Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 145: Ceiling level ancestor


Xiaojiu rode a gorgeous tiger, and cleverly offered fragrant tea to Xuanxin.

Drinking tea, Xuan Xin took out a jade slip from her arms, the construction of the sect: the gathering spirit formation.

This Spirit Gathering Array is best arranged before Wu Neng strikes the bell.

Wait until the Reiki tide is triggered.

After the aura surges, the auras swarming between the heaven and the earth will be locked in the Shaoshi Mountain, but will not disperse.

Using this method to achieve aura recovery, the effect is almost visible to the naked eye.

In less than two or three days, the aura of the entire Shaoshi Mountain will become extremely rich, which can fully satisfy the cultivation of Shaolin disciples above the congenital realm.

Xuanxin can also take the opportunity to retreat and break through the foundation-building period in one fell swoop.

Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance, such as Wenshu Monastery and Heng Daozong, Wujian Villa and Nangong Family.

Guang Liang, An Ruyun, Ji Yuan, Nangong Wentian, these people are all in the foundation building period.

Xuanxin can only break through the foundation building period.

At least they have to reach the same level of martial arts cultivation level to be called a martial arts leader in the true sense.


At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, pilgrims and believers come from all over the Tianbei City in an endless stream.

Lined up from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

The incense was strong and reached its peak, which caused a very serious problem for Shaolin.

That is that there are too few Shaolin monks.

And there are too many pilgrims.

It doesn't work.

Unable to effectively relieve and circulate, serious congestion directly caused from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

Just think about it.

The abbot Xuan Xin was drinking tea in the quiet and elegant Zen courtyard.

It is impossible for him to stand up and receive pilgrims.

After all, the identity lies there.

The current Xuanxin is the first martial arts leader of the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

It must be highly respected and must not show up easily.

Shaolin can stand up and receive pilgrims, only Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan and his direct disciple Wuzhen Wuyan.

With the addition of Wutian, who is nearly five years old, there are only five people.

It is extremely difficult to rely on five people to maintain order and receive thousands of pilgrims.

Wu Neng had to prepare for the bell to strike, it was impossible to stand up and help, and Wu Ming was in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It is impossible to stand up and receive pilgrims.

Shaolin must expand the recruitment of disciples, otherwise even the daily operation of the sect will not be able to sustain it.

On the official road, four carriages stopped by the side of the road.

The first to get off the carriage was Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian, and then the old farmer Jiyuan of Wujian Villa.

The two are the giants of the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

After getting off the carriage, at this moment, he stood aside respectfully, waiting for those who were about to get off the other two carriages.

The other two carriages have obvious signs of the sect. They are the Hengdaozong in the wilderness of Wenshu Monastery.

The first to get off the two carriages was Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery.

And Hengdaozong is as safe as the clouds.

But obviously, these two people are not old village master Ji Yuan, and Nangong Wentian respectfully greeted them.

As a giant of martial arts in Tianbei City at the same level.

The four can be said to sit on an equal footing, of course, Guangliang has always been headed.

But the identity is flat.

After getting out of the car, Guang Liang hurriedly raised the curtain, and respectfully welcomed a thin old monk in grey clothes from the carriage.

On the other hand, An Ruyun welcomed an old woman in black from the carriage.

"Meet Master Zhiyun."

"Meeting Granny Zihua."

Old village master Ji Yuan, and Nangong Wentian, after seeing the two get off the car, they immediately saluted the younger generation respectfully.

Guang Liang and An Ruyun are also serving as a junior at this time.

Beside the stone stele at the gate of the mountain, a long line was lined up to prepare a group of pilgrims and believers on the mountain.

Suddenly there was no sound.

Without moving, his eyes gathered.


He could only hear one after another, and took a breath of sound.

"No, that's the Zhiyun monk from Wenshu Monastery?"

"Oh my god, the Zhiyun monk of Wenshu Monastery, who hasn't appeared in retreat for more than ten years, how come he came to Shaolin?"

"Heng Daozong's grandmother Zihua, didn't she travel around the world looking for an opportunity to make a breakthrough?"

"This is the two ancestors of Wenshu Monastery and Heng Daozong."

"No way, two ancestors who haven't shown up in nearly 20 years have come to Shaolin."

"The newly rising Shaolin shocked the two ancestors of Wenshu Monastery and Heng Daozong."

"These two ancestors, but our Tianbei City, the real ceiling-level living fossil seniors."

"Shaolin is too shameful, the two ancestors came in person and there was no one to greet him..."

"I vaguely remember that the last time I saw the monk Zhiyun, I was an eight-year-old boy..."



A group of pilgrims, saw the two ancestors of Wenshu Monastery and Heng Daozong personally.

One by one was stunned.


Gu Si stood aside respectfully and let go of the narrow mountain road.

These two ancestors are the real Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance, the ceiling-level powerhouse, and they have also supported an era.

Zhiyun monk and Zihua grandmother, the two ancestors were Wenshu Monastery and Heng Daozong.

The existence of the real ceiling level.

Belonging to the last era, the real giants have great influence in Tianbei City.

Even Guang Liang, An Ruyun, Ji Yuan, and Nangong Wentian will not have the same height and accomplishment as the two of them in the future.

To a certain extent, Zhiyun monk and Zihua grandmother represent the martial arts heritage of Wenshu Monastery and Heng Daozong.

For the two ancestors, although it was the foundation building period in martial arts, it was the foundation building period of great success.

It’s just one step away from forming a golden The foundation building period is divided into early stage, middle stage and late stage. The peak is Dzogchen.

Four small realms, but breakthroughs in each small realm are extremely difficult.

An increase in a small realm means an increase in strength countless times.

This is the case above the innate.

Many amazing geniuses have never been able to improve to a small level in their entire life after the foundation was built.

After being born, martial arts is a real qualitative improvement and change.

Innate, or below innate, depends on talent and foundation.

Relying on resources, it has made a lot of progress along the way.

But once you break through the foundation-building period, it means to become a true ascetic, and every small level of improvement requires a breakthrough in the state of mind.

All need to understand the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, the martial arts after the foundation is the real test for the martial artist.

Wenshu Yuan Guangliang was already regarded as the top master of Tianbei City in the middle of the foundation construction, while the old village master Ji Yuan and Hengdao Zongan Ruyun and Nangong Patriarch.

It’s just a short time after breaking through and building a foundation.

Therefore, the senior monk Zhiyun and Granny Zihua are definitely martial arts powerhouses at the ceiling level of Tianbei City.

In addition, Zhiyun senior monk and Zihua mother-in-law are the figures of the era.

Traveled around the world and made countless friends.

Their network resources, experience and insights are extremely valuable.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Zhiyun monk and Zihua mother-in-law can be regarded as the most precious martial arts heritage of Wenshu Monastery and Heng Daozong in the true sense.

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