Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 208: Shaolin's development road

Xuan Xin walked out of the abbot's monastery and saw Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian naked.

Fu knelt at the gate.

Their hair has been shaved and scattered all over the ground.


After announcing the Buddha's name, Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian immediately woke up from their epiphany.

The two looked at Xuan Xin who was standing in front of them.

He immediately reverent like a god, folded his hands and bowed his face piously.

The evil spirits in the main body of the Lin family and the bone poison in Li Wentian's body have been completely resolved by Xuan Xin with the power of the Buddha's power and the ten thousand-character Buddha language.

The gratitude in the hearts of the two of them was indescribable at the same time.

For the first time in their lives, they felt the great power of Buddhism, and for the first time they realized their obsessions through Buddhism.

Suddenly realized his own way.

The heart toward Buddha, the power of faith deeply rooted in the hearts of Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian.

The abbot's Xuanxin became the most sacred, most sacred, and most pious existence in their hearts, deep in their hearts.

Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian are very aware of the bone poison and evil spirits in their bodies.

How terrible.

It can be said that the immortal is difficult, and the entire Great Zhou Dynasty could not find a monk who can use the Dharma to resolve it.

This is enough to show that Abbot Xuanxin is the real Buddha reincarnation.

The true living Buddha.

The Dharma is advanced and profound, and no one can match it. The level of admiration for Abbot Xuanxin can be said to have reached the level of reverence for gods.

"Meet the abbot."

Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, with a utterly enlightened posture.

I am full of yearning for the ancient Buddha of the blue lantern.

Has been completely attached to Shaolin.

"The two of you, from now on, worship under the seat of Wuming, and go to the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion to join Zen and Enlightenment to sort out the Buddhist scriptures together."

"Give you the title of wisdom and broadness."

"Give you Dharma Name Wisdom Sentence."

Xuan Xin nodded in satisfaction, and obtained the law names for Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian respectively.

The two are neither four-generation disciples nor three-generation disciples.

It is a relatively special existence of Shaolin.

These two people are both in the era of Beiyuan Mansion, the martial arts talents are aloof the best, and they are the best masters in the late Jindan period.

Only worship under the seat of Wuming, and only the ceiling-level monk of Wuming can be able to hold it down.

The two followed Wu Ming to guard the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, helping Wu Ming to sort out the Buddhist scriptures...

Secondly, following Wu Ming can also increase some martial arts wisdom.

Maybe it can go further in martial arts.

It can be said that the attachment of these two people represents the attachment of the entire Beiyuan Mansion, and it means that Shao Li has become the true martial arts supreme of Beiyuan Mansion since then.

The addition of two Jindan stage powerhouses and martial arts powerhouses is a great supplement to Shaolin's top masters and high-end combat power.

"Disciple Zhiguang, thanks the abbot."

"Disciple Zhiwen, thanks to the abbot."

The two of them got the dharma title, their bodies trembling and their faces were full of excitement. For them, worshipping Shaolin was the greatest opportunity in their lives.

It is also their way in the future.

At this time, a group of elders from various families in the Beiyuan Palace and a group of elite disciples woke up from their obsessional dreams.

Looking at the scene in front of me, my eyes couldn't help but show fascination.

A pair of eyes condensed on Xuanxin's body, full of respect and awe. In their hearts, the abbot Xuanxin has a profound and profound Buddhism. He is a true Buddhist power and a true Buddhist son...

Shaolin is a true Buddhist holy land.

Shaolin's reputation and influence have completely surpassed the four thousand-year-old inheritance family.

Shaolin has become the only supreme in the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

Become the martial arts leader of Beiyuanfu duel.

Under the gaze of a man of reverence, Xuan Xin turned and returned to the abbot's monastery.

Shaolin now is the Beiyuan Mansion, and is well-deserved the supreme martial arts.

He is already a real martial arts leader.

Shaolin is already full of talents, and the martial arts strength is even the best in the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

Shaolin's development has become a reality, and it will continue to a higher level in the future.

"needs time."

Xuan Xin sat cross-legged in front of the golden body of the Buddha statue, planning Shaolin's future development.

Shaolin is developing too fast.

And the rise is too vigorous.

It is equivalent to a fat man who eats in one bite, like a snake swallowing an elephant and turning into a Tyrannosaurus...

From an unknown mountain temple, it became the first one in Tianbei City in less than half a year.

The Budo Leader of Beiyuan Prefecture...

It should be noted that striding too much may cause trouble.

Therefore, Xuan Xin felt that Shaolin should take time to settle down and consolidate his reputation and influence in the next period of time.

Especially to consolidate one's own basic disk, the incense and belief of the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

Shaolin must eat it.

In the next period of time, when Shaolin had an explosive growth of incense followers, it was for the entire Tianbei City martial arts sect, aristocratic families, and ordinary people.

Acceptance and habit, Shaolin is the holy place of Buddhism, is the supreme martial arts of Beiyuan Prefecture, a period of time when the martial arts leader.

Focus on stability and digest the results slowly.

"The weather has come. This is my Shaolin era."

Xuan Xin saw the soaring fortune, he now needs to plan Shaolin's next development after a period of silence.

Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan is the two seniors of Xuan Xin.

The posture of the dragon wind.

It is currently in retreat, and it is estimated that the congenital Dzogchen will be reached after exit.

The generation of enlightened characters, the eldest disciple Wuzhen, the second disciple Wutian, and the third disciple Wuyan have also been in retreat. Wuzhen will not talk about it. After retreating, it is estimated that the day after tomorrow will be fourfold.

With Wu Yan, it is estimated that innate Dzogchen can also be achieved. UU reading www.uukahnshu. com

It is Wu Tian, ​​a five-year-old child who can't stop the car, and Xuan Xin estimates that there is a high probability that he will reach the foundation building period.

A five-year-old evil genius in the base-building period.

Think about it, how scary would it be when this news is released?

With Shaolin's current influence and reputation, it is estimated that the entire Great Zhou Dynasty will be a sensation, and it will inevitably cause some trouble...

Wu Neng, the former chief assistant of the cabinet, the Shaolin bell-belling coolie has broken through and reached the foundation-building period.

It can be said to be conscientious...

Wu Neng's connections and influence in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It is also very helpful for the future development of Shaolin...

Then there is Wuyun among the three generations of disciples, and Wuyun is a relatively special existence. He exists in the way of divine soul and merges with the ladder of trials.

Wu Yun has mastered and understood Shaolin disciples, especially the four generations of disciples Juezi generation, the disciples' genius, comprehension, and xinxing.

It is unmatched.

Therefore, Wuyun is most suitable for teaching the four generations of Juezi generation disciples. Wuyun of Jin Danqi is both martial arts strength and all aspects of majesty.

They are all highly respected and can absolutely suppress the venue.

It can be said that with enlightenment, Xuan Xin can be absolutely relieved in the teaching and management of the four generations of disciples of the Juezi generation.

The last is Wuming. The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is guarded by Wuming, and now there are two super masters, Zhiguang and Zhiwen.

It also made up for the lack of Shaolin's high-end combat power.

This is the current situation of Shaolin's three generations of disciples who are Wu Zi generation...

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