Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 227: Tai 1 gate, combined 12 mysterious gates

The five provinces of North Lingnan Dao formed an alliance, Shaolin was the supreme of Beiyuan Mansion, and Xuanxin was the abbot of Shaolin.

Regarding the alliance.

His eyes were blackened.

If you don't know any information, this obviously must not work.

If it weren't for the rise of Shaolin, then it would be the four thousand-year-old inheritance family representing Beiyuan Mansion to form an alliance.

Zhiguang was once the head of the Lin family, the head of the four thousand-year-old inheritance family.

It must be very clear to the five prefectures of the North Lingnan Road, the Taiyi School, the Twelve Profound Gates, the Ximen Family, and the Yongling Temple.

"Let's see what opinion Zhiguang can give."

Xuan Xin prepared and listened to what Zhiguang said. He didn't have any information or experience in this regard.

The Great Zhou Dynasty is very big.

But the Great Zhou Dynasty, in this world, was just a small country in a remote area.

The North Lingnan Road is just a Jiangnan trail among the twelve roads of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Guangling South and North Road has a total of five houses, and Beiyuan Mansion is just one of the five houses.

Shaolin is now also respected in Beiyuan Mansion, so it doesn't matter if you look at the entire Lingnan North Road.

It's not a big deal.

"Disciple Zhiguang, meet the abbot."

Before long, the voice of the old monk Zhiguang came from outside the abbot's monastery.

The former Patriarch of the Lin family, the martial arts overlord of the Beiyuan Mansion, and the master of Jindan Dzogchen, since worshiping Shaolin, he has been in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion all day long.

Under the guidance of the old monk Wu Ming, listen to the subtle words of Shaolin Buddhism.

Intoxicated, he has transformed into a devout fanatic.

"Come in."

Sitting in the yard, Xuan Xin held up the fragrant tea and drank it.

These days have been the most comfortable period for Xuan Xin.


The old monk Zhiguang, folded his hands and walked into the monastery and respectfully bowed to Xuanxin.

With the accumulation of Dharma, it has become more profound.

And after transferred to Shaolin martial arts.

In this Zhiguang body, the Buddha's breath and Buddha nature are getting stronger, and there is a feeling of returning to the original and simple and unpretentious in the old monk's enlightenment.

It doesn’t seem to be a bit sharp...

"Sit down and say, tea is served with a little wine."

Putting down the fragrant tea, Xuan Xin greeted her politely.

As the abbot, Xuan Xin was very polite to the three generations of disciples, especially the old monks Wu Ming, Wu Yun Wu Neng, Zhi Guang Zhi Wen, etc.

Also very respectful.

These veteran monks, each with an extraordinary identity, can be regarded as highly respected.

Zhiguang once again gave Xuanxin a slight bow and sat down with caution and respectfully.

The little wine in the yard hurried to make tea.

"Look at it..."

Xuan Xin didn't say much, and directly handed the two essays to Zhiguang.

Zhiguang understood that he immediately took over the documents and handwritten scripts in the article, and looked through it carefully...

After reading it, Zhiguang's heart probably understood. The abbot passed on his intentions, so he didn't wait for Xuanxin to speak, and said: "Abbot, the five provinces of North Lingnan Dao, the martial arts alliance chooses the new leader, this matter has been It has been discussed for several years."

"In fact, in North Lingnan Road, the magic sect has always been rampant, and it has not been a year or two to cause chaos."

"The imperial court is the most troublesome about the demon sect. As a result, the imperial court has been operating, and the Wufu martial arts of North Lingnan Dao have allied to fight against the demon sect..."

This information, intelligence, and all kinds of inside information are not something ordinary people can know.

The rampant demon cults in the north and south of the Lingnan caused a headache and annoyance to the court. The court was unwilling to disperse its power and spend it on suppressing the demon cults.

It has been operating, forming an alliance from the Wufu Martial Arts of North Lingnan Road to suppress the increasingly active and rampant Demon Cult.

The imperial court has freed its hands and has more important things to do.

The problem is that this matter has been in operation for several years, and the alliance between the five provinces of North Lingnan Province has also been discussed for several years.

The various super sects and martial arts families have never been interested in the alliance.

It has also not been positive enough.

It has been procrastinated again and again for several years without any progress.

"Abbot, this Lingnan North Dao Wufu martial arts alliance, Taiyimen, He Twelve Xuanmen, Ximen Family, and Yongling Temple."

"It has not been active enough, procrastinated or even perfunctory."

"Discussions are nothing more than dealing with the court."

"This time, the alliance of the five palaces was actively promoted by the Taiyi Sect and the He Twelve Profound Sects in order to choose a leader."

"The main purpose is not to fight the Demon Cult together, but to have a crypt remains..."

"The disciples don't know much about the specific information about this cave ruins."

The information that Zhiguang knew was very limited. The Wufu martial arts alliance of North Lingnan Province was dragged because of the fact that the various martial arts sects had no intention of confronting the demon sect.

Superficial effort, nothing more than dealing with the court.

This time, discussing the alliance between the five provinces, the Taiyi Gate and the He Twelve Profound Gates, the reason why they are particularly active is because of the existence of the remains of the cave...

On the surface, it is against the demon cult, but secretly, it is all kinds of calculations about the remains of the cave.

It's just to integrate power and seek benefits from the ruins of the catacombs.

Regarding this point, Xuan Xin was of course aware that the five provinces formed an alliance to select a leader, under the banner of a total resistance to the demon sect.

With the support of the imperial court resources, he was doing the work of seeking crypts and gains.

"Then tell me about it, this Taiyi School, He Twelve Profound Gates, the Ximen Family, and Yongling Temple."

Knowing the inside story, Xuan Xin was also interested in this alliance. Shaolin now represents the Beiyuan Mansion, one of the five residences. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

It's when you need to stand out.

Need to be famous in Lingnan North Road.

The key is that Xuanxin is also very confident now, and he has a few magical powers nowhere to be used. Isn't the alliance between the five provinces of North Lingnan Dao an opportunity?

And Shaolin as the representative of the supreme martial arts of Beiyuan Prefecture.

I also have to participate.

Must be integrated into the circle of a higher level.

"Abbot, the master of a family, it is often said that Dao Chang is the number one martial arts expert in North Lingnan Dao."

"Ten years ago, it reached the meta-infant stage."

"The martial arts strength is the best, no one can compete with it..."

"The rise of Taiyimen is closely related to Duowen Daochang. It is also because Duowen Daochang has the best martial arts strength, which makes Taiyimen the head of the five provinces of North Lingnan Dao and the right to speak.

Zhiguang began to report the information of the various martial arts forces in the other four prefectures to Xuan Xin in a serious manner.

Zhiguang's mastery of this information can be described as familiar.

"In our North Lingnan Road, we have always respected the He Twelve Profound Gate for nearly two hundred years."

"The Twelve Profound Gates are allied by twelve Profound Gate branches, and its leader Jiugong Zhenren and the other eleven Headmasters are all powerful Jindan Great Perfectionists."

When Zhiguang talked about the He Twelve Profound Gate, his emotions fluctuated and complex colors appeared on his face.

Xuan Xin couldn't help taking a breath.

Taiyi Sect Master knows more about Dao Master, a strong man in the Nascent Soul Stage with the most powerful strength, and the twelve golden core martial arts powerhouses in the Twelve Profound Clan...

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