Orc Tyrant

Chapter 637: King vs. King (Part 1)

Gursuth smiled and watched Guk relaunch the attack on the center of the Ugar Basin defense line.

Reflected in the flash of battle, the overlord of Ouk looked like a colossus of vengeance, and the flames of the battlefield shone brightly on his silver hands and eyes.

For a brief moment, Gulsuth was convinced that Guk would stop and assemble with other legions, but after his bold challenge on the rock, nothing could stop the furious monarch.

Around him, the remaining golden guards waited for the same wedge-shaped formation of the guards, their weapons low and flat, aimed at the approaching enemy.


Guk and his guards rushed through the shattered ruins of the defense line, his silver armor and their shiny armor were scarred and stained with the blood of the enemy.

It seemed that when Gulsuth truly realized the depth of the hatred the King of Oak hated him, and once again thought of how he got to this point, and realized that any chance of turning back had been lost, his frozen smile faded.

Only death can end this.

The retreat of the traitor army looked hurried and messy, just as planned.

The soldiers were separated from the front line in a predetermined team. They lost their fighting spirit on the surface, but in fact they gathered a handful of resistance forces hidden in the ruins and charred craters after the shelling.

The main force led by Guk broke through the defense, and the huge giant Ouke pushed forward mercilessly, unstoppable.

Lightning gleamed on the claws of the handguards, and their red eyes shot anger. Because they knew the power of these guards very well, Gulsuth's guards held their positions to deal with the impact.

Some bosses screamed in ecstasy, and smoke and dust erupted from the launch of grenade mounted under the barrel, which turned into a roaring sound wave and swept away from the ground, exploding in the front ranks of the guards.

The apocalyptic noise slammed the armor and melted the flesh and blood, and the huge warrior was torn apart under the impact of sharp sound energy.

The rebels roared with joy at the voice.

"Wait until they come over!"

Gulsuth shouted:

"Guk left it to me!"

The golden guard responded with a terrible battle roar and leaped forward to start a fiery hand-to-hand battle with the white helmet guards.

Electric sparks leaped on the edge of the chain saw and the fist of the warrior, and a storm of light and sound erupted from life and death battles. The battle surrounded the leader of the traitor, but he was unmoved, waiting for the stalwart giant to fail. He walked unscathedly by his fellows who hated each other, and walked towards him through the electric fight.

Gulsu nodded in greeting, and when Guk moved his hand to the long-handled warhammer around his waist, he grinned.

"You got a new guy,"

Gulsuth’s voice pierced through the hustle and bustle of the fierce battle. Although the fierce battle between the guards and the golden guards took place around them, no kid dared to rush to them, as if he realized that the destiny would be destroyed. It would be an abominable crime.

"I just want to see you die under the weapon I made myself."

Guk spit, as if talking to the other party was a shame.

In response, Gulsuth put the pistol in its sheath and reached out to untie the giant battle axe from behind.

"Then I should learn."

The heavy weight of the battle axe is no less than that of the heavy hammer. This weapon is specially adjusted by Diego and has many unexpected abilities. When he jumps off the rock to face the former boss, it feels great in his hand.

"Bring a handful of good guys to a battle, it's appropriate."

Gulsuth said that his tone was not nervous because of the upcoming **** battle, which made Guke couldn't help but think highly of him, and it was just that.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, Gulsuth."

The pale tyrant paced around him like a beast playing with its prey.

"Since the day you launched this boring rebellion, I have been dreaming of this liquidation. Only one of us can leave alive after this, you know."

"I understand."

"But I'm curious, how did he find you? Diego."

Suddenly, Guk asked a question that surprised Gulsuth. He was surprised by the hatred in the other's voice and the clarity-it seemed that he already knew who he was cooperating with.

"He found me, not him."

Gulsuth simply replied:

"He told me a lot about you, Guk, you have never been as special as you claimed."

"You are just jumping!"

Guk scolded:

"You are played like a scammer! What does he want to do? I don't know? Just drag time for that sad country! But you will be hanged on the gallows for this folly. Through me, revenge will surely come true. "

"Guk, you are just the same! Use the shrimp set to fool all the boys!"

Facing the anger of the overlord, Gulsuth fought against each other and shouted sharply:

"Even not so long ago, you were still busy with some trivial things, let those weak and incompetent guys be the boss, be a warlord, these are what a real boss does?"

"Don't think you can shake me, Gulsuth, you have already failed, and you will never have a second chance."

The traitor shook his head.

"I'm not going to give you a second chance, Gu Ke, it's too late for you and your kid."

Guk laughed at him, but he could feel the despair in Gulsuth's words.

"Are you crazy? It's over. You and Diego have failed. Your army is in rout, and the other four legions will soon crush your rebellion."

Gulsuth could no longer control the boiling emotions in his head, and he shook his head, as if thinking about what he was going to say next.

"Gu Ke, how naive you are, do you really think I would be so stupid to trap myself like this? Looking back, you will understand that you are the one who was destroyed!"

At the same time, a lonely flare rose into the sky from the black fortress where the rebels used as a lair, and the hellish red light illuminates the battlefield below which is like the end of the world in the eyes of a madman.

In the next second, the fire of betrayal roared from a thousand barrels.

The Black Fire Legion has rebelled, or half of the Black Fire Legion has rebelled. Shabal looked at the bullet holes on his chest in surprise, staggered a few steps and then fell to the ground. Behind him is the boss with a smirk. Also the second in command of the Legion.

The rebellion was so sudden that no kid was on the guard.

Thousands of small towns died under the fierce fire at the beginning, and more died in the next few seconds. Rounds of bullets and artillery fire harvested the unsuspecting ranks of the adjacent legions.

The explosion flickered in the dense queue, gasifying the soldiers and tearing the tank to pieces. The sudden fire directly smashed the left wing of the nearest Blood Axe Legion, killing and wounding a large number of loyalists.

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