Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 198: The **** hatred 14 years ago

Shuiyuan Mansion, Liushuijian Li's family.

The man in black reported his family, and everyone was shocked when he said a word.

"Shuiyuan Mansion Liushuijian Li Family, wasn't it destroyed fourteen years ago?"

"Li Family of Flowing Water Sword, that is a legendary family, who will be full of literary talents at the end of a thousand years..."

"He is Li Wentian. It is rumored that the Li family has been the first kendo Tianjiao for thousands of years..."

"This Jueyuan turned out to be a legendary family, a direct bloodline of the Li family..."

"Oh my god, what's going on? How could this great demon be Li Wentian?"

"Why did Li Wentian murder him, the ancestor of a four-thousand-year-old family?"

"Couldn't the Li family be destroyed? Is it related to the four thousand-year-old inheritance family?"

Not only the elite disciples of the Beiyuan Palace were stunned, but even Jue Yuan was completely blank at this time.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

Suddenly a second uncle appeared, and his life experience is still so bizarre...

"Are you my second uncle?"

Jue Yuan's face was stunned, and he was a little at a loss for a while.


Li Wentian, the man in black, suddenly stood up with a sharp shout.

Raised his hand and pointed at Patriarch Lin.

"It's his Lin family."

"It's the Lin family. Fourteen years ago, the ancestors of the Lin family, together with the four ancestors of the four thousand-year heritage of the Beiyuan Mansion, lay in ambush on the Yinshan **** and attacked my Li family ancestors and contemporary Patriarch, and then the Lin family rushed to kill them all overnight. The Li family was slaughtered..."

A dusty 14-year old past, whispered from the mouth of Li Wentian, a man in black.

Each word contains deep hatred.

Blood and tears of grievances, hatred implicated...

"Ha ha…"

Li Wentian, the man in black, couldn't help but sneered, and said sarcastically: "Patriarch Lin, your Heavenly Rank Martial Skill [Yi Lei Jue] seems to have been done."

"Back then, your ancestor of the Lin family and my ancestor of the Li family were close friends."

"Family heritage, a thousand-year old friendship..."

"Today's martial skill [Tian Lei Jue], your Lin family and my Li family each have to scroll up and down. The two ancestors agreed to study and enlightenment together, but your ancestor of the Lin family broke their faith and took the lead in the four thousand-year inheritance family who tried to undermine me. The ancestors and head of the Li family..."

Following the accusation of Li Wentian, the man in black, the truth that the legendary family Li family was wiped out overnight.

Presented in front of everyone.

In the face of such a big melon, there are many first-class elders and elite disciples in Beiyuan Mansion.

Shocked and stunned.

Even Patriarch Ye, Patriarch Chen, Patriarch Wang, and the three Patriarchs looked at Patriarch Lin incredibly.

Obviously they don't know the truth and secrets of this.

The ancestors of their four-thousand-year-old inherited family have actually done such tragic things.

But now it seems that the ancestors of the Ye family, the ancestors of the Chen family, and the ancestors of the Wang family should have been used by the ancestors of the Lin family.

The entire Beiyuan Mansion knew that the Lin Family, a four-thousand-year-old inheritance family, had a Heavenly Grade technique and it was still incomplete.

But no one knew that after the Li family was destroyed, the Lin family obtained the upper and lower scrolls of the Heavenly Rank Martial Skill [Tian Lei Jue], and the Lin family already possessed a complete Heaven Rank martial skill.

The Lin Family's conspiracy was to try to seize another volume of the Heavenly Rank Martial Skill [Tian Lei Jue] in the hands of the Li Family.

"Hey, Patriarch Lin's move just now turned out to be a heaven-grade martial skill to attract thunder."

"It's no wonder that it's so terrifying, and its power is not inferior to Shaolin Thousand-Hand Tathagata Art."

"It turns out that the Lin family has already acquired a complete Celestial Martial Skill..."

"The ancestors of the Lin family are too insidious. In order to covet another volume of heavenly martial skills, they took the lead in the four thousand-year-old inheritance family ancestors, murdered the ancestors and patriarch of the Li family, and destroyed the whole family of the Li family overnight..."

"My Beiyuan Mansion, the Lin family who is in charge of the martial arts, the leader of a dignified four-thousand-year-old inheritance family, actually did such a shameful evil..."

"Hey, a Heavenly Grade Cultivation Technique actually involves such a family's grievances..."

For a time, Beiyuan Mansion was crowded with elders and elite disciples from a large family.

Started to criticize the Lin family.

Or even blame.

The ancestor of the Lin family used the ancestors of the four thousand-year-old inheritance family to ambush the ancestors and patriarch of the Li family in order to obtain a complete celestial skill.

After that, the Lin family got a complete Heavenly Grade technique.

The Li family was slaughtered overnight, and it was horrible...

The evil was done by a family of four thousand years of inheritance. After that, the Lin family can get all the benefits...

In the end, Li Wentian's revenge was also endured by the four thousand-year inheritance family, the four ancestors of the four thousand-year inheritance family.

He was successively murdered by Li Wentian by various means.


I saw Patriarch Lin's blue veins violently, and suddenly he let out a low growl, and instantly fell silent.

Everyone was trembling, and would never criticize again...

"Hmph, you spent fourteen years carefully lurking and carefully planning, and undermined the four ancestors of my four thousand-year heritage family."

"If you are such a demon, today my four thousand-year-old inheritance family will surely kill him."

At this moment, the Lin family, under the banner of justice, gave Li Wen Tianan the name of the demon.

Obviously, it has not been able to resonate with everyone.

I saw Patriarch Lilin flying and holding Thunder Lei, raising his hand to bombard Li Wentian, the man in black...


Suddenly, flying sand and rocks, Gang Feng vigorous recklessly, Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian fought together.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, the two were actually between the two.

Regardless of outcome.

"Don't help me yet."

Patriarch Lin saw that he couldn't attack for a long time, so Li Wentian had nothing to do. UU reading

I couldn't help but yelled at the other three Patriarchs a little bit angrily: "My four thousand-year-old inheritance family, tragically died with this demon's hand, so **** and deep hatred, you just wait and see?"

Patriarch Ye, Patriarch Wang, and Patriarch Chen, the three Patriarchs glanced at each other, and finally flew up together.

Move towards Li Wentian.

With the participation of three Patriarchs, Li Wentian was at a disadvantage and was suppressed to death.

The four Patriarchs are deadly, and when Li Wentian is about to lose...

Suddenly he flew up and flew towards the Buddhist scripture pavilion of Shaolin Temple.

"Want to go?"

Patriarch Lin was murderous, his face flew up and chased him with a cold expression.

Patriarch Ye, Patriarch Chen, and Patriarch Wang also flew up and chased after the Shaolin Buddhist Scripture Pavilion...

At this time, Jueyuan was full of worries.

Anyway, this person who suddenly appeared is his second uncle and his only relative...

He couldn't watch, his second uncle died in the hands of four patriarchs.

However, he was seriously injured, and he was unable to make a move at this time. He could only force his luck and endure his internal injuries and flew towards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion...

For a time, everyone was a sensation.

The four generations of disciples from the Juezi generation hurriedly rushed towards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The first-class elders of various generations in Beiyuan Mansion, as well as a group of elite disciples, are also busy running toward the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, wanting to see what the result of this grievance will develop.

In what form will it end, and how will Shaolin solve it...

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