Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1137: The moment of decisive battle (2)

Generally speaking, the thick armor of pure metal can turn a person into a tank, but this powerful protection needs to be at the cost of speed.

But Guk is not a creature in the general sense. The power contained in his body has exceeded the limit of the laws of physics. Even if he wears such a heavy armor, he can almost be as agile as any assassin.

But at a moment of life and death, this "almost" is not enough.

Bruce's life was only between the electric light and flint, and he accurately seized the opportunity to dodge the fatal blow.

"You won't be so lucky next time!"

Guk, who stopped his steps, turned around and rammed back into the hall. In a moment, the gravel fell like raindrops, and the tall helmet was covered with gray-white dust and powder.

Guk rushed back to the hall, passing under a low-hanging porch, which carried the luxurious marble statue above.

Bruce, who had no room to dodge, suddenly shot a porch pillar.

The pillar that was already full of cracks suddenly fell apart.

The dome that had been crumbling before was finally unable to hold up under this heavy blow. Guk raised his head and saw the huge slab falling down. He was hit by the weight of the entire dome, and the whole hall was suddenly filled with smoke and dust. .

Bruce was gasping for breath, but when he turned his head, he saw a scene that made his blood flow in his head.

The last shadow blade knelt on the ground, blood dripping from his body like rain, his limbs were already broken, surrounded by indifferent court guards.

More or less a few heads with helmets have been added to their bodies.

In front of the shadow blade, Kundera raised the battle axe in his hand high and was about to launch a fatal blow.

Just as Bruce was about to step out, there was a loud noise. Amidst the splashing rubble, Guk struggled to pull his body out of the collapsed ruins, and the rocks around him shook and slipped. Rumble.

In the midst of this noise, Bruce heard that whisper again, and heard the clear and terrifying words.

"You failed again."

Then Kundraka's battle axe slashed towards the neck of the last living Shadowblade.

"Do not!"

The blood-stained head rolled down from the shoulders, and the blood slowly gushed out, staining the silver-gray axe blade with a layer of scarlet, and the terrible sight made Bruce kneel to the ground.

Although he has never been called a qualified commander, he never thought that he would put all his subordinates, those soldiers who followed him from birth to death without complaint, into hell.

As the whisper that kept lingering in his mind said.

He failed again.

Last time, he lost Arkham.

This time, he lost everything.

"I! I'm going to kill you gangsters!!!"

He roared with sorrow and watched the soldier crash onto the stage, smashing the wooden pulpit to pieces when he fell.

The black knight's anger quickly swelled, hot and urgent, but the target of the anger was not Kundera, but the enemy behind him who was struggling from the rubble and rubble.

The real goal of this desperate raid.

He turned around, forced himself to stand, and saw Guk gradually emerge from under the collapsed porch.

Guk pulled himself out of the gravel that was as large as a small hill, enough to crush an Ork in armor, but his body below his waist was still unable to move.


Bruce let out a wild roar soaked in loss and anger, and then flew up, hitting his knee heavily on one of Guk's arm, using his body and strength to suppress the opponent.

Afterwards, Bruce swung his claw blade towards Gu Ke's face, and Gu Ke raised his free hand and held Bruce's wrist.

The two fighters were almost still, and locked each other in a face-to-face, life-and-death contest.

Bruce gritted his teeth, the arm that Guk was holding pressed down hard.

Guk stared at Bruce's face jokingly, seeing the deep loss and hatred.

"You still have hope, Xiami."

Guk growled low, and a hint of laughter slipped between his teeth.

Bruce heard a sudden rush of heat in his nose, and then pressed the claw blade with greater force. He could not imagine that his body could carry such a huge force.

The trampling on his hometown, the destruction of human civilization, and the massacre of countless lives-one after another flashed in Bruce's mind.

Soon, he found the focus of his hatred on Guk's violent face.

With a low growl from him, the tip of the claw blade burst out with a trace of electric arc, and then to his surprise, Guk twisted the claw blade downward and deflected it to his breastplate.


Realizing that he was furious when he was underestimated by Bruston, he pressed the claw blade to cut the heavy steel.

Mars began to splash around, his arm armor trembling, but Bruce held it tightly.

He knew that his witchcraft-infected claws would cut through the armor, penetrate the bones that protected the chest cavity, and finally pierce the tyrant's heart.

Never before has he been so close to victory.

As he tasted Guk's impending death, the pale tyrant suddenly smiled and suddenly raised his hand.

Bruce suddenly felt an unimaginable force rushing toward his face, as if he was standing on a railroad track facing a high-speed train, and Cuoke used this force to lift him out.

"What a pity!"

Guk stood up from the gravel in a roar, and slammed Bruce into the chest, who had just gotten up.

The black armor suddenly shattered, and the ribs protecting his own chest were also torn apart. ,


He staggered away from Guk with enduring pain, holding on to standing for a few seconds.

But then his legs softened and he knelt on the ground, blood flowing from his mouth like a scarlet string.

Guk stood in front of him, and Bruce watched numbly as Kundera came to him.

The tyrant's eyes were full of triumph, while Kundera's eyes were full of jokes.

Afterwards, Guk smiled and took the blood-stained battle axe from Kundera Ka's hand.

"This weapon killed the last shrimp besides you. I should also use it to kill you."

Guk raised his battle axe and said slowly.

"You had a chance. Although it was only a miss, it is also an opportunity. Remember this before you die."

Bruce pulled off his helmet, smiled tragically, and stared at Gu Ke's merciless gaze with pitch-black eyes.

He waited for his own death.

But before the fatal blow could fall, something extremely huge, like a primitive **** that ruled the world, smashed through the rear wall of the broken hall, and the entire building collapsed.

Bruce vaguely caught a glimpse of a monster-like steel foot that was about the same width as the wall itself, crushing the stone wall into powder, and easily demolished the building when he stepped across it.

He looked up and saw a stalwart humanoid God of War standing proudly, huge and unparalleled, walking through the ruins.

It clenched a fist in one hand and a sword in the other, and its powerful head was twisted into a terrifying roar by the merciless anger.

The strongest Titan of the Citizen Temple, the Drifter, appeared at the most unexpected moment.

With just one kick, the wanderer completely destroyed the remaining hall of the racecourse and turned it into a broken ruin.

In Bruce's eyes, rubble and debris fell like raindrops from the ceiling, and he smiled and saw the whole building fall apart around him.

The marble floor trembled in the huge bombardment, and the sound of the destruction of this building seemed to be the sweetest music in his ears, and he felt his entire world immersed in darkness.

"Is this your plan, damn..."

The first orange-red ball of fire exploded in mid-air, and the earth trembles, houses collapsed in front of the devastating shock wave, and the streets boiled in flames again.

Not far away, another towering figure appeared.

The second Titan in the Citizen Temple, the Ghost Spider, also joined the battle again.

As if a strong earthquake hit, Bruce felt his gravel prison begin to tremble.

Flames swept through the wreckage in the hall, pain surrounded him like a violent wind, stabbing him mercilessly, but he still had a smile on his face, because he saw that Guk was also surrounded by the same scene...

"...Dia brother."

Then, with a light sigh, darkness finally fell, and Bruce couldn't feel anything.

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