It was designated as a meeting place because the tribe chiefs believed that they could not take advantage of it, and others should not try to take advantage of it.

It is such a feng shui treasure, and it is very simple to find a substitute for breast milk in pups. Tugu ran not long before he saw a milk fruit tree. The fruit tree without the orc Huo Huo was full of fruits. The delicious fruit attracted many insects, so Tugu searched for a long time, only to find twenty-six complete ripe milk fruit.

After the milk fruit was brought back, the little snake brothers were full and fell asleep together.

Buddy's eyes carried tenderness and love, and from time to time, he carefully checked the little cub for discomfort.

The earth bone has been a bachelor for a long time, and he has returned all the hygiene habits that his mother had grasped tightly in the past. other smudges. Buddy groaned and rummaged through the hides, trying to find a quilt that could cover the little snake cub. He finally took out a piece of deerskin that was sandwiched between the animal skins, which was the cleanest. He held the two horns of the animal skin with both hands and moved it gently, and finally the animal skin landed properly on the snake cub.

"Don't be too busy, they don't need a quilt." Anaconda likes water, and prefers the humidity with cool air, rather than the hot and sweaty stuffiness. As Tugu said, the milk fruit in his hand also fell on the animal skin beside him one by one.

Buddy suddenly heard the voice of his friend, and looked up at the person in surprise and panic, the cat's eyes were gleaming, as if a light had entered.

Tugu has never thought about what the female he likes will look like, but called Buddy this glance, and suddenly enlightened, this feeling of being looked up to is really good. Maybe he could find a dwarf female? Tugu touched his chin, distracted to think.

Buddy retracted his talking eyes, "Why are you like this! Everything is thrown around!" Just like him, he still can't attract mosquitoes, which is also a blessing of his prototype. Budi has always liked cleanliness, and he was most unhappy when he saw other people stacking things so casually. Anyway, Tugu is his friend. Looking back at the earthen bones hiding from the sun in the shade.

Tugu yawned, he was lazy, he slept longer than the cubs a day, but his hunting ability was good, and he only went out hunting every day for half the time of others, but it was enough to hunt for a day required. There is also a reason why the females in the tribe under the mountain look down on him, but he is not rejected because of his withdrawn temperament, largely because he is too strong. "What do you want to eat?" he asked Buddy. He had just gone out to look for milk fruit for the cubs. The prey had not been hunted, and the lunch had not yet arrived.

Buddy was arranging the hides attentively, but he didn't hear the question of the bones for a while.

Buddy's concentration on the pile of animal skins made him vaguely dissatisfied. "What about you?"

Buddy was undefended, was lifted upright, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, his eyes were wet from the pain, his beautiful eyes were flexibly rolling, and he stared fiercely at the bones, " roll!"

Tugu was instantly happy, Buddy's sharp eyes seemed to him like a milk cat scratching people, "Yes! I'll bring you wild beef." Herbivore, brute strength, or herd animals, it is difficult to hunt a brute without the cooperation of two orcs. But Tugu alone can solve the bully, so naturally he won't be afraid of the bully.

Buddy stopped staring at each other when he heard that there was beef to eat, and his eyes changed with anticipation, "Really?"

"Why are you lying to me?" Tugu rubbed Buddy's blond hair before leaving. It feels good in the hand, not as thick and short as his.

"Fuck!" Buddy remembers that this man's hands haven't been washed since he hit him! What the **** have you encountered before?

Tugu disagreed, but Buddy suddenly remembered Yin Li's words, the cubs can drink milk! "Hey! Tugu! Bring some milk when you come back!"

"What? Milk?" Tugu turned around and squinted at Tugu as if he had heard something strange.

"Yin Li said that cubs can drink milk, oh, you can just look for them, there is always a shortage of lactating females nearby." Buddy waved his hand to let people go quickly.

It was rare to be commanded by someone, and the earth and bones touched the nose, and it seemed to feel good. Or he could find a female with a little temper, like Buddy, a kitten with claws and claws.

To say that Buddy is a little milk cat is not an earthly imagination. Before Buddy was fifteen years old, as a full-time dress-up doll, he was not taught how to hunt at all. After fifteen years, he was put into the cold palace, and he followed his brother to hunt. At this time, he had missed the best time to learn hunting. Fortunately, he was diligent. .

The two older brothers are now married, so they cannot support the younger brother more. His experience is not as sophisticated as others, and he secretly likes orcs of the same sex. Apart from being willing to form a team with his brother, he mostly acts alone at other times, so he does not dare to face the bulls when hunting, and suddenly hears that the bones invite him to eat wild animals. Beef, the natural beauty has not changed.

Tugu left the original tribe with his brothers early and came to the mountain tribe. No one accepted him, so he teamed up with his brothers to hunt. He was not yet an adult at that time, but he had a viciousness that others did not have. Strength, and quickly exercised his skills, and the other orcs became stronger. He left home underage and had nothing to rely on. He couldn't live without hating himself. So in front of him, Buddy is just a milk cat who can bluff.

The earth bone quickly ended the hunt, a wild cow was carried on his back, his left hand sniffed the prey to prevent it from falling, and his right hand held the milk-producing lamb. He is tall, but thin. People who are not familiar with him should be worried. Don't be overwhelmed by this young man!

Buddy also took this worry, he didn't even take care of the cub, and ran up to share it for him. Tugu avoided the oncoming Buddy, the ewe was put on the ground by him, the slender legs finally stepped on the ground, and the cry "baabaa" expressed the joy of the rest of the life after the disaster. The bull on Tugu’s back was not treated so well. Tugu grabbed the bull’s horns with his backhand and threw it over his shoulder. The bull was smashed to the ground, even though it was originally stunned.

In order to obtain a whole piece of animal skin, Tugu pays great attention to the integrity of the prey's skin. He can knock out the prey with one punch without using sharp weapons.

Buddy was amazed, he squatted by the side of the big bull, surrounded by the herbivore, this is only a big bull in his prime! Maybe still a cow! "There's no wound? How did you catch it?"

"Use your fist." The earth bone pushed the ewe, "You deal with this, I will deal with the bull. Wait for you to cook."

Buddy naturally agreed, the earth bones he saw were really unflattering, and the earth bones had hunted animals, so he couldn't eat free food, right? As for how to use goat milk... He was in a bit of trouble, so he grabbed the long hair on the back of the ewe and dragged someone to find Yin Li.

"Wow!" Yin Li was also preparing to make lunch, but Hessen hadn't returned from hunting, so all he could do was start the fire first. When I saw Budila bringing a sheep over from a distance, I couldn't help but sigh that the people here are real, and they bring their own ingredients for the meal, "Use it for lunch?"

"No! The ewes produce milk! Feed the cubs!" Buddy then realized that his behavior was a bit reckless. The snake's mouth wolf must be protected. After thinking about it, he would definitely not be able to finish eating such a big bull with Tugu, so he could give some to Yin Li as a reward for teaching him food for his cubs. "I don't know how to make cub food. You teach me, and I'll give you the beef." Of course, he has completely ignored the credit of who can eat the beef, and directly distributed the beef without asking for the consent of the bones. Cattle.

"No." Teaching him to cook is nothing. Yin Li has eaten it, and it is very chewy, but the teeth of the earth can't deal with wild beef, so he declined Buddy's kindness. "Give me some milk."

"Okay!" Buddy readily agreed, and then he pushed the ewe in front of Yin Li. "Milk for you."

Orcs don't know how to get milk? Yin Li's face was black, his conjecture was verified, Buddy just stood there stupidly, and the sheep cried innocently. The two held a stalemate for a long time, and Yin Li was defeated. He took a stone bowl and put it under the cow's milk room, rubbed his hands on the raised area, and felt that the temperature was enough, he folded his fingers and pulled it down. , the goat's milk fell into the stone bowl steadily into the small water column.

This is how the milk is taken! Buddy looked a little embarrassed. He didn't know why he blushed when he saw Yin Li attack a ewe.

"Milk can be heated directly, but goat milk may be a little stinky." As soon as Yin Li finished speaking, Buddy asked, "What is stinky?"

Yin Li was silent, ignoring it, and continued to talk about the next use of goat milk: "It tastes better when milk is added to steamed eggs." He was no longer willing to explain the wonders of Chinese to the orcs , because there is no corresponding animal language at all. He said it simply because of the language barrier, and moved his hands as slowly as possible so that Buddy could see clearly.

Individuals have personal temperament, Yin Li is reluctant to say that Buddy is not the kind of person who breaks the casserole and asks to the end, and instead pays attention to Yin Li's craftsmanship.

After a month of running-in, Yin Li has mastered the eating method of the cumbersome cookware here. In his hands, the food can always show new ideas that are different from the past, and now he seems to have led the way The food innovation of the orc world. Whenever he got new ingredients, the females around him would gather around him to check his cooking techniques carefully. And when he encounters a shortage of ingredients, more females are willing to contribute their own food, just to get his guidance justifiably.

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