Orc Tyrant

Chapter 470: Volcano Challenge

"Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!!!"

Inside the devastated fortress, the noisy Okers gathered together, and the burning pillar of fire slightly dispersed the long-lasting thick fog, making the night less weird.

On the cleaned flat ground, a ten-meter-long wooden table lay across the noisy boys, and the guards and leaders joined in the shout.

On one end of the long table, there is Guk standing in place with his arms around his chest, and on the other end is Grak and Namath.

The two of them stood on both sides of the table, staring at each other. There were two rows of white bone bowls on the table from beginning to end. These bone bowls were very fresh, and some of them had not wiped off the blood.

The liquid in the bowl was copper-green, exuding extremely pungent alcohol, and the farts were still carefully putting brown mushroom-like things into the wine.

This thing is called [Spicy Ball], which is actually a variant of Scuger. It is named after it releases strong irritating gas and powder after being stimulated. Usually, kids use it as a condiment for their diet. , Of course, occasionally used as a weapon.

How hot is it?

Normal organisms only need to inhale the gas it releases, which is enough to cause fainting, and two inhalations will reach a lethal dose, and in severe cases, it will even directly damage the lungs and trachea.

As for the powder it releases, it is something that can directly burn the skin.

Even the guys with very heavy taste won't eat too much at one time, because the stomach really can't stand it.

But today, Grak launched the [Volcano Challenge] to Namath.

This is a gambling game popular in the Oak Pub, because wine can greatly stimulate the spicy ball, causing it to release all the powder at once. All such wine is also called [lava].

Whoever can drink lava in one sip can win, or if both are good, then he will drink more lava.

This is a game that may be life-threatening. Even Ouke’s iron stomach may drink to death. Therefore, there are only a lot more dead boys than those who die on the battlefield.

Grak didn't care.

Namat can't be counseled. This is a matter of face, not to mention a challenge initiated by a warlord. If he doesn't take it, then the kids will doubt whether he can become a warlord.

Very simple logic, so he must take it anyway.

"All right!"

Throwing the last spicy ball down, the farts flee from the table like flying away.


Guk glanced at the two bosses, then picked up an extra bowl on the table, took a sharp sip, and then threw it to the ground.


After he finished speaking, the two bosses began to pour bowl after bowl into their mouths at an extremely fast speed, and they kept staring at each other in the process.

"Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!!!"

The boys screamed more vigorously. They slapped, kicked, made their own noises, and released their psychological emotions with loud noises.

Not long after Guk drank it, he felt a fire in his stomach, and it continued to go to his throat.

"Drink! Good!"

Even he roared, as if he was about to spit out the fire from his throat.

Halfway through the drink, Namat was already a little bit tired, his face began to become distorted, as if deliberately suppressing emotions, the whole body was violent, and the speed also slowed down, every time he was forced into his throat. At least half of the wine will overflow between his fangs.

But Grak was still drinking at the speed he had just started, and even a smile appeared on his face. Every time his arm was raised and lowered, it seemed easy.

Guk knows the details of this guy, he is a freak who can drink [lava] as a daily drink, and this amount may not be rare for him.


Seeing that he was about to fall behind, Namath suddenly yelled, his speed increased, and the distortion on his face quickly turned into madness.

Gudong Gudong~!

The two bosses were already running side by side when they were approaching the finish line, and the corners of Grak's eyes twitched a little. He couldn't understand why this guy was already dead, and why he suddenly became so fierce again.

There was a smile on Guk's face, he knew what had happened.

Namath’s mental power evaporates directly from the drink in his throat, so his nostrils and mouth have been smoking, which is considered cheating, but he does not intend to pierce it.


At the moment when he drank the last bowl, Glak shook a bit. This amount was also a challenge for him, but Namat seized the opportunity to finish drinking before he finished the bowl and then put the bowl to A fall on the ground.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!!"

The boys of the Iron Fist Gang cheered loudly, and some of them even jumped into the air with excitement.

"The boss is mighty!!!"

"The boss is a warlord!!"


Facing the thunderous cheers, Namath raised his arms and turned and waved to his boys, while Glak threw the unfinished bowl to the ground angrily and walked to Guk angrily.

"This guy is messing up, obviously..."

"If you lose, you lose. Boys are watching, don't lose face."

Pushing down the evil fire of Grak, Guk took a step forward and said loudly:

"Winner! Namath! According to the previous agreement, half of the trophies of the Gough Army today go to the Iron Fist Gang!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Just as Guk had announced the result, the guard leader Mang Gur walked over to him.

"Boss, the previous missing convoy is back."


"Iron Fist over there."

After listening to Guk, he beckoned to Namath, who immediately trot back.


"Did you have a team missing before."


Namath thought for a while, it took him a minute to remember it because of the interference of alcohol.

"Oh! Yes, it's from the first iron tooth side, saying that there is a team that has disappeared, and it can't be contacted."

"They are back."

"Really! It may be lost, I will go back and teach them a lesson."

"But only half is left."

Mangguer coldly threw out a sentence, and Namath was stunned for a few seconds, but didn't react.


"They said there was an ambush and only five of the ten tanks returned."


"Did they say there was an ambush?"

After Guk asked, Manggul's tone eased.

Today's battle is almost crushing. Although the resistance of the beasts is fierce and there are many new weapons, it is still impossible to stop Ouke's steel offensive.

Throughout the day, only seven or eight large dirty cars broke down due to breakdowns, and none of the others received serious damage, but now there are only five of them, which is a matter of great importance.

"They can't tell, but they brought something back."

"Go and see."

Guk took two steps, then turned around to find that Namath was still in a daze, so he claws on the opponent's head.


"Ah shit, go with me."

"Yes Yes!"

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