Opening Six Maids

Chapter 331: Want to be together xiNSHuHaiGe.CoM

In the elegant room, everyone pushed their cups and changed their cups.

The shopkeeper of the beautiful woman stood aside, pouring the people with pots at any time.

During the meal, most of Ju Qianyi's attention was on Chu Ci.

From time to time, I served Chuci with vegetables, and got up to pour the Chuci himself.

The diligent appearance almost made people think that the saint of the original church was the personal maid of Chuci!

Ju Qianyi didn't take it seriously.

I didn't care about other people's eyes, and focused on Chuci's body.

Seeing this scene, the beauty woman shopkeeper almost stared out her eyes in shock.

Who is this person?

Turning the fascination of His Royal Highness the saint?

The beautiful woman's eyes couldn't help falling on Chu Ci, and she secretly guessed Chu Ci's identity in her heart.

Descendants of the Holy Land? The prince of the empire?

Thoughts appeared in the beautiful woman's mind, and then they were forgotten in an instant.

The treasurer of Ren Meiwu couldn't think of the identity of Chuci, but the bronze medal affair of the sly.

"This dish is called Yunding Immortal Palace, everyone, please taste it."

Another dish was placed on the wine table, and the beautiful woman introduced to everyone, "This is the master craftsman carefully crafted from a whole piece of tofu, paired with the secret sauce, but it is extremely delicious!"

When everyone heard the sound, they couldn't help showing surprise in their eyes.

The pattern of the fairy palace and the overlapping of the clouds are all very delicate. It is hard to believe that it is carved from a whole piece of tofu.

"It looks very good."

Chu Ci greeted with a smile, "Everyone, hurry up and eat."

The beauty woman shopkeeper picked up the flask and turned around to pour the wine one by one.

Delicious At present, everyone eats heartily and drinks heartily.

When it came to Hai, everyone was still in the mood for the end of the meal.

Chu Ci stood up and said with a smile, "It's not early, everyone hurry up and rest."

"Tomorrow, I will go to Fukong Mountain to attend the Dao First Exit Ceremony."

The beauty shopkeeper said, "I will take everyone to the guest room, which is upstairs."

The crowd followed the beautiful woman shopkeeper and came to the third floor of the restaurant.

The beautiful woman shopkeeper pointed to an empty room and said, "This room is a suite with three beds. Who lives?"

The drunk Taoist looked at Wen Renyu and Gongping, stroked his beard and said, "I'll live with them."

Upon hearing this, the beauty shopkeeper opened the door and stretched out his hand to indicate, "The bath water and new bedding are already prepared inside. Please rest assured for some of you."

Drunk Taoist, Wen Renyu and Gong Ping walked into the guest room and yawned to rest.

The beautiful woman shopkeeper closed the door intimately, and brought a few people from Chuci to the fourth floor.

"There are still two vacant rooms on the fourth floor."

"This room has two beds, and the other one has one bed."

The beauty woman shopkeeper walked to a guest room and opened the door and said, "Who lives in this room?"

Swallow nodded slightly and said, "I will live with Hagrid here."

The beauty woman shopkeeper showed a smile on her face and said, "This room has a separate bathroom and warm water is also ready. You can rest at ease."

Swallow took Hagrid into the guest room and closed the door smoothly.

"Master Chu, your room is in front of you."

The beauty shopkeeper brought Chu Ci, Leng Ruxue, and Ju Qianyi to the front of the guest room, and stretched out the door to open the room.

"This room has a lot of space, with bathrooms and lounges all available."

"What do you think of Master Chu?"

Chu Ci looked around and found that the environment was very good, mainly because the bed in the bedroom was large.

"Yes, just this one."

The beauty woman shopkeeper nodded slightly, looked at Leng Ruxue and said, "This girl, there is still room upstairs, or..."

Without waiting for the beautiful woman shopkeeper to finish, Leng Ruxue said softly, "No, I live here too!"

"At this?!"

The beauty woman shopkeeper looked at Leng Ruxue in amazement, "But this room only has one bed..."

Leng Ruxue said indifferently, "One sheet is enough!"


The beauty woman shopkeeper took a breath, and her heart was astonished.

"Okay, then Master Chu and the girl live in this room."

The beauty woman shopkeeper came back to her senses, nodded and said, "The warm water is ready, and the two of you can freshen up and rest at any time."

Looking at Ju Qianyi next to Chuci, the beauty woman shopkeeper said respectfully, "His Royal Highness, please move upstairs, my subordinates have prepared a room specially for you..."

Ju Qianyi interrupted the beauty shopkeeper by raising her hand, and said, "No need!"

"This room is very good, I live here!"

"Ah?!" The beauty woman shopkeeper opened her mouth and looked at Ju Qianyi, "But your Highness, this is the room of Master Chu?"

The beauty woman shopkeeper glanced at Chu Ci and tentatively said, "Would you like Master Chu to change a room?"

Ju Qianyi snorted softly and said in a majestic tone, "Tonight, three of us live in the same room. Is there a problem?"

The beauty woman shopkeeper trembled when she heard the words, and hurriedly lowered her head and said, "No, please feel free, Your Royal Highness."

Ju Qianyi waved her hand and said, "Okay, you can go."

"Subordinates say goodbye!"

The beauty woman shopkeeper was relieved, bowed to leave the guest room, and closed the door tightly.


Outside the guest room, the beauty shopkeeper leaned back against the door and let out a long sigh.

Two women and one man in the same room, so exciting!

The beautiful woman wondered if Ju Qianyi in front of her was the unattainable, glamorous and noble saint in the church.

"never mind!"

The beauty woman shopkeeper shook her head suddenly, and said in her heart, "I am not qualified to take care of your Royal Highness's affairs."

In the guest room, Chu Ci looked at Leng Ruxue and Ju Qianyi, and asked, "Do you want to wash together?"

Leng Ruxue had taken off the bronze Shura mask at this moment, revealing a perfect beauty.

Hearing Chu Ci's invitation, Leng Ru Xue Ergen instantly turned red.

Ju Qianyi glanced at Leng Ruxue with a smile, and said softly, "Okay, the slave wipes the back for the master."

"Me, I want too!"

Leng Ruxue spoke out subconsciously, and her cheeks instantly became flushed after she recovered.

Chu Ci walked to Leng Ruxue, reached out and raised Leng Ruxue's chin, and asked with a chuckle, "What does Ruxue want?"

Leng Ruxue's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and said in a daze, "Yes, we must wash them together."

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