Orc Tyrant

Chapter 390: The Bourne (Part 1)

Mountbatten returned to the station for the last two small clocks before dark. Bronze Hutt casually strolled back and forth in the camp. Mountbatten prepared a meditation room for him, but he was not as ordinary as other wizards. People are isolated, and instead chat with the soldiers from time to time, or change tricks to make everyone happy.

But he soon noticed that Mountbatten's face was a little gloomy, and it was obvious that something had happened in this combat meeting.

Bronze Hutt came to the command post of the division, where he found Mountbatten, who was smoking and gazing at the map. A lot of cigarette butts had been scattered on the ground. Obviously, the opponent had been here for a while.

"Is the situation optimistic?"

He took out two wine glasses from the cabinet, then twisted the cork of the red wine to fill it up.

"Of course, quite optimistic, very optimistic."

Mountbatten turned around, picked up the glass and drank cleanly.

"But you are not optimistic?"

Bronze shrugged his eyebrows and smiled:

"You are not only not optimistic, but also very pessimistic, even nervous, and so terrible."

"Hey, I said, don't use your wizard tricks on me."

Faced with Mountbatten's anger, Bronze's smile became brighter.

"I swear I didn't."

He raised his hands, surrendered, and then continued:

"I have listened to Professor Freud's lessons several times."

"The doctor who specializes in treating lunatics, I have also heard that his hypnotherapy is said to be quite effective."

"The point is not here, but his analysis of people. I think it can solve many problems we need to face, especially the conscious, subconscious and subconscious theories. I think every wizard should learn because he doesn't understand himself. There have been too many tragedies."

"You still need to learn?"

Mountbatten smiled, leaning against the edge of the table.

"I thought you were all philosophers, and they were all very good at talking about them."

"Not on the contrary, we tend to fall into deeper confusion than ordinary people."

Mountbatten was silent for a while, then filled his glass again.

"The battle is about to start, and the various legions will soon cross the river. The vanguard has already occupied several strongholds on the opposite bank, and everything is going well."

"Isn't it good?"

"The scouts sent back information that Oak was mobilizing on a large scale, and they were rushing over. The exact number is still unclear, and it seems that there is no clear target. Like a frightened flock, they hurried to the side. "

"What do you think is your chance of winning?"

"What percentage?"

Mountbatten took a few steps back and forth with his wine glass, then turned around and said:

"Seven to eighty percent is always there."

"Then what are you worried about?"

"The 70-80% I said was based on the fact that Oak still launched a full-line offensive aimlessly according to the current situation. We have prepared fortifications and a complete firepower net. Their forces are dispersed. After the Seventh Army joins. , Will be defeated by each."

"Where is your worry?"

"Their commander."

Mountbatten put down his wine glass, came to the front of the map, and pointed his finger in the direction of Vader City.

"The position of the Second Army is too deep. Although there are friendly troops on both sides, the nearest is 50 kilometers away. Once the enemy suddenly encircles, it is dangerous."

Bronze also got up from his chair and walked to Mountbatten.

"I don't know much about military affairs, but there are six to seven thousand people, Ok will be impossible to eat in a half-time, right?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to tell. If the opponent concentrates its forces and attacks with two to three times the absolute number advantage, I am not optimistic about the Second Army.

"Two or three times...that's as fast as 200,000 yuan, right? Such a huge crowd of enemy troops rushed over, it is impossible for the scouts to find out. Moreover, they have to fight hard, and they have to bring along heavy artillery, and they can't walk too much. The army has every chance to withdraw."

The commander of the independent division shook his head.

"You are the same as they said."


"Yes, including the commander of the Second Army himself said the same, but... I still insist that this position should be appropriately contracted, or part of the force should be occupied by the northern gray mountains, and the retreat channel should be retained, but the headquarters does not agree with the division of the Second Army. They must concentrate their efforts to ensure the security of Vader City. The Sixth Army said that they would protect the flanks of the Second Army, but to be honest, I don’t trust Ben Lier too much. He listens too much to Commander Greck."

Hearing this, Bronze frowned.

"Although I am an outsider, this war really won't come soon."

"My opinion is that since we have crossed the river, everyone will protect themselves. There is no need to separate, but the commander thinks that my thinking is too conservative and there is no way to explain the past to the president and the Ministry of Defense."

"I also don't think it's appropriate to hold a group together. With so many people huddled together, in case something happens, retreating is also a trouble."

Mountbatten sighed.

"Then you should not launch an attack hastily. Armed with another 20 divisions, you will be safe."

"Since the above orders have been issued, we can only execute them. By the way, you shouldn't stay in this ghost place forever?"

These words made Mountbatten's forehead jump, and he immediately held down his anger and moved the topic to another place.

"What the **** are you doing here, Hutt?"

"look at you."

Bronze replied.

"Hutt? I asked you a question."

"I applied for volunteer status myself."

Bronze said, leaning back in his chair.

On a quiet night, the temperature dropped quickly, and the breeze came like a cold black tide, and the two of them squeezed around the incandescent lamp and the heater.

"I just want to come and see you."

"not only that."

"Why more than that?"

Mountbatten smiled and took out another bottle of wine from the cabinet.

"When did Bronze Hutt not have a secret plan, eh?"

"You hurt me, Mountbatten, you hurt me... I can't come here unselfishly to visit an old friend and see how he is doing?"

The major general stared at him with a sly smile on his face, waiting for Bronze to speak.

"Sir, excuse me."

A certain voice interrupted them, and the two raised their heads and found that Chuanbingling was standing at the door.

"what's up?"

"The medical officer apologizes for disturbing you, sir, but he wants you to identify a dead soldier."

"Dead soldier?"

Mountbatten felt that something was wrong, and he had not received any news of an accident recently.

"Soldier of that unit? What's the reason?"

"I don't know, so I need you to check it out, because I'm not sure if it belongs to our troops."

"Understood, you go to deliver my order, all commanders immediately count the number of people, and report the missing persons as soon as they are found."


After the messenger saluted, turned and trot into the darkness, Mountbatten turned to look at the wizard.

"Come with me?"


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