head. "According to the will of the emperor, Hailan Xuan, you come with me."

Said, she flashed into shape, the person has stood on the lake of the blue lake, she bounced her fingers, countless petals floating on the water, gently waved her hand, this flower together with this small circle of water has When it was made into ice, Hailan Xuan stood on the ice when he came over.

The two of them stood above the lake and seemed to be talking about something, but everyone did not know what they were talking about, so everyone was guessing that after a slap of tea, everyone only saw a flash of light and flowers. It’s time for them to come, as if she has never left.

After seeing the mysterious martial arts of the flower language, everyone consciously closed their mouths. After a while, everyone went down the tripartite tower, and the flower language and her husband once again joined hands.

When the people on the three squares left, a flash of light flashed, and the thirteen emperors and the thirteen kings appeared in the three square towers. The two looked at each other and went directly to the palace of the sea blue kingdom.

The blue feather princess came, and the news shocked the palace. Everyone was thinking, is this blue feather princess and their new emperor also conflict, some people are nervous, some people are confused, others are happy, waiting to watch the play. However, everyone was disappointed, because Hailan Hyun personally came out to greet, and set the highest specification of the palace feast to perform the blue feather princess couple.

Although it is a feast, there are only three people who can enjoy it. The dishes are served and the whole hall is quiet.

Thirteen to the sea blue tossed a glass of wine, "Come, drink a cup!"

Hailan shook his nod, and gave it to the face. In the lower abdomen, he wiped his lower lip and sighed: "I don't think one day we will sit down and eat together."

"Happy, not everyone can be an emperor." Hua Yuman smiled and gave Hailan Xuan and 13 people a glass of wine.

Because it was Man's help for him, Hailan Xuan was very slow and slow to drink this time. A small mouthful of mouthfuls, I was afraid that I would finish it all at once, and I could no longer recall the taste of Man.

Thirteen's look was a little cold, but also a bit helpless, Hailan Xuan's depressed, let him understand his own fortune.

Hua Yuman didn't think so much. She just fell into her own thinking. For a while, she looked up and looked at Hai Lanxuan seriously. "When did the election start?"

When Hailan shook his face, he couldn’t bring it up later.

- End of this chapter -

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