Orc Tyrant

Chapter 771: Advance (two)

With a sound of footsteps, Okan and his remaining remnants crossed from the middle of the stronghold. They were fighting back against Greenskin's advance all day long. The proud black breastplate and heavy sword were filled with foul-smelling condensation. Several strands of green skin and flesh.

"What a good meeting, Sergeant Okan, what's the situation?"

Okan breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"We are defending, sir, but I suspect that I will not be able to resist them for too long. I have vowed to hold the gap until the last bullet is exhausted."

Volan sighed.

"Well, based on our current rate of fire, it will probably not be too long. Have you received any news from friendly forces?"

"They haven't had it since they asked us to abandon the hills, and their communication channel has remained closed."

"Their defenses are so careful that they insist on guarding the hills and adding layers of defense, but we fight under their noses until we die."

Okan shook his head, and then pointed to the position already occupied by Ouk.

"It looks like they brought the artillery."

Volan looked up at the top of the hill overlooking the fortress. The sunlight made the flash of Oak’s silver horn helmet and the long barrel of the newly erected heavy artillery more clear, thinking of the influence caused by the inaction of the friendly forces becoming more and more obvious. , The tough steel man cursed again.

"Why are they delaying? Those artillery can crush us in an instant."

And they all noticed that if the elite guards of Oak appeared here, it also meant that another existence must be nearby.

"If Guk himself is here, what does that mean? There must be a reason behind their hesitation.

Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted their conversation, and a certain section of the fortress wall collapsed.

Okan looked at the place where the smoke was rising, and then said anxiously:

"It looks like Greenskin has breached Bunker No. 9, sir."

Volan was silent for a moment, then replaced the magazine for the pistol.

"I will bring the guard company to fill the gap. You go back to the north and support Ganster. We have no choice but to stay here and pay attention to the movement of the communication channel. I hope the battle situation can change their indifference... If not, Then we will be destroyed in an hour."


As the offensive continued, Guk and his field officers were watching.

He tried to lead these subordinates to analyze every aspect of the assault warfare. Although most of them seemed a little stupid, Guk hoped that at least they could keep up with their own rhythm of thinking, or be better than other boys in the tactical level. better.

Looking at a few maps held high by the ass, Kundera blinked and marked a part of the fortress for Guk. This map was drawn by the Harpy. Although simple, it is very complete.

"This is the biggest weakness, a bunker. Due to the inclination of the main fort body, this place will be the first to be affected by any attack to the valley. When it was built, it was not considered to bear such pressure."

Guk glanced at it, then nodded.

"You're right."

In the next second, Kundera felt the anger of his fellow commanders.

Each of them was so desperate to win the overlord's approval, and the fact that a garden guard, not a guard, got it—is deepening their grievances.

As far as he is concerned, Gu Ke rarely said anything in response to the judgment of his subordinates.

All commanders are undergoing tests, and the results are extremely confidential. Some bosses are speculating that Guk may expand the size of the guards, or consider dividing Mang Gur's power.

"I wonder, their ammunition will be completely exhausted in at most an hour."

Mangguer also expressed his opinions in a timely manner.

"Not so long, I thought they could last at most half an hour."

Once again, Manggul obviously froze because of Kunderaka's answer, but he did not dare to attack because of the presence of Guk.

Guk was able to perceive the silent hatred among his subordinates, but he had no intention of revealing it. In a sense, he also needs such emotions.

"If they can escape the battle from the periphery and form a more compact defensive position in the center of the fort, I will give them a few more hours."

One guard leader explained his opinion, and then another couldn't wait to speak:

"Overlord, I..."

But Guk raised his hand to interrupt him, and the pale tyrant looked around the generals and said with regret:

"We have been observing this battle for nearly half an hour. During this time, no one has made any comments on the fortifications below except for intensified contempt and ridicule! You let me down, the defense that Xiami built was not There is no good, at least from your own fortifications on this hill and your perspective, it is clear that none of you can create such defensive positions, or hold them in the face of a raid of the same scale. More than an hour."

Da Green was the first to retrieve his voice and responded.

"But, the overlord, the position they chose... they easily abandoned this mountain and exposed themselves."

"They left here because they are not strong enough, because we have more numbers than them. This is not a reason why we should not underestimate the enemy in any contest. They are strong shields, and we are spears, both. There are strengths and weaknesses. I am here to hope you can figure this out, but I think there is still a lot to teach you, but there is no time."

After a pause, Guk turned to face the commander of the artillery position.

"You can fire."

The leader nodded violently, then kicked his deputy on the **** beside him, and the guy immediately raised the small flag in his hand.

"All artillery crew, open fire!!!"

In the next second, a whole row of heavy artillery released a torrent of firepower.

The war in the stronghold has also reached an end.

The soldiers had to squander all the fuel reserves, burn away the mountain of green-skinned corpses blocking the damaged doorway, and use the fire to stop the opponent's offensive.

Sergeant Okan walked over the corpses of the friendly and enemy troops towards Volan, his armor was scarred and stained with blood.

"The messenger of the scout, the head of the group, those Tyreans have already ripped off, and those who are left behind are still retreating to the north."

Volan closed his eyes in pain.


Okan sighed and sat down on the ground, his thigh wrapped in a bandage, and blood was leaking out at this time.

"Before we were completely occupied, Oak only used a small force to defeat them. It's ridiculous. They have tens of thousands of people."

"It could have been faster."

The legions of the Black Legion tried their best to control the bitterness in his voice. He stood at the inner door of the open stronghold. The body was thrown out of the retaining wall.

This is the center of the fortress and the last stronghold, with less than 300 wounded soldiers guarding it.

"Shall we make the last casualty count, sir?"

"Forget it..."

Volan was a little numb, and the beating of his heart gradually subsided.

He will be a little angry, but it hasn't come yet.

Then he heard a roar, which he was familiar with.

Volan raised his head and saw the fire flickering on the distant mountain. At this time, he felt a certain emotion called liberation...

After two hours of fighting, this stronghold guarded by a regiment was submerged by a torrent of firepower, and no more than 3,600 soldiers have survived since the regimental commander.

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