Orc Tyrant

Chapter 861: Tyre! (six)

In the sparse woods halfway to the industrial zone, two reconnaissance off-road vehicles rushed to the north, and the engines propelled their bodies to roar across the woodland quickly in the night sky.

Each off-road vehicle is protected by a group of motorcycles deployed in the rear-

A group of Ouke assault motorcycles roared and tore the ground apart, chasing them behind.

The off-road vehicle slid flexibly among the rocks, trees, and bullets fired by Ouke Motors. The machine gun tower on the roof of the car rotated smoothly, and the machine gunner used heavy machine guns to uninterruptedly sprinkle a rain of bullets.

Behind them, the beastly rough motorcycle stopped and turned sharply with incredible maneuverability. More than two off-road vehicles rushed to the top of the mountain, bypassing obstacles and avoiding bullets.

At the head of the motorcycle team, Gogu roared at the sunset, and the motorcycle's engine roared with hunger and rage.


A bullet pierced the armor of his left leg, the skin was penetrated and his nervous system passed a brief sting, and the armor was broken into countless fragments.

The motorcycle responded to his fury like an extension of his body, and when the drag racing boss tried to aim at the big clicks mounted on the sides of the front wheels, it roared and increased its horsepower.

Da Da Da~~~!

Then Gogu pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot out from the motorcycle, chasing the swinging off-road vehicle, but did not hit.

"Fuck you Scrooge!"

Gogu let out a roar of frustration, and then increased the power of the motorcycle.

With a scream, Moto responded to his instructions and suddenly turned sharply to the side of the road.

When leaving his kid from the left, Gu Ge slammed his body against the ground to balance his inertia.

Then, turning sharply to the right again, so that the motorcycle almost lay on the ground, Gogu drove directly into the exhaust of the Xiami vehicle.

This kind of difficult action is not something a kid can do. It must be a veteran who is highly coordinated and unified with the steel beast under his crotch. Practicing this, I usually have a lot of luck and I have fewer arms and fewer arms.

The legs, almost luck, were directly rebuilt with his motorcycle.

This kind of action, because of its elegance and smoothness, is affectionately called the "catch shrimp household" by the boys.

And to make Gogu so angry that he has to catch up with his life, it is entirely because these shrimps actually tried to flanking his motorcycle team!

"Huh!? Hahaha!"

Seeing the machine gun tower on the back of the off-road vehicle turned to point at himself, he started to laugh, because Xiami wouldn't even have time to fire a shot.

He pulled the trigger again, and two click guns fired a bullet.

Da Da Da~~!

This time he hit the target, and the bullet flew into the rear of the off-road vehicle, breaking the glass on one side, and splashing blood from it.

The off-road vehicle immediately began to spin to the other side. The machine gun tower on the roof began to spin frantically, trying to eliminate the unstable movement of the vehicle and shooting a bullet at other motorcyclists.

When the motorcycle approached the staggering off-road vehicle, Gogu drew his pistol and aimed it at the machine gunner's head.


With a gunshot, Xiami's helmet was pierced, and the body flew out of the off-road vehicle.

Before he fell to the ground, Gogu smashed him into a sieve with the firepower of a motorcycle.

But the off-road vehicle was not over yet, and the driver turned the swaying vehicle and faced the forward Gogu.

A **** shrimp popped out of the car window, holding a submachine gun and shooting a barrage at the roaring motorcycle boss, but Gogu expressed contempt for the incoming storm and even accelerated the speed of the motorcycle again.

Ding Ding Ding~!

The bullets clinked and bounced off the front of the car, but at the same time they tore the tires and hit the suspension.

The wheel's contact with the ground caused the front of the car to sink, and the machine guns on both sides of the front lost their alignment and fired into the mud entering and exiting.


Gogu yelled again, roaring at the bullets that continuously cut and collided with his armor and armor. At the same time, his motorcycle roared and lifted the front wheel from the dirt and pointed it at the sky, pointing the chassis at the constant human flow. anger.

Bang! ! !

A few seconds later, the motorcycle hit the off-road vehicle, and its weak cover was directly crushed by the full weight of the assault motorcycle and the kinetic energy of high-speed forwarding.

When the motorcycle head fell back to the ground again, the savage spikes decorated on the front of the motorcycle directly pierced the front window of the off-road vehicle, and the driver instantly died of the thorn that pierced his face unstoppably.

When the motorcycle suddenly stopped, Gogu turned the front of the vehicle and fell off the wreckage of the enemy vehicle, steering the heavily deformed motorcycle to the other side.

A few meters after leaving, Ge Gu turned his head and looked at the ruins he had made.

Boom~! ! !


When the previous violent impact finally turned into an explosion, he let out a triumphant roar, raised his hands and shouted, watching other motorcyclists pass by and drive forward.

There was only one off-road vehicle now, and he followed them with a roar, thrusting his fist into the sky to inspire them to continue fighting.

Soon, a burst of bullets hit the back of the off-road vehicle and tore the soldiers inside. Then a motorcycle's bladed head cut the off-road vehicle into almost two pieces-although the motorcycle was basically scrapped, But the boys still enjoy this almost suicidal attack method.

"Boss? Then what?"

As a result, the enemy boys quickly gathered around him, Gogu thought for a few seconds, and then waved his hand.

"Just drive forward!!"


The motorcycle team quickly set off again, directly through the woods, and soon contacted the outer positions of the Black Legion.

This is a steel plant located at the southernmost end of the industrial zone. Because of its sturdy structure, it is used as an outpost. Two companies are stationed here.

"Chong! Chong! Chong!"

When the motorcycle squad came into contact with the human defense line, it immediately divided into two teams, turning to the left and right to surround the soldiers surrounding the inside of the steel plant.

The motorcycle drove up and down on the gravel, slipped in the loose sand, and smashed a road through the sparse vegetation.

The defenders did not appear to be too flustered. After closing the factory gate, they took their positions at their respective firepower points to refute these screaming mobs.

Bullets of various calibers neighed and flew in the air, radiating outward with the human position as the center of the circle.

The commander of the defending army was anxiously observing the melee, and only occasionally fired a shot when the combat motorcycle roared past. He was waiting for the arrival of other Ouke teams and starting hand-to-hand combat-the point of the outpost was to delay, if Ouke ignored For them, things are troublesome.


No one here is thinking about being alive. The soldiers dispatched here are given a choice to advance or retreat, but everyone has no hesitation.

From the moment they entered this place, everyone turned into a corpse, a corpse that could use a gun. Their meaning was only to slow Ok's offensive step-twenty minutes.

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