Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1110: Engine of Pain (middle)

The appearance of Nutans made the form of the battlefield a little tense.

Uquete saw more guards pouring in from the opposite entrance, and the hot silver needles hit like a torrential rain. These newly arrived enemy reinforcements launched a counter-attack against Ok, and an anxious battle broke out. .

"They still have some backbone, I have to admit it."

He muttered to himself in a low voice, realizing that the enemy was obviously not surrendering as quickly as expected.

As a limited cover, the space around the marble statues was torn apart by silver flames. Each shot broke the hardwood frame into pieces, or pierced through the puppets who still used metal fingers to fiddle with the strings.

But the music is still flying.

Every time Uquette saw those weird puppets, he had an instinctive nausea. Those things made him feel very uncomfortable.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Uquette glanced behind him.

A soldier of the Black Talon team fell while rushing to the bunker, the bullet penetrated his head, and the corpse slipped heavily beside Uquet.

Only three members of the team are still alive, and they are separated from the leader of the team.

"Take stick bombs and knock those big bangs out!"

Uquet yelled to the kid holding the bazooka.

"Provide me with cover! Focus here and attract the attention of those shrimps! Waaagh!"


The boys responded and charged with superb cooperation.

The guard who was trying to build a line of defense in front of him was under tremendous pressure. A guard in silver armor was torn to pieces by a big gun. The broken body rolled and fell to the ground, falling on the instrument full of bullet marks, broken and **** .

The puppets were also convulsing in the rain of bullets, still trying to continue playing, although their hands had long been left with only damaged bones and cables.

As an airborne unit, these Okee boys are more disciplined than their counterparts. They advance in small groups, providing each other with bursts of cover firepower, and rushing in the rain of bullets.

As the pressure in front of him weakened, Uquet immediately rushed out of the bunker and plunged into the vortex of flames.

Behind him, a scrap metal mecha body rushed out from behind a row of huge drums and bells, and fired at the enemy in the resulting bang.

The guard with a ribbon tied to the purple armor flipped vigorously in front of the fire and metal storm, avoiding attacks like a dancer, cutting the body with a sharp blade.

The guards wearing the standard black armor formed a tight formation and rushed forward, stabbing them with their spear blades. If Ouke is a violent fire, then they are sharp ice.

In the death vortex and flame storm that filled the entire throne room, their meticulous perfect tactics and formation were still sharp.

Uquet leaned to avoid, walking between the bullets, approaching the figure wearing the jet black armor, the shiny shrapnel constantly rubbing sparks on his armor.

The man's armor was obviously very old, but it was decorated with gorgeous decorations, comparable to those carved by ancient heroes around him.

He is holding a spear, with a crescent-shaped inverted blade protruding from both ends of the spear handle, and a deadly sound wave faintly roaring.

"Your head will be a good display!"

Uquette stared at him and vowed to slash him.

He quickly crossed the line of fire, rushing towards the tall figure like an arrow from the string, and the knife in his hand formed a line in his eyes, connecting to the unknown opponent.

Then, without waiting for him to take action, the gale rushed.


The fighting instinct formed throughout the year saved his life. Uquet leaned down to avoid a slash of the weapon, moved quickly to the side, and thrust the knife in his hand into the opponent's abdomen.

But everything was quicker than he could imagine.

The spear turned around, and a loud noise instantly shook his knife away.

Uquet was shocked in his heart and leaped back, avoiding a burst of star dart bullets from the metal tube on the guy's body, and the floor with colorful patterns in his previous location was plowed out by the bullets. Broken gully.

At this time a guard fell at Uquet’s feet, his chest exploded by artillery fire.

The other also fell, and his leg was cut off by a fighter from the Black Talon Squad.

Some Okker had already broken through the line of defense and rushed forward to assist him, but Uquette waved them to back away-the head belonged to him.

He leaped to the throne high platform, the tall silhouette illuminated by the dim light from the high ceiling.

This ancient heads-up ritual seems so ironic in this era, but it happened again, and the two sides of the war did not think of interference.

"Good job!"

The screaming spear slashed, and Uquet leaned to avoid it, and rushed forward.

He stabbed the knife in his hand, but a perfect treble twisted his blade, causing it to pierce the ground instead of the original target.

The boss drew his weapon hard, but the spear struck him again, and the rhythmic blade glided past him, removing his shoulder armor and half of his shoulder.

The blood immediately stained his entire left arm, but Uquet didn't notice it.

The battle was furiously unfolding around him, and all the pain became irrelevant. Uquet only knew that he was going to win the duel.

If you win a duel, you can win the war and win the power.

Between the sparks and flints, Uquet avoided another attack, flashed behind the silent Nutans, and used his reach to chop the star dart launchers behind the opponent.


When the blade cut into the metal easily, he felt a luscious satisfaction, and he couldn't wait to feel the pleasure of cutting flesh and bones with the blade.

Next, he realized that he hadn't hit the opponent, and the man's arm bent backward in a strange posture, blocking his sword with the spear handle.

Afterwards, a terrible noise erupted from the crescent-shaped inverted blade, and Uquet was directly shaken from the high platform by the force of the shock wave.

His armor cracked under the impact, but the music suddenly became clear. He felt the power of the melody linger around him, a pure and unreserved feeling.

That music sang in his veins, assuring him more power in the future.

Uquet felt the music in his soul, and realized that he needed to ask for it, to ask for more, beyond any other needs in his life.

So tempting.

He looked up and saw that the man leaped easily from the throne, and saw the music swirling in the air with strength and hope like a stream of water.

"Your death date is here!"

Uquete said, filling his mind and body with the song of death.


Nutans spoke for the first time, his hoarse voice full of disgust.

"Have you never looked at this world carefully? All these things you want to destroy? The disasters created by your aimless wars are destroying yourself."

Uquet stood up, and was a little dizzy from the shock wave that shook him off the throne high platform, but a few seconds later he rushed up again.

Nutans blocked his attack and cleverly defended with his spear.

"This is an enemy city."

Uquette said with a smile, blood flowing from his forehead, forming a puddle at the junction of his neck and armor.

"This is everything I care about."

"Perhaps you deserve mercy, because I heard the sound of destruction, I heard their singing, and they cursed the world."

Uquite burst into laughter at Nutans.

"Do you think I care about this? I only care about killing you."

With that said, Uquete leaped to the side, avoiding the sharp razor attack of Nutans.

The opponent has master-level feints, but the boss of Ouke has encountered more powerful opponents and both won.

He is confident to defeat this opponent.

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