Orc Tyrant

Chapter 427: The blood is burning (3)

However, Magna Bernon was unable to stabilize the entire front alone.

He strode to Ufrik's side, dropped the officer's pistol, and picked up a rifle that must have been left by an unfortunate soldier.

"You are glorious fighters."

Said one to the soldiers fighting beside him, and he raised the gun and fired at the ultimate Ok.

"For the motherland! For freedom!"

He shouted as he fired at the roaring green waves.

The supporting troops were advancing in a curve in the trenches, avoiding green-skinned grenades and shelling, trying to get closer to the fragile defense line on the side.

Cannonballs exploded around them, creating craters, and sputtering deadly shrapnel at the fleeing infantry.

Just like a person, they rushed into a temporary crater at the same time, and had the illusion that they were safe, but more shells fell around them immediately, shaking the ground.

Captain Tatus lay on the edge of the crater and looked towards the chaotic battlefield, and found that Magna's troops were still holding their positions, almost frantically against the violent greenskins.

The greenskins have rushed into the battlefield, slashing around indiscriminately, and trampled the wounded under their feet.

The infantry used bayonets and grenades to make the final resistance, hopeless but with crazy determination to stab a huge opponent. The veterans formed a line of defense and kept firing at the Oukes.

Several giant Skugs strode out from the far end of the queue. The biggest four-legged walking monster shook the ground with its huge feet, and squashed a kid who was in the way.


With the howling of the mechanic boy, the automatic cannon carried by the giant beast fired immediately, covering the fierce barrage toward the human position, while the two wings of the giant beast force were protected by a large group of boys, and followed them into the battlefield with strides. In the smoke of gunpowder.

The two machine gun positions on the human defense line fired at the moving behemoth, and one of them kept firing bullets across the battlefield, scaring the mechanics behind the behemoth and yelling.

As a result, the muzzle of the machine gun immediately turned, and the position of the machine gun position was a frantic burst of fire, tearing the bunker and the people inside to pieces.

"Kill it!! Someone will kill him for me!"

The soldiers responded with Magna's roar, and Faya, the fastest runner in the company, stepped forward, but it took greater sacrifices to deal with that kind of monster.

The comrades began to get busy around Faya. The four people tied grenades to him in a string. They sobbed and slapped him as they jingle the explosives on his uniform.

In response, there was only a calm smile on his dirty face.

When they were finished, Faya stood awkwardly, bent over and shuttled between the craters, avoiding the howling and charging guys, and his comrades kept shooting to cover him.

Finally, he found a place, then lay down, disguised as a corpse.

"Past! Crush them! waaaaagh!!!"

Soon, Ok's noise approached, and there was a growing tremor from the ground, indicating that something huge was approaching.

He opened his eyes slightly, and from the corner of the light he caught a glimpse of a leg the size of his head stepping on him, subconsciously he yelled and rolled to the side.


The boys around were stunned. They didn't expect that there was still a live shrimp in the pile of corpses, but Faya knew that the time left for him was very short.

He jumped up, climbed up one of the front legs of Skug's behemoth like climbing a tree, and drew his bayonet into the gap in the armor plate to prevent him from falling.

The mechanic on the back of the giant beast leaned out, his eyes showing fear, because it had already seen clearly what was tied to the shrimp.

Faya giggled freely in his face, and then, without hesitation, he detonated the grenade on his body.


Watching the monster kneel to the ground in the explosion, Magna sighed slightly, rested on the barrel for a while, then raised the gun and fired at the other green skin.

There were uninterrupted shouts around him. He could hear the soldiers shouting to resist the waves of attacks, and he could also hear the screams of the soldiers falling under the attack of these inhuman creatures.

The shock wave of the explosion filled the air, and the ground shook constantly under the impact of shells, grenades and rockets.


A voice yelled his name, and he looked back, but he was not sure who was calling him.

Suddenly, a bullet flew over the captain's head, and he turned his head and saw the bullet hit a green-skinned face behind him.

The creature’s chest was already covered with gunshot wounds, but he still held the axe high in the air and was ready to chop off Magna’s back. Fortunately, the bullet was embedded in the beast’s skull and exploded into countless small fragments. In an instant Tear the heavy bones to pieces.

It was Leonardo, the wizard of the regiment, and Tatus, the company commander of the third company, rushed over to support. The bullet just now was shot by Leonardo—with his family’s pistol, one could shoot the witch. The mysterious weapon of magic bullets.

"The commander ordered everyone to immediately retreat to the second line of defense!"

Leonardo also brought new orders, Magna glanced at the people in the trenches, and there were less than a third.

"We even cover you, hurry up!"

Tatus took his own troops to join the battle against Ouke, but at this time the greenskins had already rushed into the defense line, fighting with the soldiers, and it was not so easy to evacuate.

"Okay! Man! It's time for us to withdraw!"

Magna greeted the remaining people and began to retreat to the second line of defense. Along the way, they also cracked the minefield a little, all for the greenskins.

"too slow!"

Standing on the back of Skug's behemoth, Naz stared at the battlefront filled with gunpowder, and couldn't stop complaining.

He is now racing against another guy and can't waste time here, so he didn't invest in the main force in this battle, but sent a bunch of unimportant soldiers to open a gap.

The goal is not to eliminate more shrimps, but to allow large troops to pass quickly. If you send all the boys out, once they are hit, it will take a long time for them to gather together, or they may be picked off by Barr.了果。 The fruit.

But at present, it seems that Xiami's resistance is higher than expected. It is estimated that Baer Zhijin had the same idea. He only worked and didn't work hard. Look at what he sent.

Trash guy?

Naz thought for a while, then turned around and said to one of his followers:

"You, take some guys up there, you must open this road for me before it gets dark!"


The leader tapped his breastplate hard, and then turned to his battle gang. It was a group of cavalry riding across the Skug. At this moment, they were in high fighting spirit, shaking the weapon in their hand, and making a wild howl at the same time. .

"Go on!"

Riding on his own wild boar-shaped beast, the leader took off the chain hammer from his waist, his legs slammed, and the spikes of his heel plunged heavily into Sgug’s tough skin, and he was shocked in front of the animal. He lifted his leg and ran towards the front.

"Go on! Go on!!!!"

Behind him, nearly a thousand Ouke cavalry followed closely, forming a swift storm.

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