Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 172: Buddhism Treasure Ancient Relics

With the sea of ​​consciousness, the illusory monk monastery came out, and more and more golden words and Buddhist sayings emerged.

Unleash the boundless power of Dharma.

The white buddha beads are bathed in the radiance of Buddha's nature, constantly devouring the mighty power of Dharma released by the golden words.

The mysterious white Buddha beads became more and more mysterious.

Jueyuan's martial art realm has also been advancing by leaps and bounds in this unknowingly.

The day after tomorrow is threefold, the day after tomorrow is fourfold, the day after tomorrow is fivefold, the day after tomorrow is sixfold...

When Jueyuan opened his eyes, the mysterious white Buddha beads in front of him had disappeared.

When he closed his eyes, Jue Yuan could still feel the presence of the white Buddhist beads.

"how can that be?"

Feeling the inner strength that is endlessly circulating in the dantian.

Jue Yuan's eyes were full of horror, and couldn't help but take a breath.

His current martial arts realm is the six layers of acquired martial arts.

Only after a while, his martial arts cultivation realm, soared all the way, made three breakthroughs and reached the sixth layer of the acquired day.

This is as incredible as dreaming.

Jueyuan knew his martial arts aptitude, even if he had magical secrets and the guidance of a famous teacher, it would take at least three or four years to reach the sixth layer of the acquired day.

How can I not imagine that such a miracle would happen to myself.

"What the **** is the white buddha?"

Jue Yuan discovered that the aura exuding from his body was still the acquired triple level.

There is an unidentified power of chaos hidden in his body, covering up his true martial arts strength and the martial arts aura that he exudes.

In the eyes of others, he still looks like an acquired triple.

Jue Yuan was convinced that all of this was real, and that everything that just happened was not a dream.

Nor is it an illusion.

The mysterious white Buddhist bead was gone, but Jue Yuan could feel the Buddhist bead still in his body.

"The Buddha beads are the most precious."

"Could it be my Li Yuan's chance?"

Thinking of this, Jue Yuan became more and more excited, and couldn't help feeling excitement and intolerance in his heart.

This Buddhist bead was picked up by him in an abandoned temple a few days ago.

Always take it with you.

From now on, it seems to be an extremely incredible treasure.

"This beads, is it because of Shaolin..."

Taking a deep breath, Jue Yuanqiang calmed down and recalled what had just happened.

He found a key point.

That is Shaolin.

What came out of the sea of ​​consciousness, why is it the monk monastery in Shaolin?

There is also the brilliance of the Buddha nature and the mighty power of the Dharma released from the golden text that emerged from the monk monastery.

This suffices to explain that it is this white Buddha bead that has absorbed the golden Buddha words that emerged from the monk monastery, and released the brilliance of Buddha's nature and the mighty power of Dharma.

Only then did he achieve his current martial arts realm.

At this moment, a profound and profound feeling filled Jueyuan's heart.

Countless information emerged from the sea of ​​consciousness.

For a long time, Jue Yuan opened his eyes.

A ray of charm burst out...


After comprehending this mysterious and mysterious message.

Jue Yuan understood thoroughly.

As he had previously speculated, this white Buddhist bead is an incredible treasure.

It is the treasure of Buddhism, the relic left by the ancient monks after passing away.

After hundreds of years, absorbing the brilliance of the sun and the moon gave rise to spirituality.

"It turns out that Shaolin is really a Buddhist holy land."

"Abbot Xuanxin is really a monk who can communicate with the Buddha."

This ancient relic was an extraordinary treasure of Buddhism, not the place where Jue Yuan was truly shocked.

It really shocked him.

It was this ancient relic that was inspired and awakened by the monk monastery.

In the monk monastery, there are 10,000-character Buddhist words hidden. It is these 10,000-character Buddhist words that awaken the spirituality of the ancient relics.

The ancient relics were absorbing the power of the ten thousand-character Buddhist words in this monk monastery.

Condensed the brilliance of Buddha nature, as well as the power of Dharma.

This made him Jueyuan.

"It is said that the Bell and Drum Tower of the Daxiong Hall is also a miracle given by the abbot of Xuanxin after communicating with the Buddha..."

"Isn't that..."

Jueyuan's breathing was short, and a look erupted in his eyes.

The monk monastery has the power of ten thousand words of Buddha.

Does that mean that Shaolin's other sect buildings also have the power of ten thousand-character Buddhist words?

If the ancient relics absorb these powers, what kind of treasure will they advance into?

Then he feels Yuan, will he advance by leaps and bounds to an unimaginable height?

"This is a chance!"

Jueyuan felt his whole body trembling.

The blood in his body began to boil.

The key is that this ancient relic can help him conceal the real martial arts cultivation.

The martial arts aura displayed is still the acquired triple.

Jueyuan believed that even Wuyun of Jin Danqi could not keep his true martial art realm.

"If this is the case, then I should keep a low profile and try not to show the mountains and dew..."

A bold plan that made him excited appeared in his heart.

That is, staying in Shaolin honestly, being a humble handyman disciple, trying to be low-key and not showing the mountains and dews as much as possible.

Don't let people notice yourself.

This is the first step, so start by yourself.

Then look for an opportunity to let the ancient relics absorb the power of the ten thousand-character Buddhist words in the Shaolin sect architecture.

At the same time as the achievement of the ancient relic, the treasure of Buddhism.

Make a fortune in a muffled voice, and make the martial arts strength soar by leaps and bounds.

Wait until it is really strong a blockbuster!

Show in front of the world, shock everyone...

He feels that he is the real talented person in Shaolin...

Thinking of this, Jue Yuan couldn't help but see a scene that made him surging.

That is, he is the last ranked handyman disciple.

No one's attention.

Everyone thought that he was an ordinary handyman disciple with low martial arts ability.

But in fact, his martial arts strength has soared all the way in a very short period of time with the help of the ancient relics.

Innate, building foundation, golden core...

No one knows that his true martial arts strength has actually reached the height of crushing everything.

However, he still remained obscure in front of a handyman disciple.

Until one day, when Shaolin was alive and dead, when Abbot Xuanxin was powerless.

He Jueyuan stood up and showed his true strength.

Conquer the demon and subdue the demon.

With their own strength, a man turned the tide to save Shaolin from danger...

Shocked all over the world...

Shaolin was shocked, Abbot Xuanxin was shocked, the entire Tianbei City was shocked, and the entire Beiyuan Mansion was shocked...

Who could imagine that he felt that one of the most inconspicuous handyman disciples suddenly showed invincible strength in obscurity?

The feelings of young boys are always poetry. Which young man has never imagined such a heroic moment?

At this moment, Jueyuan's ambition and fantasy fascinated him so much...

The blood is boiling, which is very refreshing, very psychedelic.

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