Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 129: Budo Alliance Havoc

Old village master Ji Yuan, although he didn't know what happened in the cave ruins.

But I saw the high monks of Wenshu Monastery.

Qi Qi vomits blood.

As well as the various ominous feelings in his heart, he was shocked.

It was immediately known that the disciples must have encountered unexpected danger in the ruins of the catacombs.

At this time, the first thing he thought of was to invite Abbot Xuanxin to come over.

Abbot Xuanxin is the reincarnation of the Buddha.

It is a living Buddha.

If the disciples are in the cave ruins, even the monks of Wenshu Monastery can't protect them from the danger.

Then only Abbot Xuanxin was able to rescue him.


After announcing the Buddha's name, Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, once again faced Hengdao Zong An Ruyun and Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian.

And the city lord Jin Mofu gave a ceremony, pleading: "Poor monk is incompetent."

"Please help."

Guang Liang's heavy expression and extremely solemn tone made An Ruyun and Nangong Wentian feel shocked.

If Nalanyan and Nangong are in the cave ruins, good day.

If something unexpected happens.

That would be a loss that Heng Daozong and the Nangong family could not bear.

"City Lord, please send someone as soon as possible to go to Shaolin to invite Abbot Xuanxin."

"I have a hunch that something big will happen."

"Only Abbot Xuanxin can resolve the crisis in this."

The old village owner Ji Yuan, who had a premonition of various unknowns and extremely disturbed heartbeat.

See Guangliang, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian and Jin Mofu.

Don't take him seriously.

Ignoring himself completely, the old village owner Ji Yuan jumped in a hurry.


"Old owner, the situation is critical. It is the time when my Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance is sincerely united. Don't you..."

The abbot of Wenshu Monastery Guang Liang, with a black face and dissatisfaction, shouted at the old village master Ji Yuan.

He didn't finish his words, and it was considered to have given the old village master Ji Yuan a little bit of slander.

In his opinion, the old village owner Ji Yuan is just disrupting the situation.

But you don't look at it, what time is it now.

Still thinking of intrigue?

"Yes, now is not the time for intrigue, I should sincerely unite and help Wenshu Monastery."

"Old Owner, do you praise Shaolin too much?"

"Hehe, just rely on the Shaolin Abbot's Profound Heart? Only Wenshu Monastery is the Dinghai Shenzhen needle of my Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance."


Heng Daozong An Ruyun, Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian, and City Lord Jin Mo Fugu expressed their dissatisfaction with the old village owner Ji Yuan.

At this time, Wujian Villa is still holding Shaolin.

Regardless of occasion, regardless of time.

What if the disciples should be surprised in the crypt.

That's really not a loss they can afford.

Besides, if even the Wenshu Monastery is unable to protect the disciples, then what is the use of Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin?

Is Shaolin stronger than Wenshu Monastery?

His Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin was just a stunned young man who had just stepped into the innate.

In their view, the old owner of the Wujian Villa was forcibly holding Shaolin regardless of occasion and time.

Forcibly raise Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin.

It is extremely uncomfortable.

"you guys……"

The old owner frowned and felt extremely aggrieved.

"Okay, please follow me."

Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, couldn't help but shook his head speechlessly. In his opinion, this swordless villa was determined.

Shaolin is going to stand in line.

There is a vision in the sky, the ghostly spirit is strong, the dark cloud is overwhelming, and the gusty wind continues.

Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, brought Heng Dao Zong An Ruyun, Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian, and Wujian Villa's old village owner Ji Yuan.

And Jin Mofu, the lord of the city, and a few big men in the foundation period of Tianbei City.

Enter the center of the Dharma Dojo.

Accompanied by the sound of chanting, the condensed power of Dharma, sat down in a circle surrounded by the monks of the Wenshu Monastery.

Release the endless power in oneself to enhance the power of Dharma in the Dharma Dojo.

The dark ghost face that appeared in the sky.

Unleashing endless ghost energy, endless dark magic energy.

The devilish energy is overwhelming, and the catastrophe is coming, like the end of the day.

With blue face and fangs, ghosts cry and wolf howling, all kinds of weird hissing sounds resounded across the sky.

At this moment, no one knew what happened to the eight Tianbei City Tianjiao who entered the cave ruins.


Another thunder sounded.

Circling low in the sky, the black cloud that swallowed everything like a whirlpool, flashed countless horrible purple thunder and lightning.

The sky seemed to be torn into an abyss.


There were countless horrible ghost auras that rushed out, and these ghost auras respectively smashed into the monks of Wenshu Monastery.

The abbot of Wenshu Monastery Guangliang, Hengdaozong An Ruyun, Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian, and the old villager Ji Yuan of Wujian Villa.

The lord Jinmo Fugu was hit by a terrifying ghost.

Under the ghastly spirit.

Puff puff……

A group of high monks, as well as Guangliang, An Ruyun, Jiyuan, Nangong Wentian and Jin Mofu.

The giants of all parties in Tianbei City.

Qi Qi squirted out a mouthful of blood.

All of them were pale and terrified...

"Poor monk enlightenment."

"Poor monk enlightenment..."

The abbot of Wenshu Monastery Guang Liang looked ashamed, and burst into tears in regret.

"It's the poor monk's fault."

"Everyone, my Wenshu Monastery can't blame each sect, nor the people of Tianbei City."

"I Guangliang is guilty."

Accompanied by Guang Liang's bitter cry and repentance, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian, Jiyuan and Jin Mofu.


Feel a panic.

"The poor monk is incompetent, he has investigated before, is complacent and conceited, and failed to see through the conspiracy and traps in this cave."

"The Eight Great Ghost Kings, born on the basis of weight, the disciples may not be able to keep it..."

"Catastrophe, this will be a catastrophe for the martial arts alliance in Tianbei City."

"My Tianbei City, the inheritance and future of the Martial Arts Alliance, I am afraid that it will be ruined for at least ten years..."

Guang Liang's face was painful, and he felt extremely sad, and his heart was full of regret.

If not he is complacent.

Failed to investigate and see through the ruins of this cavern, it was a big hole through and through.

Not that it would personally ruin the eight Tianjiao disciples.

The entire Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

It is about the inheritance of the future, at least ten years back...

Even more frightening is that the eight ghost kings in this cave will be born again...

The cave ruins are completely out of control...

Bringing near-destructive catastrophes and disasters to the people of Tianbei City.

Everything is the fault of his Wenshu Monastery and his Guangliang.


"Is this crypt and a conspiracy trap?"

"Disciples, all my Tianjiao from Tianbei City will be buried in it?"

"Eight ghost kings, want to borrow the bodies of the disciples to be reborn?"

"How could this be? If this is a trap, then don't we personally send the disciples into the tiger's mouth..."

"How could it get out of control? How could it be such a catastrophe?"


Heng Dao Zong An Ruyun, Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian ~ ~ City Lord Jin Mofu and Wujian Villa old owner Ji Yuan.

It's incredible.

Shocked inexplicably.

Nalan Yan, Nangong Good Day, and Ji Jian, that is the future and inheritance of their sect.

What makes them most unacceptable is that the future and inheritance of the sect was buried by their own hands.

The ghost king was reborn, and Tianbei City ushered in catastrophe.

How do they face the people of Tianbei City?

"Everyone, everything is my fault."

"My Wenshu Monastery is willing to bear all consequences."

"Even if I die, I will save eight disciples, and preserve the heritage and future of the Tianbeicheng Budo Alliance..."

Guang Liang folded his hands together, his expression was gloomy and he stood up with his eyes full of determination and death.


The monks of the Wenshu Monastery stood up and announced the Buddha's name together.

One by one looks sad.

Holding death will.

Step by step toward the ghostly ghost face.

Heng Daozong An Ruyun, Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian, and City Lord Jin Mofu looked at the backs of Guangliang and Wenshu Monastery's high monks.


"and many more……"

Lao Zhuang Master Ji Yuan suddenly flew in front of him and stopped Guang Liang and Wenshu Monastery's high monks who were holding their will.

With an earnest expression: "Everyone, listen to my advice."

"Hurry up and ask Abbot Xuanxin."

"Only he can save the disciples and save me the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance."

The old village owner Ji Yuan has a sincere expression on his face.

Speaking hard, almost begging.

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