Orc Tyrant

Chapter 846: Doubts about the Dam (5)


Jackson agreed.

"You are an expert in this area, you have the final say."

However, he still called someone outside.

"Assemble a few heavy-fire teams."

He ordered.

"Always be prepared to rush in when we call for support, but don't enter the shrine in advance."

Then he glanced at the unnatural witch who was in a depressed mood.

"are you fine?"

She nodded, which made Jackson breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine. The level of desecration in this place may have far exceeded the impact of Ouke."

Jackson thought this was the truth, but it made people uncomfortable to listen to.


He tried to determine the way forward.

"Where are we going?"

"The control room should be over there."

She pointed to an elevator at the far end of the porch and said that the pedals were moving upwards, and everyone quickly ran to that way, and the night blades were always alert to any strange movements around them.


The night blade in front of him suddenly stopped, but Jackson was blocked by the metal tool in front of him, and he couldn't see what attracted his attention.

When he bypassed the metalwork and saw what was lying on the polished marble floor at his feet, he immediately turned around, not wanting Elena to see this terrible sight, but it was still a step too late.

She was standing behind me at this moment, staring at the dead Pastor Kaimon on the ground dumbfounded.

"do you know him?"

Jackson asked, and she shook her head slowly, trying to accept this cruel fact.

"I've never been here before."

She reminded the other party:

"I just studied the design drawings of the dam."

"He died two weeks ago."

Ye Jian, who was very knowledgeable about dead people, squatted down and carefully examined the corpse that had begun to decompose.

"But it wasn't because of the invasion. It looks like Oak has never been here."

"I don't think the so-called demons use guns either."

A big hole was opened in the man's chest, and some kind of exploding projectile was detonated in his chest, killing him immediately.

"It seems that the enemy has left this place."


Ye Jian agreed.

"But they should not be able to fight so accurately."

As soon as he said this, Jackson realized that he was right.

The priest was killed by a single blow. Greenskin would usually shoot continuously in a fully automatic mode, leaving craters on the floor and machine parts around him.

"Do you think this was done by humans?"

Elena was unclear, so she stared at them both back and forth.

"But why?"

"I don't have a clue at all, and it doesn't matter at all. We still have work to do here, and many lives are counting on us to complete this work."

Driven by the sense of mission, Elena quickly recovered. Ever since she has been tempted to fight against Greenskin for a long time, she has long been accustomed to such atrocities.

"Then we better hurry up, no matter who is responsible for this, the matter has already passed."

As Elena said, this is indeed the case.

"You just said that you want to go up there?"

Jackson began to walk towards the elevator, and the discovery of the blasted corpse intensified his sense of urgency for the imminent threat, as did the Night Blades.

When he approached it, the corner of his eye noticed something flashing by, and he immediately hid instinctively behind a pile of metal scattered in the hall.

While he was doing these actions, the roar of heavy machine guns resounded throughout the hall, and the machine that provided him with shelter under the impact of the projectile made a clanging sound similar to a big bell in a temple.

"Enemy attack!!"

While issuing the warning, Jackson poked out his head courageously, trying to see who was trying to kill them.

Elena also hid in the bunker, and he could see a corner of her white robe sticking out from behind a base a few meters away from him, and the sound of the large-caliber pistol made me find the location of the night blade.

The bullet hit the target, but did not cause any substantial damage to the body that was mixed with mechanical prostheses and flesh. This guy is about the same size as Ouke, but his IQ may be twice theirs. (Refer to the tyrant in Nemesis for the specific appearance)

"The enemy is the war machine of the Trust Council!!"

Jackson was very familiar with the enemy in front of him. This distorted monster once left a deep impression on him on the battlefield.

"It is equipped with a machine gun and a knife."

The empire lieutenant also shot at it, but he didn't dare to expect too much, just hoping to produce a certain effect.

Soon, this thing's head filled with the test tube hose slowly turned to Jackson's direction.

"It was seriously injured."

Jackson observed the guy up close and added that, from where he stood, it seemed that someone had knocked it down with a cannonball, but he hadn't completely killed it.

Its body is full of bullet holes, and its wounds are full of wounds. Its melee weapons seem to be totally unwilling. At least there are some malfunctions, but it can still use its arms to attack an unprotected person. Hit half-dead.

"Destroy mutants."

This thing made a harsh sound through some kind of implanted sound device, repeating magically the last command it was given under the stimulation of such a device.

"Protection-New World"

It poured out the firepower of the automatic arm cannon toward the general direction of Jackson's hiding, and took heavy steps at the same time.

At that moment, Jackson thought it was going to charge itself, but Yabane shot it again to stop it. This stupid flesh and blood monster showed a nearly confused expression, and then turned his head in the direction of Yabane and repeated the same words. :

"Destroy mutants and protect the new world."

"Keep on attacking, don't let it slow down."

Jackson yelled to his guards when it fired again, this time its target was changed to Nightblade, turned around and took a hesitant step in his direction.

Before he had a chance to think about what he was doing and change his thoughts, Jackson drew his sword and rushed towards it at full speed.

He almost succeeded. The guy noticed someone approaching and turned to face this more direct threat.

The buzzing blade brushed the power cable on its back, drawing a spark.

And it danced with the high-frequency vibrating crystal blade on its hand, but thanks to the holy father, the thing still did not work properly. At the last moment, Jackson leaned over and flashed its heavy blow, but when the evil sawtooth scratched the hat on his head At that time, she was still in a cold sweat.


He slashed upwards with a sword, relying on luck rather than judgment, and cut to a place with more physical tissue. A lot of unpleasant pus came out from the wound and splashed on the collar of his shirt.

The guy shook his body and rushed towards Jackson, but this time his movements were a bit stiff, and the opponent seemed to be paralyzed off one of his arms.

"Back, sir! We can't find the angle to shoot!"

This female's voice sounds familiar, but now there is no time to think about it. He is fighting this killing machine, and trying to get out of the battle at this time will only give it a perfect opportunity to kill itself.

When a bullet fired by Yeblade hit its back, its body shook, and Jackson took advantage of its brief distraction to turn to its back and slashed the power cables again.

His move was as futile as before.

"Destroy mutants and protect the new world."

This guy turned around again to launch an attack on Jackson. He hid in the bunker while it was turning its arms. He knew very well that even if he entangled with it again, there was nothing he could do with it, and at that distance it was impossible to miss... …

At this moment, he heard a faint and ridiculous knock, and immediately turned over and rolled behind another pile of waste, praying to every saint he could think of at this time.

That guy has no bullets!

In the previous battle, it almost ran out of ammunition.

A moment later, when the distinctive roar of the machine gun sounded again, Jackson thought he had made a mistake, but this time the bullet did not hit him, so he poked his head out to see what happened.

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