Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 205: Demon King and Holy Beast

Wearing a brand-new red robes, a small wine in a monk's clothes and a cap, riding on the back of a tiger, making a cute posture of a monk.

It looks so funny.

It's funny.

Fuhu let out a low roar, and walked out of the abbot's monastery.

A cold and arrogant breath exuded from his body.

King momentum.

What kind of strength Fuhu is, is called the Demon King in the Demon Race.

What is the Demon King?

Dominating one party, or dominating a domain, can be called the Demon King. Using the standard of human martial arts, it is the strongest person in the Jin Dan stage.

Fuhu's strength, singled out Lin Patriarch and Li Wentian is not a problem at all.

Xiaojiu rode the tiger, swaggering to the crowd, Xiaojiu pretended to be a monk.

The imitation is Xuanxin.

But it looks a little bit embarrassing.

Very ridiculous, very funny, but no one could laugh at this time, everyone looked at Fuhu dumbfounded.

This Fuhu came out of the abbot's monastery, and the momentum on his body changed accordingly.

Leng and arrogant, and the king's imposing manner.

The surroundings seem to have become its territory.

He is covered by the majesty of the king.

A domain it governs.

Everyone's eyes were on Fuhu, but no one noticed Xiaojiu.


The old monk Wu Ming, seeing Xiao Jiu and Fuhu walking in front of him, also gave a slight salute to him.

Other people's attention is on the king's domineering, imposing Fuhu body.

On the contrary, the old monk Wu Ming focused all his attention on Xiao Jiu.

For the old monk Wuming, the strength of the Fuhu Demon King is no different from that of the ants, but the little wine looks ridiculous.

Very cute and cute, but he has martial arts strength that is almost equal to that of the old monk Go Ming.


Xiaojiu jumped off Fuhu's back and stood solemnly in front of the old monk Wu Ming.

There was a demonstrator.


The little expression full of sacred spirituality, very awkwardly announced the Buddha's name.

Xiaojiu also knew that the old monk Wu Ming had ceiling-level strength, before its bloodline seal was completely lifted.

It didn't dare to challenge the old monk Wu's name at all.

The Yaozu has always respected the strong, and the old monk Wuming and his strength are on the same level as it, and he naturally deserves its respect.

It can be said that in the entire Shaolin Temple, except for the abbot, Xiao Jiu was in awe and admiration.

Only the old monk Wu Ming is worthy of this respect.


Xiaojiu raised his paw and gestured to the old monk Wuming.

The old monk Wu Ming nodded understanding.

Seeing Xiaojiu in full view, he jumped on Fuhu's back and swaggered back to the Abbot's Monastery.

"Master, Abbot Xuanxin..."

Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian saw Xiaojiu and Fuhu returning to the Abbot's Monastery.

Immediately looked at the old monk Wu Ming.

Originally they thought that the old monk Wu Ming was already Shaolin, a master at the ceiling level of the lower box.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, a demon king-level demon beast swaggered out of the abbot's monastery.

Huwei was in a row, even Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian had no confidence in defeating this demon king in their heyday.

But this is not the most terrible.

Others did not notice, but both of them noticed. The little ferret riding on the back of the Tiger Demon King is the truly terrifying existence...

Most likely it is the legendary monster sacred beast.

Although this holy beast did not show the slightest strength, Lin Family Master and Li Wentian can be sure that they are no different from the ants in front of this holy beast little ferret.

Shaolin has become so strong, and they have not seen the legendary abbot Xuanxin.

That is the Buddha, the living Buddha can communicate with the Buddha.

Exist like a real Buddhism gods and monks.

To be honest, Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian didn't want to die, but they now want to join Shaolin more urgently.

Shaolin's strength is unfathomable.

Mystery is powerful.

Joining Shaolin is a great opportunity for them and a further possibility in the martial arts.

But in the final analysis, they still have to live.

Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian are especially eager for Abbot Xuanxin to save their lives!

Only if you are alive can you have a chance...

Abbot Xuanxin didn’t make a move, let alone worshipping into Shaolin, everything would go to dust and dust...

"The abbot said that the world has three ways to deal with hatred."

After seeing Xiaojiu’s gestures, the old monk Wu Ming heard Xuanxin’s voice, and he suddenly looked devout, saying: "The first type is to hold grudges, which is tantamount to a piece of soil in his heart. He always lives in In the pain caused by hatred."

"The second is to forget the hatred as soon as possible, and restore peace and happiness to oneself, which is trashing the soil and planting flowers on it."

"The third is to take the initiative to reconcile with the enemy, untie the other's knot, which is tantamount to plucking flowers and presenting them to the opponent."

"If you can achieve the third type, it will not be far from the realm of a saint."

After Wuming finished speaking, the old monk said with a look of admiration: "The abbot's great wisdom, I hope you can understand it with great pains."

I saw Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian. After listening, they were stunned and looked at each other.

Patriarch Lin took out a secret book from his arms.

It is precisely what caused the Lin Family and the Li Family’s grievances, the Heavenly Grade Divine Art [Tian Lei Jue]

Li Wentian took over the secrets of the exercises, and after some pondering, he tore off the Heavenly Grade Divine Art [Yin Lei Jue]. U U Reading

Divided into two volumes, the upper volume was picked up by himself, and then the lower volume was returned to the head of Lin.

The Li family and the Lin family were originally friends in the millennium. Fourteen years ago, the Lin family master and Li Wentian each had their own scrolls.

It also means that the two people let go of their hatred and continue the love of the thousand-year-old friendship.


After announcing the Buddha's name, the old monk Wu Ming couldn't help but nodded in relief.

These two people are really savvy.

The abbot is not in vain.

"Go, kneel at the entrance of the Abbot's Monastery."

After the old monk Wuming finished speaking, he turned around and went back to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to continue his work.

But Patriarch Lin and Wentian Li were extremely excited...

His face flushed, as if he was reborn, and he bowed his head to the old monk Wu Ming, then got up and ran outside the abbot's monastery.

Kneel down on the ground devoutly, praying again and again...

Since the old monk Wu Ming asked them all to kneel outside the abbot's monastery, it means that abbot Xuanxin is willing to take action to dissolve the bone poison and evil spirits of the two of them.

They will regain a new life, and they will also have a great opportunity to worship Shaolin and place them under the seat of the old monk Wu Ming...

The two of them have further possibilities in martial arts...

At this time, the elders of various families in the Beiyuan Mansion, as well as a group of elite disciples and four generations of Shaolin disciples.

Seeing Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, they knelt down outside the abbot's monastery.

Gu Ye has an incredible look...

They haven't recovered from the terrible tiger's power that just exuded the cold and proud king's domineering attitude...

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