Orc Tyrant

Chapter 755: Giants War (1)

On the third day, the ghost spider and the second line of troops from the B2 area marched towards the northeast.

The two divisions led by Jackson were heading straight to the C3 area at this time, where they were now being attacked by the Gough Corps, one of the main forces of Oak, and the defenders were already in danger. They almost shed the last drop of blood in the battle.

Captain Transmi drove the ghost spider two and a half hours behind the main force to clean the southern passage. Fighting wolf still sticks to the peak of Mihir Mountain, which is the support point of the defense line, so it is more suitable. A support operation participated by the attacking ghost spider.

The support troops of the Titans and the Temple are passing through large areas of war-damaged land in the refinery area.

The troops moved forward in a dispersed formation, and the distance between each other was between one kilometer and five kilometers. Although the visibility was guaranteed by good weather, the ghost spider adjusted the scanning frequency to the maximum.

It is said that a fast hunter and heavy armor drawn from the enemy's engine have been haunted from time to time in the ruins of the ore refinery since the second day of the battle, so no one dared to take it lightly.

Transmi’s engine kills on that starry night further increased the rising morale, and when Ouke’s offensive forces retreated at dawn, some soldiers had worshipped the Titans as gods.

But in fact, the front of the Benedict Empire is still in a state of constant compression. Two or three Titans did not completely reverse the form of the war. Unlike the normal army, Ouke did not lose the offensive after the first day’s offensive was defeated. Resolute, in fact they are getting more and more courageous.

Anyone who knows this kind of creatures knows that war will not tire them, let alone bore them. Before they really hurt them, any loss is acceptable to them.

More importantly, as long as their tyrants do not order to retreat, this war will not be played, because their number will not be played.

Even Transmi is not very clear about how to win this war.

If Guk appears in front of him, it only takes three to five seconds and the war is over.

Then after the first day of the attack, the pale tyrant did not show any traces, nor did any scouts catch its movements. They could only guess the white tyrant's position based on the range of the white helmet guards' activities. .

But one possibility is not enough for the precious Titan to take risks.

In fact, the ghost spider also suffered some damage in the firefight last night, but it was not serious enough that it had to be withdrawn for overhaul.

Now that Transmi has shown his willingness to fight, Yushkin also agreed.

The battle in the C3 area is the fiercest time, but on Ouke's side, they are also preparing for a hunt.

"Head, do we have to do this?"

Hearing the muttering sound of the broken mouth, Agum frowned, turned around and was a wrench, directly smashing the guy out of the chair.

"Shut up! I'm annoying!"

"Head! The little sun is steady!"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the copper pipe, and Agum pushed the buttons on the console one by one, and then pulled the rope hanging on the right side of his head vigorously.


The neigh of steam reverberated in the inside of General Mao, and at the same time a large amount of white gas was ejected from the gap in the pipe, making the surrounding **** screaming, and then there was a jingling noise.

"Okay! It's okay, look at it tightly!"

Solving a hidden danger, Aghem wiped the sweat from his forehead.

After losing a few more Maoge warriors yesterday, Guk finally deployed his trap, but this time he got on the court himself.

Originally he was not very happy, but in front of the Claw of Guk, he did not have any right to refuse, and could only command the remaining few Maoge warlords to follow Guk's arrangement to ambush in an excellent terrain.

"Boss! It's a lively fight next to me, Xiami's reinforcements seem to be coming."

"Have you seen that big iron bump?"

"Uh...nothing seems to be."

Aghem was a little irritable, he fell out of the high place and stared at it for a while. The ruins of this ore refinery are huge, and they should be very hidden here.

And according to the report of the special warfare kid on the road, the big shrimp must pass here, and the other roads are too narrow.

"Boss, should we move a place?"

A nearby Mao brother sent a message, Aghem thought for a while, and then replied:

"Okay, let's move, if it doesn't come, we will take the initiative to look for it."

There will be only three Maoge fighters participating in the ambush, all separated by about two kilometers, which happens to be a position that can form an encirclement.


But the warlord Mao had just left the hidden position when a loud noise suddenly erupted.


Subconsciously, Agum glanced at the operating console's screen, and the echoes judged that the enemy engine was hiding in the devastated ruins like them, using metal structures and surrounding mineral-rich **** piles to disrupt. The field of view of the telescope and the scanning of the wahab instrument.

It caught the Mao Ge warrior with a surprise attack, and when it stepped into the kill zone, it was immediately crippled by the missile.

Aghem, two kilometers behind, witnessed the ambush, and the roaring missile attack blasted through the gap with a dazzling explosion on the telescope, squandering the heat wave wantonly.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

He immediately issued an alarm, and the inside of General Mao began to flash red. .

There was a painful roar from the whistle of the injured Ouke engine, and it was about to gain a foothold.

"We were shot, the situation is a bit bad."

In the communicator, besides the voice of the mechanic, there were also explosions that sounded constantly.

"That **** is in front of me on the right."

According to the opponent's instructions, Agum quickly caught the six-legged **** walking through the ruins.

"Get the shield up, let's speed up, all weapons are ready!"

"The shield is unfolded!"

"The engine is getting more power!"

"All weapons are at your disposal, boss!"

Another wave of missiles in front of them fell to the ground with heat, and the wailing of General Hang Cai Mao sounds even more miserable.

"We are in big trouble, Little Sun won't let it go!"

Hearing the bleak howls in the communicator, another Maoge warrior one kilometer to the east decided to launch a long-distance cover shooting, and Aghem had the same plan.

As the two engines advanced, they sprayed heavy artillery jets toward the abandoned warehouse in the distance.

"Get close to it! We got closer!"

Aghem gave orders to the mechanic on the east side.

"Yes, that's a great idea."

It is indeed a clever tactical decision, and the self-confidence of the big tyrant is growing, and he is starting to act and think like a real fighter, instead of imitating it all.

The already ambushed formations of dirty tanks quickly moved out from the concealed position, using powerful main guns to bombard the possible positions of the enemy's engines, but because of the terrain, they hadn't gained much for the time being.

"Leave me something to fight, Aghem!"

Even at this time, Oak’s optimistic spirit still made the commander of the dirty car tank witty words.

"Go back alive and say this again! Idiot!"

Da Ji Ba hissed, he was not so optimistic.

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