Orc Tyrant

Chapter 877: Tyre! (twenty two)

Guk rushed into the group of corpses, and forced hundreds of monsters off the roadbed against the wind.

Then they swarmed again, attacking them in groups, like a group of vicious dogs hunting giant bears, trying to overwhelm him with numbers, trying to hinder him from swinging his fists and weapons, and trying to surround him and drag him to the ground.

They are afraid of him, but they are even more afraid of letting him survive.

That name is like a nightmare. It was deep in their souls when they were still humans. Even if they became bloodthirsty monsters, the fear remained unabated.

Guk, King of Ouk, pale tyrant!

But their efforts were useless.

The slender and twisted body is just like a doll filled with hay in the cloth, just a light and empty body.

Guk slaughtered and killed countless enemies.

He swung his arm to fly the next ghoul, sending the enemy into the air with every heavy punch.

The monsters screamed and rose from the ground, dancing with the falling leaves all over the sky.

Tattered boots were scattered all around, clothes torn to pieces.

Most of them flew horizontally to the ground, and after rolling for a while, there was no more movement.

Some were slashed into two by the fierce warhammer. Blood was sprayed from the broken arms of the remnants, and countless pieces of broken bones were swayed from the broken arms, as if tossing a lot of coins on the side of the road. Rattle.

Alan was stunned. He had never thought that such a deadly enemy before was as powerless as a child in front of a giant.

A body whirled past his shoulders, like a big bale of hay raised by a wooden fork.

Within a moment, there were already corpses on the side of the road.

Most of them were nearly inhumane under the devastation of Guk. In addition, they were either limp on the ground, twisted into a variety of weird postures that were difficult to imitate in their lifetime, or braved the steaming internal organs, or had been broken into pieces by the merciless warhammer.

Shining and thick blood circulated among the stones, and gradually cooled into a pool of rusty red and deep purple viscous blood.

It wasn't until this time that Alan recovered a little bit, but he was only able to concentrate a little bit.

But his attention was focused on Guk's weapon.

The pale tyrant's warhammer is extremely large, with a slender handle and excellent balance.

Both the handle and the head of the hammer are engraved with reciprocating and complex lines and checkered patterns. During the swing, it seems to be singing in a low voice.

Alan heard it clearly, and the hammer buzzed endlessly, as if it was secretly proud of the soaring number of killings.

A string of blood drops on Guk's body hissing and turning into nothing, as if licking his lips contentedly.

The warhammer was almost indestructible, and either it was lighter than the bones of a seagull, or the tyrant's power had reached a terrifying level, because by visual inspection, Alan was enough to determine that the weapon weighs at least half a ton.

The hammerhead alone was probably about the same size as his own.

The place it passed was like a broken bamboo, whether it was the leather uniform worn by the ghoul, the steel breastplate, or the armor made of white bones.

It is almost like a sickle harvesting wheat, reaping its lives with ease.

Alan saw that several ghouls had not fallen down even after their entire heads and even half of their bodies had been chopped off. Their stumps stood stiff in place, shaking slightly with arterial blood sprayed from the wound. Ruoruo bonelessly slumped to the ground, like a cloak scattered on the same seat.

In just a few breaths, those killers were on the verge of collapse.

The killing scene created by Guk himself was even more shocking, so much that so many limbs were left, even for things like ghouls, their morale has been wiped out like a spring snow melt.

A storm shrouded the sky at this moment, and the whole land was contained in the bag with a scream.

In this season, there are often powerful storms coming from the sea to Tyre, and the previous wind and sunshine are the precursors of a storm.

This night, neither the sky nor the earth will be peaceful.

More fallen leaves flew in the air like arrows, and then a crazy rainstorm swept across, completely erasing all blood stains.

But the ghoul wizard doesn't seem to be going to give up yet.

He hurriedly climbed up a tall rock and shouted at the last batch of ghouls. Those monsters have not yet appeared on the scene. This is the latest batch of reinforcements.

After receiving the wizard's order, they immediately opened their bows and arrows.

Alan caught a glimpse of a faint blue flame flickering in the dark dense forest, which could not be extinguished even in heavy rain.

The ghoul archers began to shoot witchcraft arrows.

Those arrows are more slender than usual deadly weapons, and simple bone arrows are burning with cyan or blue flames.

The wizard flicked the bottle tied to the leather cord and threw it violently.

The bottle was filled with various corpse oils and alchemical products made from evil rituals.


As the bottle smashed to pieces on the ground, the evil substance contained in it splashed. At the same time, the witchcraft arrows ignited the greasy dirt spreading around.

In a burst of sound like a raging wind tearing a canvas, a large group of bright tongues jumped.

At that moment, Alan seemed to hear a heart-piercing dying cry, as if suffering souls were rolling in the flames.

The scorching flames were almost hard to look directly at, shining with aquamarine color.

Guk and the ghouls who surrounded him were caught in flames in the blink of an eye.

The screams of burning flames are very different from the screams of being killed by weapons, which are more sharp and mad.

The raging fire that envelops the whole body cannot be shaken away or escaped, and the victim has to stagger and run blindly, inhaling a mouthful of fire smoke with his mouth wide open.

The gust of wind helped the raging torment, tearing a stream of flames and black smoke from them, like the blazing trail trailing behind a meteor.

They waved their arms covered with flames frantically, but everything on their bodies was ignited.

So they fell down one by one, lying on the sizzling pavement and burned alive, and finally turned into scorched corpses dressed in flames, like sculptures torched in ceremonies.

The wizard was still dancing, trying to make this wave of fire even more deadly, the tingling sensation that burned the soul even forced the three living people to retreat again and again.


A roar, like thunder, split the hell.

Guk suddenly appeared from the flames.

His whole body was scorched to black, as if he had been carved from a piece of coal, and the heavy fur and metal cloak were covered with blue flames.

A pair of sharp ruby ​​eyes flashed in the smoke-covered face, and green electric arcs were shooting out from it.


Then he roared again, the roar of a predatory beast.

But what gleamed in that dark appearance was not only his eyes, but also his sharp teeth: long fangs that human lips could not hold.

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