Orc Tyrant

Chapter 695: Knight Incident (Part 2)

"Fuck Green Skin!!!"

Seven or eight young people suddenly stood up among the kneeling crowd in the square, armed with various types of guns, rifles, pistols and rare light machine guns, shooting frantically in the direction where Gu Ke was.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including Ok, so that no one could react for a few seconds.

Neither did Guk.

He didn't even have any dodge movements, just standing in the midst of the rain of bullets, because of his size, almost no bullets missed.

But all the bullets fell through again.

The air twisted for a while, and then there was a flickering gleam. The position generator of the armor on Guk finally worked well. The small-caliber bullets disintegrated on the invisible barrier, and none of them really hit the pale tyrant. Body.

This moment seems to extend to eternity. There is no sound in the square, and there is no gasping of consternation. It seems that all the energy and emotions in the nearby space have been vacuumed in an instant. This complete denial of the reality in front of them makes the whole city silent. Words.

A second later, this fragile moment shattered like glass, and the crowd suddenly fell into a panic, and the two gates that contained sadness and anger suddenly opened.


Chaos erupted in an instant, and the people standing in the front row swarmed up, pushed down the metal fence, and slowly rushed to the helpless noble guards like a wave.

Some soldiers took up their weapons, others were dumbfounded by what they had just witnessed, and let the crowds engulf them.

Driven by an inexplicable impulse, Klein jumped up from the base of the colonnade and ran quickly to the back of the gardens in the square.

No one came to stop it. The intense shock was almost within reach, flooding all around like smoke.

The huge white helmet guards immediately formed a circular line of defense around Guk, with weapons in their hands swinging from side to side, constantly searching for targets.

Their discipline is worthy of admiration.

Klein thought to himself that if it were placed on the lower-class Ork, they would surely succumb to the anger in their hearts without hesitation-but Yabane believed that this would happen soon.

The red Oker pushed the guards away, and pulled off his helmet with a flick of his wrist. Klein saw the emotion on the soldier's brutal face in a moment, and that extremely deep anger could only come from a strong killing intent. .

"They are liars."

The red giant Ouke gritted his teeth and said.

"They dare to lie to me..."

Klein had the courage to move closer and stood beside the two aristocratic servants with a sad face. It was obvious that they could not decide whether to rush to Crando and the other aristocrats or stay where they were waiting for orders.

The white tyrant bent down, Klein couldn't see what he was doing afterwards.

And when he stood up straight again, there was an extra glove on his right arm...No, not a glove, it was an extremely brutal mechanical claw, each of which was as long as a dagger.

"This is a wrong decision."

The white tyrant gave a chilling sneer and raised his mechanical claws.

There was no wave in Klein's heart. At the same time, he caught a glimpse of the nobleman who was pushing away from the crowded group by the Count Crandall and walking along the steps towards Gu Ke.

The noise of the crowd grew louder and louder, and Ye Jian had to **** his ears to listen to what the white tyrant was saying to the communicator on the neck of the breastplate.

"All guards, all dirty cars and cannons—"

He roared amidst the growing anger.

"Everyone who can hear me!"

"His Majesty?"

Crandall shouted loudly as he rushed all the way, tears rolling down.

"Oh, the Father is here, no! This is a misunderstanding, we can solve it!"


Guk's face was full of anger, ignoring the nobleman who wailed loudly.

Klein could not hear the incoming communicator's command, but the sudden tightening of the jaws of the surrounding guards was a clear clue.

The shock-like fear caused Ye Jian to immediately turn around and rush towards the crowd. He could hear the earl's sharp voice during the commotion, so he kept turning his head and looking back.

The traitor danced forehand and faced the indifferent gray armor warriors, trembling in sobs.

The words in his mouth are difficult to distinguish, but he is undoubtedly begging or defending Guk, and proves his innocence in vain.

The Ouke overlord lightly lifted the mechanical claw, grabbed the opponent, and then shredded his body bit by bit in his painful wailing.

The surrounding guards immediately followed suit, pointing their guns at other nobles as if they were a single person, and began executions.

Bang Bang Bang~~!

Amid the low roar of the big gun, Guke suddenly shouted a command, cutting through the frantic atmosphere around him like a knife.


In the next second, they began to slaughter all the living.

The Guards opened fire on the crowd in the square, and a large number of civilians suddenly turned into a screaming turbulent crowd, and began to flee, trampling on one another, desperately trying to rush into the street, away from the high halls.

Klein struggled through the crowd, glimpsing the killing scenes from time to time.

The emergency command echoed through the micro communicator in Ye's ears.

"The task has been completed, everyone evacuate immediately! Evacuate immediately!"

The guards walked forward calmly, carrying their guns across the square, and sending out a burst of shots at the crowd.

The dense crowd made it impossible for the bullet to miss the target. The person directly hit was killed immediately, and the person affected by the powerful impact was also knocked to the ground, either dead or injured.

Countless civilians were huddled together and torn to pieces by the rain of bullets. Although Klein did not see the blazing light of the flamethrower, the neighing and explosion of that weapon was clearly audible.

The smell of burnt flesh is familiar to him.

At the same time, Panic is as deadly as the weapon in Ouke's hands.

The crowd ran and shoved frantically, drowned in animal fear. They trampled on each other blindly, trying to escape the square along the radial streets.

Some people turn fear into violence, wielding weapons in their hands, and in vain wanting to blaze a trail in this crazy situation.

Ye Jian drifted with the panic in the crowd, letting the frantic waves propel him.

As the road became wider and the crowd became sparse, the civilians in the front began to rush. However, they plunged directly into the strafing net of dirty cars and tanks. The first batch of armor had just been crushed from the cracks of the building. Come.

Klein was squeezed to the side of the road, so he immediately hid in a shop that had been turned into rubble at the beginning of the war.

Having temporarily escaped from the screaming crowd, Ye Jian finally had the opportunity to inspect a small map. Any avenue can take him away from the city to the outskirts of the city, but any avenue has a guard squad slowly marching forward, and they spread out coldly. Killing is the same for fugitives and surrenders.

After a while, Klein hid from the edge of a broken window and peered out, and found that the crowd of people had passed.

There were also some sporadic civilians fleeing to the south. Not far behind them, he saw a guard in gray armor. He held a half-man-height revolver to his waist, slowly like a morning walk. Row.

The butcher moved forward and fired with weapons, randomly selecting targets and ending them.

This is not a military operation, it is just punishment.

"I blame you all!"

Suddenly, a voice full of fear and anger sounded.

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