Orc Tyrant

Chapter 786: The city that will never be forgotten (part 1)

He took the first step towards the surface of this world, quietly listening to his breath bringing a steady vibration inside the spiritual bone armor.

The cross sighting core looked around this barren land steadily, and his vital signs were continuously listed on the visual screen.

Slowly, the thin figure walked carefully towards the wind.

The sand and dust under the feet are all the silt that has long been dried and inactivated, and there is no possibility of gestating life.

Accompanied by the light sound of gravel in the breeze, accompanied by the deep buzzing of armor, he quietly pondered.

After a short while, he turned his head and looked at the arch that was about to collapse.

The suddenly accelerating wind has already covered it with a thick layer of dark red sand, just like the abundance of dust in this world.

this world.

He thought that there should have been a name, but it had never been pronounced by humans.

The desolate and sparse scenery reminded him of the sinister wasteland, but the sky here was much calmer in comparison.

He didn't bother to look up, he didn't need it, because there was nothing to see.

Looking at the horizon from the horizon to the horizon on the other side, I saw only the torn clouds rolled and stirred, and the thunderclouds rolled against each other, releasing white, purple, and countless kinds of red.

Here is the rift of the supreme heaven, also called Hanan, or subspace by humans.

He had witnessed it before, but had never seen such a scene.

I have never seen a gap covering a whole world, I have never seen it in a place where there are real weather phenomena, I have never experienced such a huge, huge wave across space, like a withered nebula in the void scene.


Behind the previously uninhabited people came a call of unknown gender, without breathing.

Diego did not turn around in a hurry, nor did he prepare his own weapons.

Instead, he just turned around slowly, his eyes lit by patience and very human curiosity.


He whispered to the deformed body:

"I have passed the gate of madness, it is time to tell me where I am."

The snake-walking Arid moved closer.

Its humanoid body cut off at the waist, and its lower body became a thick, ridged tail like a giant deep-sea snake, and the mucus and film covered under the tail were also covered with dust.

In fact, its body has only a few characteristics of a human form: it has four thin, sloppy arms under its shoulders, which are shaped like a sacred mockery of the gods, and its skin is also gray, and dry leather is dotted with mottled spots on its body.


It made a noise again, this time the abnormal teeth loosened and closed with the movement of the jaw.

What used to be a human face has now turned into a beastly fangs, surrounded by dirty fur, the lion-like mouth cannot close its deformed gums, one eye Staring, swollen outwards, bloodshot, and the other sunk deep in the eye socket, like

Useless gold inlaid in the skull of a beast.

"Why are you clinging to this world?"

The Shadow Prince watched the creature's throat trembling as he imitated human speech, but the trembling jaw could not speak human words.

"Is it important to you?"

The contemptuous voice came through the loudspeaker next to the helmet:

"I didn't see any need for you to know."

"You can't breathe the air here, and there are no signs of life, but you still choose to set foot and experience this world..."

Arid nodded slyly.

"Yes, my curiosity needs to be satisfied."

"There is a ruin here, a city flooded by a sandy plain."

"that's good-"

It said, as if it was expecting such an answer.

The creature shrank its shoulders in front of the strong wind and turned its head to protect its swollen eye. Behind it, at the position of its spine and shoulder blades, a few black scorched wing bones were erected up-that were wings to angels, just Without flesh and feathers.

The wind became stronger and stronger, blowing the cloak behind Diego to pieces.

He let the wind take it away, dismissing it while being blown away.

A warning rune jumped out of the edge of the visual interface, indicating that there will be a significant cooling down soon.

Is night coming?

But there was no change in the sky above. Although there seemed to be a sunset, there was no sun in sight.

Diego blinked and closed the flashing runes, and at the same time his spiritual bone armor began to buzz more, as if resisting some invisible force.

"This is more than two hundred degrees below the freezing point."

He turned to the creature.

"Never seen such a cold."

Arid spit out a forked tongue, then grinned:

"This is a country where the mortal and the spirit truly intersect. The laws of physics are meaningless here. Everything here is impossible to define. This is chaos and the possibilities are endless."

Diego took a deep breath of clean circulating air in the nail, and he smelled a little copper in his nose.

"So I can breathe here? I won't be frozen?"

After speaking, Diego squatted down, letting the dust slip from between his fingers.

"I have studied the history of my race, Arid, these are just pretty words."

The creature turned his back to the wind again, and said nothing.

"What is this world called?"

Diego looked up, but didn't get up.

The dust left with the hissing wind, so that his fingers were drowned in a puff of sand.

"Before the Great Fall, the spirits called it Shah Yaslitem, and after the birth of the Hungry Lady, it was called Manlisha Sheme.

Diego laughed softly.

"Do you know the meaning of this word?"

"Yes, I know the meaning of this word, it means'City that will never be forgotten'—"

The demon stroked his mouth with his long and narrow tongue, ignoring the harm done to him by doing so.

"You are all soul shatterers."


"Ada, Spirit Race."

Diego stood up and brushed off the last bit of dust.

"You also aroused my curiosity. Now, let's talk about the soul shatterer."

Arid took a breath, as if savoring some delicacy.

"It's a simple thing to despise them. These creatures look cold, their skin smells of bitter oil, and their wisdom is always accompanied by a scornful attitude like succumbing. A dying race, but their souls are so delicious. —"

He laughed again, also distorted this time.

"They call other creatures monkeys, their name for the so-called inferior races. However, although they are annoying, they also have many interesting places. If one day you can go to that dark city...even though their existence is very sad."

"Why call them the "Soulbreakers"?"

If Yalid could do something called a grimace, it was doing it now.

"You know what this place is, not this world, but the space of this area, the country where gods meet with ordinary people, a great **** was born here, Sharishi! Lady Hungry!"

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