Hua Yuman, who was sleeping, seemed to hear his voice. He smiled sweetly and turned to sleep with satisfaction.

Thirteen looked at her cute look and couldn't help but smile, bent over her forehead and kissed her.

Staring at her sleeping face for a while, Thirteen left the room, and on the other side, Mi Xuexue and Feng Yin were waiting for him there.

"Is it all right?" The snow marks were also seen from the eyes of Thirteen. Everything is fine.

Thirteen sat down and took a sip of tea before sinking his face and nodded. "This Feng Mohan is getting more and more daring." Actually, he entered the room with small feathers, and deliberately picked the time he was absent. He wants to marry his feet.

Mi Xuexue hesitated. "Is it to confirm the identity of Shantou?"

"Oh, no matter what he is for, he must let him suffer a bit." Thirteen thoughts turned, and soon there was a plan.

"Let the lucidity prepare for medicine..."

Feng concealed his eyes, "Master, what kind of medicine is better?" To know that the body quality of Feng Mohan is special, not very good to deal with.

Thirteen of the mouth of the mouth took a moment, "easy and quick, just let the medicine."

The snow marks a glimpse, and for a moment I couldn’t hold back and laughed. "Haha, away from thirteen, how are you so talented."

This may be the most gentle revenge since the thirteenth history. Sure enough, following the gimmick is turning **** and becoming good.

Thirteen smashed the scorpion, and a trace of evil was exposed. "Do you think this punishment is too unfamiliar?"

Mi Xuexue shook his head again and again, how dare he say that!

Turned around thirteen, added a sentence, "The poison can not be, it is not appropriate, the best drug, half a month difficult to heal ..."

Feng hides his lips and laughs. "Master, let me do it this time!"

He was very happy to see the patriarch of the Feng nationality.

To know that the harvest of the restaurant is a lady, it is a breeze to go there to get a little trick...

Thirteen waved his hand, "Go!"

After the completion of the account, thirteenth then took a shower and went back to the room, holding a small feather sweet dream.

On the second day of the hustle and bustle, Hua Yuman did not get up yet, and he received two books on the law of the Philippine Mohan. One of the records is the experience and experience of Feng Mohan’s so many years of practice. One is the treasure of the Feng nationality, the Tongtian array of law.

A letter was sent at the same time as the two books. The general idea is that Feng Mohan’s body is very small. In the next few days, she can’t teach her the tactics again, let her study by herself, and her thoughts are sent to her. She looked at it for a while, and then he came back to retrieve it.

After reading it, the eleventh smashed the letter of Feng Mohan into a ball, and finally pinched it into a powder and accurately threw it into the trash can.

"Little feathers, you should read at home these days, you don't have to get up every day."

With this book of law, coupled with his understanding and guidance, I believe that without the phoenix cold, small feathers can also make a big difference.

Looking at the book of the Fengzuo Array, Thirteen felt that it would be enough in the future, and there is no need for any phoenix cold.

Hua Yuman did not pay attention to the careful thoughts of Thirteen. She seriously went to read the book.

However, what caused the thirteenth accident was that the small feathers that had not been able to rise up every day actually held the book and refused to let it go. One school was a whole day, while watching, while drawing according to the book, it was less than a day. It’s up, that seriousness makes everyone very surprised.

After nearly half a month, it was almost like a drunk, and thirteen was distressed and funny.

Sure enough, it is not necessary to use the phoenix cold, no him, the small feathers are much more serious than the teacher.

This morning, just had breakfast, Mo Ting Ting came to the thirteen kings palace, she has not seen Man Er for half a month, and today I finally got the approval of the thirteen emperors, she is fart The next is coming.

When I saw Hua Yuman, I saw her around the circle. "Man, I thought you were going to sleep for half a month. Goodbye, you must be thin and awkward. But how long are you, this half a month, are you eating elixir?"

She stared at Man's daze. After half a month, the girl was tall and tall, like a cold water, and her lips were not red. Like a delicious little cherry, the skin was just fine. It was a good time to pick. Not a little bit stunned, it is not too much to say that the beauty of the country.

Mom, she wants to be a man now!

Hua Yuman said with a funny smile: "Are you not growing taller too? You are squatting, the front is convex, the bead is round, the skin is good, and the skin is good. It is too moist to eat every day!"

Mo Ziting covered his mouth and smiled. Man’s girl would also be joking.

"You said that this girl is a pearl, it is said that I am fat!"

Hua Yuman also laughed and nodded. "I doubt you are pregnant."

Mo Ziting was happy. "You are really a god, this makes you guess."

Recently, her waist was round. She thought it was eating too well and getting fat. She didn't expect to be pregnant again. Although she was only a month, she was very happy.

"Congratulations, Tingting!" Hua Yuman sincerely happy for her, "You have a baby, really do not plan to have a wedding?"

Tingting and Mingming are quite a lot of experiences. It has been a long time together. Apart from the wedding, everything is similar to that of a normal couple. Why bother with a wedding!

Mo Ziting was silent, hesitated for a moment, said: "Then do one!"

Although she didn't care if she had the ceremony, she wanted her child to have a formal identity. It’s that you don’t have any loved ones, and the wedding is all about it!

When she heard her loose, Hua Yuman was happy. "Then I am going to prepare!" He said that he turned to announce the good news, but he was caught by Mo Ziting.

Mo Ziting said with a funny voice: "Man, what are you preparing? I am not going to marry you. It is also necessary to prepare the wood for the brightest!"

Hua Yuman giggled after listening and patted his face. "Well. Let the bustle go, I let the sun give him a holiday!"

When she finished, she ran away, and it immediately provoked Mo Ziting shaking her head.

Man’s gimmick, like a bright sister, was busy and was like a brother-in-law who gave her a smile. She looked at her back and smiled and shook her head.

Hua Yu Manben wanted to go to the sun, but when she went out, she saw it. She pulled him aside. The gods talked for a while, and they immediately went out with great joy and just went to the door. He fiercely folded back, stopped Hua Yuman, scratching his head, embarrassed. "Madam, just forgot, I am coming back to tell you that the master has just gone out and will come back in the evening."

Hua Yuman smiled. "It turned out that he went out, then I wouldn't go looking for him. I just wanted him to give you more time to prepare for the marriage. What do you need to help, even though I speak, I Just said, you have to do it!"

The road that is absolutely guaranteed: "Well, I must do it, rest assured!"

After that, he smiled and left.

He will definitely give Tinger an unforgettable wedding.

Hua Yuman thought about it and turned around. He was fascinated by his own youth. "Can the nine children recover?"

Qing Qing nodded with a smile. "Well, she has been in the house for ten days, just waiting for the lady to summon her."

These days, Miss Tian practiced the array of techniques can be described as crazy, they are really very busy, every day is to learn to make clothes, embroidered and embroidered behind the nine children.

"Yeah. Let her come over!" After she finished, she saw Qingqing still laughing, and said, "Are you eating honey today? The smile on your face is so sweet."

Qing Qing quickly touched his face and tried to calm down. "Miss, I just think that you are like a lady who is busy with the daughter who is married for the marriage. When the young lady is married, the wife is like this." ”

Hua Yuman smiled and patted her on the door. "Where is this old?" Well, call the nine children and the silver peaches, I have to do something..."

"Yes, Miss Wang."

Hua Yuman smiled, Miss Wang Hao? This is the name of the door.

Shaking her head, she stopped thinking about it, took the paper and the pen and began to paint it. She painted the wedding dress and dress that Mo Ziting once said to her. When they came over, they saw such a strange The clothes, because they are puzzled, they are standing next to them and dare not move.

Hua Yuman looked at them and looked at them. "Look, you can't do this kind of clothes, and there is one for men, I think about it."

She bit her pen for a moment, and painted it according to what she once saw in Tingting's mind memory. After painting, she felt dissatisfied and pointed at the clothes: "Nine children, you follow These styles will be changed again, is there a problem?"

Nine children smiled and nodded. "No problem. Although this dress looks strange, it is very beautiful. Miss assured, I will do it well. I need to go out and buy something."

"That line, I just didn't go out for half a month, just go together!" Hua Yuman stretched out and carefully looked at the nine children.

Nine children were originally fat and outrageous. After the surgery, after taking out the two groups of evil spirits, the whole person was a big circle. Although it was much fatter than the average woman, the appearance of the five senses was much softer. Eyebrows, also a beautiful girl.

At this time, the butler came over and reported: "Wang Hao, there is a man outside the door who said that he did not see the lady!"

Hua Yuman frowned, "Men? What man?"

- End of this chapter -

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