Orc Tyrant

Chapter 465: Beast of Steel (5)


Miviman yelled, and the deputy gunner flinched when he heard his roar in the earmuffs.

He could feel sweat running down his skin, and after the weapon fired continuously, the temperature in the cabin rose suddenly.

The car body shook and shook as it accelerated into a state of engagement, and the noise of the engine quivered in his head.

Squeezing in the turret with the loader feels like riding a boat on a stormy sea. All crew members are like rats in a can, breathing through the mask connected to the tank's air supply device, anxious. And depressed, he felt as if he was drowning in the heat of the engine and the mind-numbing noise.

He could hardly see anything that was not directly in front of his eyepiece, and the water vapor he exhaled had begun to condense on the round eyepiece. The only way to talk to the other occupants was through the internal microphone.

"Fill the second shot!"

Outside the body, a blast of burning steam emitted from the surface of the main gun, igniting the mud attached to the surface of the tank, and the flame burned on the armor, scorching the red logo on its turret.

The black liquid splashed on the car body, and put another coat of flame on it.

As far as the main gunner is concerned, since he started aiming at the enemy's target and firing, it feels like everything has accelerated.

He has been a field gunner, has experienced several major wars, including the two battles of Aswan, and has more than a thousand days of combat experience.

But this time was different from everything he had experienced before.

Information and feelings overwhelmed him, dozens of thoughts, fears, and possibilities were generated within a second, and then disappeared.

It feels like catching the storm. He understands now that this is the gap between long-range combat and close-range combat, the gap he has always wanted to bridge.

The steam blurred his periscope vision, and the red icon pointed out the approximate location of the enemy.

It did not continue to move, which is good news.

"It's installed!"

The loader yelled, the indicator light was sounding, and a figure appeared in the mist of green pixels.

"Enemy attack, thirty degrees to the left, and fire immediately!"

"I can't see them!"

The main gunner desperately put his eyes on the periscope, but was unable to meet the commander's request, because he really couldn't see anything.

The **** fog is coming again.

"on the left!"

Miviman's voice sounded again, and the main turret began to rotate in the seat ring.

"I still can't see anything."

What he said is the truth.

Miviman did not respond, and he had no idea what would happen.

The enemy disappeared from the screen, amber, green, and red light spots danced on the broken display. He tried to focus on what was in front of him, but looking out of the periscope, he couldn't see anything damned.

He turned his gaze back to the green icon on the screen representing the razor number with unknown damage and the newly added dead light number.

They formed a wedge formation with Hammer, with Hammer as the striker.

The enemy is right in front, they were only able to see it because of the hot wind, but now they can't determine the location of the remaining enemy forces.

He knew that his senses could be deceived, leading himself to do some stupid and deadly things, such as shooting at each other when trying to kill the enemy.

Miviman pressed the button of the talker to switch to the broadcast mode.

"All, the hammer calls, make sure to see the target and fire."

The two tanks confirmed the order, and their voices almost disappeared in the chaotic surroundings.

"Where did they go?"

The secondary gunner murmured, his face was pressed against the rubber eyepiece of the secondary weapon scope.

"Saw one!"

Another shout came from the right side of the gun operator.

Miviman glanced at the screen and saw the red icon representing metal and heat returning to their right.

A goal.

"Turn, right, right, right! Damn right! Aim, ten degrees to the right, stop my command!"

The tone of the engine changed, and the turret began to turn.

"I saw it!"

The main gunner’s voice was very excited, as if he had found a treasure.

"Confirm the enemy's situation!"

"Loading is complete!"


"Fuck your head! Confirm first, **** it."

The roar of the main gun echoed in the compartment.


The main gunner and loader cheered.

Miviman turned his periscope field of vision, he could barely see the distance of more than ten meters, the yellowish-brown cloud and mist turned in front of him like mud in a whirlpool.

He strengthened his vision, the world turned into a gray haze, and the heat released by the main gun was a fading line.

"The dead light calls the hammer."

Another captain's voice came from the intercom.

"A cannon just hit us in front of us and almost hit us. What happened?"


Miviman shouted.

"That's them, I saw..."

The main gunner Udo grumbled in response, and Miviman could see the distorted expression on his face that he wanted to deny, as if almost hitting the friendly army was just another understandable mistake.

"Be careful!"

The neuroboy issued a warning, and Miviman found that the icons were dancing on the screen, changing from red to amber, overlapping and contradicting each other, just like trying to hit someone who can only distinguish their position by hearing in a storm.

The enemy is there, on the right-

Large swaths of red exploded on the screen, and the body shook.

When the flash came from the periscope, the deputy gunner cursed, and Miviman glanced at him and found that he was covering his eyes with his hand, and the other **** screaming.

The green icon of the Death Light disappeared, and a white heat mark revolved where it was originally.

The hammer continued to advance, and the turret turned, pointing backwards towards the final position of the Death Light.

Miviman's finger slipped a little when he pressed the communication button.

"The hammer calls for death."

"It's gone."

The commander of the Razor yelled. He didn't look at him, but he could hear his voice clearly.

"Dead light, reply quickly."

"It's gone."

Miviman suddenly felt a cool air flow through his body, and the voice sounded like it was coming from afar.

"Right side! Twelve degrees! Aim! Fire!"


The Razor’s message was instantly cut off, and his voice was drowned out by the sound of fire.

"Kill confirmation!"

The main gunner said loudly:

"I saw it was on fire!"

Miviman put his eyes on the eyepiece of the periscope, and the flame illuminates the dense fog, spreading an angry red to the surroundings, as if the air itself is burning.

He blinked to get rid of the water vapor in his eyes, the fog dissipated slightly, and he could see the enemy now—

A pile of burning and collapsing debris, unsurprisingly, is a pool of smoldering flesh and blood, as well as charred metal pipelines and armor plates. The laser transmitter as thick as a main gun is inserted in the debris pile, and there is still smoke on it. Probably facing the hammer a few seconds ago.

Last night's s8 match showed that the mentality collapsed...but the update is still the same, the second one is at 3 pm

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