Orc Tyrant

Chapter 405: Breaking the Army (8)

Quantity is always a prerequisite for winning a war. The number of weapons, the number of machines, the number of damaged machines, the number of lost machines, the number of soldiers, the number of officers, the number of reserves, the number of supplies, the number of shells, and the number of bullets. quantity.

A simple truth that everyone believes is that any war they are involved in will depend on who has the most and who is the quickest to defeat them.

This is a race against time. After receiving support orders from the headquarters, the Third Army and the Fifth Army began to travel southward day and night.

Finally, after a two-day and two-night march, the vanguard arrived at the front line of Grey Mountain, but what appeared in front of them was no longer a lone mountain, but a line of defense that stretched for two kilometers and formed by a large number of trenches and soil slopes. .

Of course, the soldiers were very puzzled, why didn't they maneuver in a boat according to the plan, but instead run on legs?

This is a question that all senior commanders are unwilling to answer. Just after the launch of the heavy thunderstorm, the smooth Dulong River channel suddenly turned into a dangerous shipwreck area, and several major navigable areas were inexplicably trapped by a large number of shipwrecks. block.

This time coincided with the dry season and the river was narrow, so the entire inland river fleet was blocked downstream, not to mention the tens of thousands of civilian ships.

At this point in the Thunderstorm Plan, the original idea has become a joke.

On Oak’s side, Gu Ya dispatched ten war gangs under him, and more than 20,000 boys came to support the Grey Mountain Defense Line. They learned from Buzz about the fierce firepower of Xiami and decided to evade by digging trenches and holding on. Dried shrimp fired directly.

Although this is not in line with their style, because the harpy's investigation knows that there will be a lot of shrimps, the bosses are not stupid enough to smash.

Now the main forces of the two legions are attacking Vader, and reinforcements will certainly not be available, they can only rely on themselves.

But on the night when the vanguard of humans arrived at Ash Mountain, Buzz boldly suggested a night attack. This plan was unanimously agreed by the bosses.

But they didn't come out all over the place, instead they sent out a group of the most sneaky boys...


Soka woke up suddenly, and there was no special reason. Since reaching this cursed place, the faint echo of the pain on his foot has been torturing him.

He is a company commander, belonging to the 63rd Infantry Regiment, and one of the vanguard troops. They marched with all their strength. Everyone was tortured and exhausted. After reaching their destination, they had to build camps and fortifications. Prevent the enemy from counterattacking.

The continuous high-intensity exercise almost destroyed the spirit and will of most people, and the soldiers did not want to move anymore, but fortunately Ouke did not intend to move.

Now, they only need to wait for the follow-up troops to arrive.

"Oh shit!"

Soka coughed and said that there was sand in his throat, which was also part of his military career.

He looked down at his swollen right leg, and he felt as if it no longer existed.

He slept almost naked, so he put on trousers, socks and boots before walking out of the tent, and walked into the dark naked to the top.

It is dawn, and a few hours before the sun rises, the sky is a turbid dark black, like old furniture, the wilderness is shrouded in a blur, and occasionally some twisted dark shadows pass by, it should be Migratory herbivores.

It might be very hot today, he could feel the air heating up, and some of the local livestock, some of them were carrying saddles for marching.

They wandered around gnawing on the grass, Soka walked to the well and wiped his face with his hands. He needs to shave and needs something to eat.

Suddenly, all the animals raised their heads at the same time, they stared in the same direction, some of them were still chewing food, and then they ran away.

The soldier's instinct caused Soka to hide in the shadow of the brick house. He looked around and suddenly became alert.

Where are the sentries, guards, and military police?

The night covering the wasteland moved, so that he could barely distinguish that many figures were jumping from a depression to this side.

Soka swallowed. He turned around and ran across the labyrinth of tent areas to the camp commander’s tent.

He wants to sound the alarm, they are facing a despicable night attack!

Soka slipped into the dim and sultry tent. His commander, Kolov, head of the 63rd Infantry Regiment, was sitting behind his desk, looking at him in surprise.


Soka whispered:

"Emergency! The enemy is launching an attack!"

Kolov didn't move, he continued to stare at Soka with a slightly surprised expression.


When Soka approached, Kolov's gaze did not follow him. He still looked at the entrance and watched where Soka came in. Kolov didn't move at all.

Soka felt something, and immediately flashed to the side.

The machete swung by the assassin who was hiding by the entrance of the tent passed by Soka with a millimetre difference, pierced the tent with a choppy sound, and chopped into the sand below.

Soka stood up, and a strong monster broke in, pulled the machete out of the ground, and rushed towards him again.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Soka shouted loudly.

"There are enemy troops in the camp!"

He turned over from the desk, avoided the frantic blade, and accidentally bumped into Kolov.

His commander fell back from the chair, and the desk fell over under Soka's weight. Blood slowly flowed from Kolov's nose and mouth. He still stared at the roof of the tent in surprise.

Soka rolled away from the still warm body, hurriedly trying to pull Kolov's pistol out of the holster.

Ok's long knife swung high and made a cut on the top of the tent, and then he swung the blade down, Soka hid away, and the dropped long knife instantly cut off Kolov's left shoulder.

Blood overflows...

"Enemy attack!!"

Soka yelled while avoiding, he heard shouts and the scream of rifles outside.

In a panic, he threw a bag at the approaching green skin, but the neighing serrated long knife bounced it aside.

He backed back with his hands and feet, and threw out another pen holder. The long knife smashed the pen holder, and suddenly a pile of pens, quill pens and ink flew out.

Soka turned to avoid, and the long knife made a long opening on the side of the tent.

The basic training he received in the past began to bear fruit. After landing, Soka grabbed and searched for any weapon, and finally found a pen that fell out of the pen holder.

Soka picked up the pen, unconsciously estimated the weight, then raised his hand and threw it out as a dart.

The sharp nib pierced the ugly big face covered with war patterns, and the Oak boy exclaimed and staggered back.

Soka jumped up, rushed to hold the hilt of the long knife, and slammed the opponent's crotch with his knee, but the **** didn't take this trick at all.

"Damn shrimp!!"

He yelled and threw Soka out of the tent with a flick of his waist.

Outside the commander’s tent, there was already a scene of hell. Soldiers who were awakened by gunfire and sirens were hurriedly resisting Ouke’s attack. Ka could hear a lot of startling howls of pain.

waaaaaaaaaagh! ! ! !

Similarly, Ok's annoying roar has been echoing over the camp.

The green skin that almost killed him was also roaring, but it was extremely angry. It walked out of the tent and headed straight for Soka.

Bang Bang Bang~~!

Several gunshots interrupted its charge. It turned out that Soka's company came to save his officer. They gathered together and counterattacked the approaching Ouke with rifles and grenades.


The deputy company commander pulled Soka up from the ground.

"Quick! Organize defense! Organize defense!!"

In this chaotic night, the original chain of command has been completely disrupted, Soka can only take his company to the stable in the barracks, relying on a relatively strong fence to protect himself.

Fortunately, there was no trouble for Oke to come to them again, and the **** carnage continued until the dawn dispelled the darkness.

That night, the 63rd Infantry Regiment suffered more than 1,700 casualties, and 21 officers below the regimental commander were killed.

Add more tomorrow! First, at 10 o'clock in the morning, don’t forget to vote for it~~

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