Orc Tyrant

Chapter 300: The slaughter enters Veronica (Part 2)

Phil shook his head, wondering why he was lying on his back between a patch of dust and gravel.

He didn't remember falling down or being hit, but when he turned his body, a wave of pain and convulsions suddenly grabbed him, and he snorted, clearly knowing what the pain means.

He stood up and looked to the west, and saw a boiling pillar of fire rushing into the sky, the turbulent waves engulfed in the world, and the convulsive pain in his whole body told him how powerful the energy released by this explosion was.

The shock wave spread across the city like an earthquake, and the houses that had stolen from the fierce barrage collapsed in front of this force.

As the light gradually dimmed, Phil saw a blazing figure on the horizon running rampant, like an enraged bull.

He heard the sound of metal screams and glass shattering that shook the earth. All potential hopes turned into ashes and lost hope in the loud noise. The huge town clock tower crashed to the ground, and another shock wave hit the ground. The city spread, and the harvest goddess statue of the city landmark exploded into a ball of fire at the same time.

These three levels of destruction made Phil feel shocked and horrified. This was the death knell of his homeland. The line of defense no longer existed. The entire city was wiped out. After the enemy vented their original desire for destruction, they quickly searched for it. Next target.

He crawled out of the pit with difficulty and found that there was no sign of Ouke around him. However, he also saw a dozen other militiamen, who were lucky enough to survive in hiding in the ruins.

"It's Mr. Phil!"

They found him and quickly dragged him to a relatively safe location.

The gauze and bandage temporarily stopped his blood, but Phil knew that the injuries on his body were fatal. Even if he survived this time, the subsequent infection would kill him.

"Can't stay here, we are going to meet other people."

Despite his short life, Phil still hopes to save more people before he dies.

He led the remnants and defeated generals through the ruins of his beloved city, and absorbed a dizzy militia along the way. They gathered from the east to the green square. At this time, he had nearly a hundred more soldiers by his side, and looked forward to it. There are survivors in the city center, because they need more people to resist Ok.

"I killed one."

"I killed two and buried them on the side of the road with several grenades."

"If I were ten years younger, I could at least kill three more!"

There were no complaints and sighs of failure along the way. Most of the people seemed calm and brave. They had long lost the extravagant hope of survival, and some were just full of hatred, especially those whose relatives died in this attack.

Phil firmly believes that the bitter hatred will eventually be cast into a powerful blade, pierced into the heart of the beast.

Maybe not now, maybe it will take a long time, but Phil doesn't mind being the cornerstone of the cliff of hatred. They are the first batch of pioneers, and mankind will find hope of victory from their failure one day.

This is what he firmly believes.

The square was in front. When Phil saw a lot of tree-like marbles collapsed on the ground and full of bullet holes, he suddenly realized where this retreat route led him to-Jinju Street.

A certain statue on the far left escaped a disaster. Its golden trunk was as clean as new, as if it had just left the sculptor’s workshop. This made Phil almost laugh, and he stopped escaping from the defense zone to this point. , Raised his hand and touched the golden orange.

"You are indeed lucky..."

He whispered, feeling silly but he didn't care.

"...If you have extra good luck, it's better to share it with me."

"Superstition is not for you."

A voice behind him said, Phil smiled with sincere relief, and turned from the statue to see his friend, Sergeant Lorne, limping among the retreating soldiers.

Phil immediately walked over to greet him, and the two embraced like brothers.

"what happened?"

Phil asked, his voice getting weaker

"The northern line of defense is lost."

The other party's answer was very brief, but Phil didn't need more explanation.

"Where are we going?"

"The last line of defense."

Phil glanced at the gathered team, there were probably less than three hundred people.

"What is the last line of defense?"

"The north-south line between the train station and the No. 9 storage station, with the No. 11 water tower in the middle."

"That's a long line of defense,"

"I know, but it is shorter than the previous one. If we can persist long enough, some civilians who have not evacuated will get more chances of escape. This is at least worthwhile."

"There are not many people anymore."

"We can only do so much."

After Phil finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced further away. He had already heard signs of chasing soldiers. He never expected the wizard to hold on to Oak for too long. He swallowed his anger and understood that it was of no use, because it had so much. The goal.

He led the remaining militiamen across the square to the street in front of the train station. When he passed by the stone tower with the huge water tank at the top, Phil couldn't help but glance at it.

Like the kumquat statue, it miraculously escaped the bombing disaster. At this time, the station hall was crowded with civilians fleeing from Oak’s anger. They used to have different classes, but the enemy’s bullets The blade didn't care about the identity of the life it erased. Frightened residents rushed into the station from all directions, fleeing towards the easternmost exit, or hoping to come to the rescue train on the next adventure.

A broken arch lay at the exit of the station, and collapsed stone pillars and metal debris were scattered all around. Not far away, the bright white figure of the city hall was almost obscured by the raging black smoke.

Phil finally counted the strength of the troops on hand. There were 312 soldiers, which was pitifully small compared to the military strength at the beginning of the battle, but still more than he expected.

He couldn't help but wonder how many people fell under the enemy, and how many people died in the raging fire of the city.

He left the problem behind, it didn't help, he had more important things to do.

The remaining militiamen lined up in the former lush park at the foot of the water tower. All those armed with guns formed a line of defense around the park, and their guns pointed towards the northwest.

The smell of burnt bark and vegetation diffuses in the air like a thick fog, and the smoke and dust from the woods that have turned into ashes hangs down on the ground, like poisonous clouds swirling at the feet. At this moment, the scene is suddenly unexpected. Became quiet.

Phil stared forward, a huge figure was stepping out of the thick smoke, he remembered that thing, this scene and his memory began to overlap.

"what's happenin?"

Lorne noticed his somewhat stagnant expression.

"It's coming..."



A terrible howl echoed in the square, and every piece of glass on the water tower burst into diamond-like fragments. They spilled like crystal rain, and every fragment reflected the fire and black smoke on the battlefield.

Lorne knelt on one knee, and the loud noise almost burst his eardrums.

"Kaemon is here, what's that?"

Before he finished speaking, he remembered that he had heard such a howl.

"Ok's... leader."

Phil looked into the distance and whispered softly. He recalled his experience not long ago.

The surging Ouke stepped aside to both sides, and everyone saw a tall and majestic white Ouke, surrounded by a group of silver armor beasts, walking towards them through the line of fire.

The end of Veronica has finally arrived irreversibly.

"There are no more trips! Say it again! There are no more trips!"

The dispatcher of Arkham North Station snarled at the other end through the microphone, and then hung up angrily.

He took a few deep breaths to soothe his excitement, and came to the window to watch the busy railway. Trains were leaving and entering, and now the entire station has reached a state of full load.

It's all because of that **** Ok!

Now the entire city is being evacuated, not only the population, but even the factories have to be relocated, but this is an almost impossible task in his opinion, even 30% of the expected task is impossible to achieve!

Time is too short, and the railway capacity is there. Either more people or more goods can be transported.

Of course, the requirements of the business owners are first to ensure the safety of their own property, and the requirements of the mayor's office is to transport refugees as much as possible. This conflict cannot be resolved by him, and even the station master cannot resolve it.

"Damn it, why is this?"

Angrily, he slammed the guardrail, the dispatcher turned back to the desk, and placed a newspaper with a strong smell of ink on the table.

"The Slaughterer Enters Veronica! Where is our army! ? 》

Chapter 300 as a souvenir! It's been almost half a year before I knew it.

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