Orc Tyrant

Chapter 700: Probing (Part 1)

"It's not to me, they are looking for death on their own."

On the green fortress, Guk said this to Liya beside him while shaking the metal vessel in his hand.

Knight’s destruction was already two days ago. After completely erasing the city from the map, Guk merged with the Gough Legion and began to move closer to Tyre. The Black Fire Legion and Blood Axe Legion on the two wings were already Go ahead.

The two legions will meet in the town of Haltrovia and wait for the arrival of Guk.

After nearly two weeks of "March", Ouk's army has swept across the entire Gramatia province, occupying or destroying 15 cities, dozens of cities and towns, and countless villages.

In the process, at least 30 million acres of arable land were abandoned, countless granaries and pastures were burned, more than two million people became refugees, and the economic loss caused the imperial finance minister to faint after seeing the report.

What is even more frightening is that in addition to the two million refugees who fled to the north, there are nearly one million people stranded in the occupied area of ​​Ouke, and their fate is mostly miserable.

The massacres were leaked out through newspapers and radio. Knight, Broca... each place name represents a **** massacre, especially Knight, who was the first to be ruthlessly obliterated after his surrender. In the city, this massacre was promoted by the empire's official government, and accompanied by a large number of live photos to warn people of Oak's cruelty and violence.

Such a massacre not only shook the people of the empire, but also shook all the human kingdoms. The New California Republic immediately announced the forgiveness of the debt accumulated by the East Benedictine Empire in the first ten years, and provided 8 billion interest-free loans, and a value of 100 Billion in material assistance.

Soon, other countries and regions also extended a helping hand to the East Benedict Empire. Even the West Benedict Empire, which has been hostile, also said that the two countries should put aside their previous suspicions and save their close relatives.

In addition to supplies, some countries and organizations have also formed volunteers. For example, the New California Republic established the First and Second Support Aviation Regiments, the Redemption Knights from the Sikaimon Church, the Fortitude Order, and the United States of the Old Road. The Starlight Column and the Great Corps.

But these things are still a drop in the bucket in front of the mighty Ork army. If the East Benedictine Empire wants to survive this wave of destruction, it still has to rely on itself.

"I see."

Liya nodded, her expression still a little melancholy.

"The decision of the few people paid the price for the majority. Did they really consider nothing before shooting?"

"Ha! If I see an unpleasant guy poking in front, I will definitely have to take a few shots too. When it comes to this, I still admire those guys, at least I have the courage."

Guk smiled and poured the liquid from the golden goblet into his mouth. This was originally a holy artifact of the Kaimon Church. It was dug up from the church ground by the boys and used directly as a drinking vessel. .

"Boss, there is news ahead."

A guard approached, carrying a flag on his body to show that he was from the advance force.


Guk put the wine vessel in Liya's hand, and then jumped off the green fortress.

"What's wrong?"

"Glak was in some trouble. To be precise he was ambushed?"


But the actual situation is far more complicated than an ambush...

The air is dry and cold, slightly salty.

Lake Aina in the east of the plain seems to be a piece of glass falling in a gutter, and Taiyang City is located on the shore of the lake, which looks like it is made up of various colors of waste and shingles.

At the far end of the broad ground, across the sleeping lake, the attacker had already set up his posture, showing a velvety red in the morning light.

The sky is purple and the stars are shining in the sky.

In the far north, the fiery red sun is rising, and in the west, where the defending fortress is located, it has been illuminated by firelight since midnight.

That is the masterpiece of Glak and the Gough Corps.

It is early morning, and the buildings on the plain stand up like huge sand sculptures, and the morning light has gilded these simple rectangular buildings made of yellow stones with a golden edge.

In some places, the buildings are connected by towering pillars and porches. The golden stone pillars are as large as the legs of ancient giants. The roads are paved with etched steel plates and polished to be as smooth as mirrors.

The air is filled with a dry, static electric charge, as if there is a huge electromagnetic machine running nearby.

Taiyang City is an industrial city, concentrated in the empire's rare electromechanical industrial zone, many cutting-edge industries from New California settled here, it is entirely because of the abundant rare minerals nearby.

But now, it will become Ouke's pocket.

Those defenders did not appear in the mausoleum. The brave soldiers delayed Grak's attack on Taiyang for a short time. The first banner's report on the enemy's resolute resistance was brief and rough.

Gou Shen, the lord of the first banner, was responsible for capturing a fortress to the west of the city. The soldiers guarding there were wearing gorgeous military uniforms, but Gou Shen determined that they were just regular troops and used this method to bluff.

In short, he killed them all.

After experiencing a great rebellion full of setbacks, Grak finally reorganized his army and formulated a stricter system than in the past.

He divided the legion into eight banners. The number of each banner is not fixed, and the order of rank is not fixed. The strong can take the position of the weak, but the first banner must be the vanguard of the legion.

This is an honor and a responsibility.

But so far, the battle is outrageous.

The militia and regular army hiding around the building did indeed withstand the attack of an Ork army, and they held the line of defense in front of the Gough army.

However, they are humans, mere mortals.

Glakerd wanted to crush them and crush them into powder. He even wanted to call for a full-scale bombardment, a long-range artillery bombardment, and even summon a super-heavy armored unit from nearby that would enter the battlefield only if he gave an order.

However, any of these actions will destroy the industrial zone.

The human soldiers are being protected by the buildings they guard. Grak still has a choice, but he really wants to prove that he doesn't need to do that, especially in front of Guk.

After less than twenty minutes of street fighting, the raid on the industrial zone has turned into a suffocating battle.

The Legionnaires and their auxiliary war gangs have lost their momentum, their offensive has stalled, and their advantages have been offset by well-sighted and well-prepared counterattacks.

Doso of the Second Banner was cursing various gods and Buddhas loudly in the communication channel, but Glak knew that Doso was actually cursing Goshen.

Sipion of the Motor Predatory Unit reported their loss, and his deputy, the second fastest old Gaspi in the army, died.

Sipion's voice was filled with anger.

Many boys were hit by bullets and forced to jump into the bunker.

Glak looked up at the sky above the plain. The sky was still full of dark blue at night, but the pale edges were expanding.

He could see four of the brightest stars hanging in the sky, one of which was larger, and the other three did not look the size of a star.

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