Orc Tyrant

Chapter 195: Bad news again and again

The royal court of the beastly person is as silent as a grave in the middle of the night. The occasional slight gasps not only failed to break the silence, but instead caused the silent torture to linger around everyone’s necks like a poisonous snake. Killing them might emit All the sounds.

The shivering Marjorie knelt on the red carpet made of velvet. Above him were many flags hanging down, among which were many dead bodies hung upside down. These were the guys who made mistakes in this place.

Lilin was wearing a red robe and sitting on the throne far from the ground. Under the bright crown was his still distorted face. His left hand was holding the luxurious golden scepter. It was tightened and loosened from time to time. The bottom of the scepter was connected with marble. The collision of the step surface produced a tick like a wall clock.

A group of his ministers, all standing on the sides of the royal court with their heads bowed, seemed to want to hide their faces in their crotch.

Everyone knew that this "Great Emperor" was a monarch with a very bad temper, so when Marjorie brought back the bad news, everyone condemned him to death, and it was the cruelest kind.

Even Marjorie regrets why he wants to come back. At this time, it is clear that escape is the right way. Perhaps it is because he has noticed his adjutant’s admonishing eyes and the threatening atmosphere around him. He still doesn't know how many eyeliners he has placed around him.

"An army of four hundred thousand..."

After a long silence, Lilin finally spoke. His tone was calm and unexpected, but some people thought it was just a sign of an outbreak.

Majol was one of them. He seemed to be able to imagine the next violent anger, so he immediately raised his head and explained in a panic.

"Your Majesty! The river is too long, and 400,000 soldiers are not enough! Ok is everywhere, and all the troops can't be guarded anywhere! Only focus on defense..."

"...Okay, stop talking."

Lilin stopped his excuse, and Marjorie immediately dropped his head, facing the ground, sweat dripped down his face, wet a large swath of velvet.

"My general, you... did a good job, at least you brought the main force back."

Hearing Lilin's words, everyone was stunned for a while, and the envisaged execution announcement did not appear.

But the following words made those present almost couldn't believe their ears.

"Actually, that line of defense is definitely unguardable. All of us understand this in our hearts, but Oak’s relaxation gave us an illusion. Including me, I also had unrealistic fantasies, but now...we are all Time to wake up!"

Lilin stood up slowly, his tone of voice was sonorous, without frustration or anger, only boundless calm and heavy.

Only for a while, he has already possessed a certain kind of kingly temperament.

"Ok has always been at our door, ready to break in at any time, killing us all, plundering our land, destroying our home, and insulting our temple! But we still want to live on!"

All the ministers bent down neatly, Lilin walked down the steps step by step, and when he came to Marjorie, he tapped the other's shoulder with his scepter.

"Get up, my general."

"Thanks, thank you Majesty!"

Lilin didn't look at him, but paced to the middle of the Wang Court, scanning the paper face with complicated expressions.

"Do you know how much we lost after the Battle of the Holy Wall?"

"Return to your Majesty."

His Chief Minister of State stood up, his face dotted with yellow fluff is full of sadness and sorrow.

"We have lost half of our land and one-third of our population!"

All the lycanthropes present once again recalled the tragic past filled with wild laughter. Many people’s homes are still under Ouke’s control, and even some large clans are almost extinct, leaving only a few remnants. Remnant species.

Gritting teeth and crying sorrow immediately resounded through the royal court, Lilin did not stop them, because he needed these hatreds and sorrows, and only by this he could unite the kingdom and abandon the primitive and inefficient tribal system of the past.

It wasn't until the guards of the royal court knocked on the swords in their hands that the ministers calmed down.

"This time, we failed again."

As soon as this statement was made, all eyes focused on Magjor, which made him feel as if there were thousands of knives cruising around him, ready to cut off a piece of flesh and blood, he immediately moved his steps with a few murmurs, and hid himself in Behind the queue.

"We have lost another large piece of land, where there are many hunting grounds."

Many of the clan chiefs present became more gloomy after hearing this. Although Lilin didn't say it directly, he pointed to another issue very clearly-food.

The beasts do not have the concept of farming. Their production methods are ancient fishing, hunting and gathering. Although the rainforest is rich in products, compared to the farming humans, the beasts of the same population require far more land than For humans, the population density carried by the land in the natural environment has always been a decisive factor in limiting the number of lycanthropes.

This problem became more serious after Ouke's invasion. Although a large number of people were lost, the reproductive method of the beasts determines that their population growth will quickly make up for these losses, but the land is still only that much.

The food crisis lay before all the clan chiefs and Lilin.

There are only two ways out, either to defeat Oak and regain the land, or to increase the existing grain output.

It is a fantasy to defeat Ok, but it is not so easy to increase food production. The past way was to plunder human villages and towns, but with the continuous advancement of human technology, the cost of the plundering actions of the beasts has become more and more. Great, the ratio of giving and gaining even makes some clans unacceptable.

Or, the lycanthrope began to abandon primitive fishing and hunting, and cultivated like humans.

Lilin once proposed this plan, but it was unanimously opposed by the clan chiefs. There were many reasons, but in the final analysis, he was still unwilling to give up his power.

This time, Lilin threw this idea again, but some clan chiefs began to waver, because with the loss of large tracts of land and the fall of major rivers, the source of food became more tense. If you do not want a large-scale famine, They must come up with a plan, but they obviously have no plan.

"Your Majesty! Urgent information!"

Suddenly, an anxious voice came from outside the king's court, and then ran in a soldier carrying a small flag.

He knelt to the ground immediately after seeing Lilin, everyone looked at him curiously, wondering what new news was.


"Five days ago, there was news from the Dark Line on the 19th that Guk led a million-odd armament to burn Silent Hill, Wendigo Church... it's all over!"

Damn it!

The golden scepter fell to the ground, making a crisp impact, as if the heart was broken.

"That's it... dead?"

The chapter is out of order and is being revised...

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