Orc Tyrant

Chapter 607: The Sea of ​​Conquest (4)

"Fuck them!"

Guruji, who was trapped in the siege, waved his weapon to tear a large piece of flesh and blood, while giving orders that were not counted as orders.

His boss led the other boys to rush through the firefighting zone and plunged into the defense built by the Sons of Dawn. Guruji, who was able to breathe, suddenly fired a series of bullets at the nearest tunnel entrance.

He suspected that he had hit something, but that was not the purpose. The flash of a hastily shot illuminates a lurker as it passed by—a bat-skeleton mask of Peeping, black armor and bloody, vicious claws.

The blood-red eyepiece glanced at Guruji and disappeared in an instant, like an illusion that didn't exist.

But he was sure that something must have existed there.

At this time, a certain kid fell while running, and a plasma bomb penetrated his right side and knocked out the lower half of his torso.

This scene quickly pulled Guruji back to the battlefield in front of him.

"Head! They're going to slip away!"

The leader kicked the corpse away from the ground and jumped to Guruji's side.

"They are going up, chasing!"

The children of dawn who had broken through the defense chose to leave behind the sifted bunker and fire as they walked.

The boys at the nearest entrance to the intersection followed and shot, and the semi-automatic rotating trajectory once again entered the chaotic darkness.

At this time, the good news came, and another group of boys broke through the roadblock and came to join them. There were forty-one in total. After receiving the supplement of troops, Guruji was more confident in completing the task.

They chased the rout soldiers of the Son of Dawn all the way to the crew dining area, which was already a slaughterhouse, and didn't mind leaving more blood.

During the retreat, the children of dawn demonstrated excellent tactical skills and shooting skills. Although they only had two plasma pistols, their large-caliber live ammunition weapons could still cause huge casualties.

A bullet penetrated the boss's arm armor tied to his right hand, and went through his elbow but did not explode.

The other shot almost split Guruji's helmet in half, while the third shot of plasma hit the nerve boy's right heel, slowing his sprint to a painful limp.

As always, Guruj made sure that he was in the forefront. The tracer he launched pointed out the shooting direction for the kids behind. At least in this way, they killed a total of two enemies. This is already a proud shot. Level up.

"Push up all the way,"

But chasing after them, the children of dawn disappeared, and an upward staircase appeared in front of them, but it was tightly blocked by obstacles, and the cries of fighting and the friction of weapons were heard from the other side.


Guruj is ready to move, anyway, here is a spacious dining space, not a narrow passage, there is no danger in using explosives.


The flames manifested in a thunder of dislocation in the air, and the explosion caused by several Oker grenades was no less than the effect of a naval gun.

Before the smoke dissipated, Guruji took the boys all the way up. The stairs were blown up and down, and they could only hold on to the hot metal and move forward.

The upper part was just an aisle with many corpses of sailors lying inside. A sealed door was open at the end of the aisle. Guruj grabbed his weapon and ran all the way. He felt that his blood was flowing faster, a precursor of this kind of battle.

Until they appeared on the deck and the sea breeze passed by, the Oukes realized that they had left the gloomy cabin and came to the smoke-bowling deck.

A fierce battle is going on here.

Da Da Da~!

Suddenly, a hail-like round of bullets from the secondary battery shot down the two nearest Oukes, and the nearby kids responded with typical speed and strength.

Within a few seconds, the counter-attack volley hit the sandbags and the machine guns on them, blasting the sailors above them into foam.

"go ahead!"

Guruji held the shark tooth knife high and led many boys to the front deck, roaring terribly with the pistol in his hand.

The nearest was a group of sailors, scattered in the space where the gun positions met, and turned their attention to them, but it was too late.

One of them threw down his gun and tried to escape during Guruj's assault, but the motor hardly started spinning when the shark teeth hit.

Boss Oak's powerful blow directly cut off the attempt to block, and chopped into the fragile head, smashing his breastbone all the way through the surging fountain of blood and blood clots.

In the next second, Guruji drew his weapon from the corpse and slammed another sailor, who was shooting at him and hurriedly backing away.

The **** shark teeth of the long knife bit the air, but his leader stretched out his hand from the side, and the battle axe took the seaman's rib joint and pierced him through.

"They are withdrawing!"

Before Guruji became angry, the boss roared first. Guruji looked up and found that the shrimps were retracting into the darkness of the cabin, dragging the fallen among them, and some stopped to fire and stop in the battle. Oak came to chase.

They were frightened, and would rather go back to the **** below than face the battle above.

"Are we chasing?"

"Do not!"

Guruj vetoed it immediately, although his body yelled for a different answer, he fought hard to control it, holding onto the hilt of the knife.

"Go there first!"

He raised the knife and pointed at the command tower on the upper level of the ship island.

"Resolve the shrimp's head first, and talk about the rest later."


The Oukes walked along the burning ship's sidewalk. There were only broken limbs and painful bodies on the road. On the gun position and the edge of the aisle, there were dead bodies everywhere. It seemed that there was some power that swept through here repeatedly.

When they first came near the lifeboat, silence suddenly fell, only to be broken by the sound of loading and unloading when the magazine was refilled.

"Dirty beast!"

Calling the battle cry, the Sons of Dawn jumped down from the upper deck and sandwiched Oak's team back and forth in the aisle. They quickly drew their weapons and pistols and threw themselves into battle.

The two sides quickly fought together, and the blood made the deck sticky and slippery.

And near the command tower, the fiercest battle has already begun.

The sailors and war wizards gathered around the control tower are sitting desperately fighting the invading Son of Dawn.

Near the chart room, more than 30 sailors were slaughtered in just over ten seconds, and Ikron became a death messenger, cutting out a sea of ​​corpses.

There were also bullets that hit him. Those mutants always tried to stagger back and pull the distance between themselves and death, but none of them could penetrate his scarred armor, the buzzing of electric discharge in a narrow enclosed space. It can only make the weak people dizzy and confused.

Thirteen sons of dawn followed him. They will be the main force in the assault control tower. The particle sword tore the air, splitting the flesh and bones with pleasant ease.

The internal organs of the mutant smeared the floor, walls, and roof in the form of dripping hot air.

When they left the chart room and were about to enter the control tower, they ran into the wolverines head-on.

In the previous conflict, the Sons of Dawn defeated these filthy wizards and killed most of them. Originally thought they had fled in embarrassment in exchange for more breathing time, but they did not expect that after a simple dressing, they would once again stray. In front of myself.

And this time, there were only seven. As for the trembling sailors, they couldn't even count as cannon fodder.

With a smile, Ikron decided to give them a not-so-decent way of death.

"Lin Sha."

In his whisper, a son of dawn stood up, untied a grenade the size of a forearm from the armor belt, and threw it forward.

For a while, everyone hurriedly moved away, but Ikron and his people remained motionless.

The thing did not explode after it hits the ground, but sprayed out a lot of light white smoke. When the sailors came into contact with the smoke, they twitched and fell. Only the wolverines sensed that something was wrong and quickly held their breath to escape, but the lower ship All humans on the bridge died in just a few seconds.

"Why not choose the easy way to die?"

Step by step approaching the poisonous gas, Ikron raised the particle sword in his hand, pointed at the wolverines, and smiled:

"Then next, it may be very painful."

The wolverines who held their breath glanced at each other, then simultaneously raised the sword in their hands, and rushed towards the children of dawn silently.

The next moment, there was a fierce collision, and the cruel blades bite each other to make the air vibrate.

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