After the old woman separated from Ye Tian, ​​she turned a few corners and stayed in an alley for a while. When she came out, she looked like a middle-aged person.

"Why did you stop me?"

The black cloth on the basket lifted a corner, and at the same time, Ling Yunzhi's feet became particularly dark.

"He has discovered you, you can't succeed?"

"How is it possible? His attention is not on me at all, ordinary people can't detect it at all!" Ling Yunzhi said in disbelief.

The voice did not sound again, and the environment was no longer dim. The owner of the voice just now seemed to have disappeared.

Ling Yunzhi stomped his feet unwillingly. He knew that the fact should be like this, but he missed such a good opportunity, which always made him look useless.

After standing in silence for a long time, Ling Yunzhi said with a gloomy face: "You are so good, Ye Qian. You messed up my plan that I had arranged for half a year. In this case, don't blame me for using any means."


Ye Tian returned to the inn and happened to meet Shi Changsong who was strolling nearby.

Perhaps due to long-term experience, Shi Changsong always likes to find a place to hide habitually, and digs a hole from time to time.

Seeing Ye Tian coming back, he naturally greeted him and did not ask about the result.

Ye Tian nodded in response, weighing whether to ask him to steal the horse together, but this would damage his glorious image.

Seeing Ye Tian's hesitant look, Shi Changsong asked tentatively: "Brother Ye, is there anything wrong? Don't worry, we are all family, just say it."

Since you are so tactful, I won't be polite. Ye Tian didn't expect him to be so tactful. Just as he was about to express his thoughts, a yellow head popped up next to him.

"Ye Tian, ​​you're back? How's the result?" Hu Dou asked shamelessly, not caring about Ye Tian's embarrassment at all.

Damn it... Ye Tian almost couldn't hold back the urge to stab someone.

I forgot that Shi Changsong often asked Hu Dou to dig holes together. Sighing helplessly, he was about to make up an excuse to get him out of the way, and Hu Dou spoke again: "By the way, Ye Tian, ​​what is this hair on your body?"

"Hair?" Ye Tian looked at his arms in confusion and pinched a handful of brown and black hair.

"Uh, this, this can't be..." Hu Dou thought of something and looked at Ye Tian with a strange look in his eyes.

Ye Tian gave him a head bang directly, and then handed the hair to Shi Changsong: "Look at what this is."

Shi Changsong took the hair and felt it, and immediately concluded: "This is hair, a man's, a little older."

Seeing the surprise in Hu Dou's eyes, Ye Tian didn't need to guess that he was thinking about it again.

Fortunately, Shi Changsong added: "This hair is very dry. It has fallen off for at least half a year, and the roots look like they were cut off with a knife."

"Hair?" Ye Tian was a little surprised. How could there be a small piece of hair on his body, and the shelf life has passed half a year.


"What did the night watchman say?" Fu Hao took a puff of his pipe and said calmly.

"The Sun" stood aside and said truthfully: "The nature is not bad. If you want, you can release the young master immediately."

Fu Hao knocked on the pipe, shook his head and smiled: "Then let him stay for two more days, it's good to gain some experience. You know, I was in the detention center a lot when I was young."

As one of the few pork suppliers, the local night watchman naturally gave face, but Fu Hao didn't want Fu Ma to come out like this. Life is not always smooth sailing, and such a good training opportunity is rare.

"The Sun" continued, "Master, we have made a new discovery about the Ling family you asked me to pay attention to."

He took out a photo, which showed Ling Yunzhi.

"Heh, I knew they had problems long ago, and now they are exposed." Fu Hao glanced at the photo, "Ling Yunzhi? Didn't he die a long time ago?"

"The Sun" asked in confusion, "Master, do you recognize him?"

"Of course, he was half a businessman before, and he had transactions with me, but I heard that he died half a year ago. How come he suddenly came back to life and is still hiding here?" Fu Hao said with a flash of his eyes.

"The Sun" was stunned for a moment and then asked in doubt, "Isn't Ling Feiyan his daughter? Is he doing this to attack the master?"

Fu Hao laughed, "Haha, why did I lower my profits and trade with Wang District all these years? Isn't it for their protection? He

If he dares to attack my Fu family here, he must be out of his mind.

"But he should know that he can't do this, so he wants to plan step by step through marriage, but he has been waiting for half a year, and he can't sit still for such a short time."

"Sun" thought of something and continued, "Then should we report to the Night Watcher first, so that he won't jump off the wall when he is desperate?"

Fu Hao waved his hand and said, "He can't even deal with Ye Qian, so he provokes conflicts between us and Ye Qian, which shows that he doesn't have much power to use. Let's just wait and see what he wants to do."


"Have you heard? Fu Ma lost to Ye Qian and actually wanted to hire someone to kill someone , if Ye Qian hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been caught."

"Is this true? Fu Ma doesn't look like that kind of person."

"Of course it's true. Many people saw it at the time, don't you think? Where is he? He was just..."

"The Fu family is a wealthy family here after all. They have given us a lot of favors. Isn't it not good for you to shout so loudly?"

"Well, let's go to the tavern and talk quietly."

"It's just right. I want to have a drink too."

At the same time, the owner of Tianma Tavern had already rushed out of the tavern and ran all the way to the detention center.

"Hey! Shopkeeper Fei. Are you here to see Fu Ma?", a staff member on duty asked when he saw the person coming, obviously familiar with him.

"Yes, I have something important to see the young master.", Fei Jie didn't care about breathing and ran straight into the house.

After a while, he ran back again.

"Don't you know which room it is?", the staff member on duty said with a smile.

"This is just one of the reasons. I also thought there might be a conspiracy here. You can come too." Feijie explained hurriedly, and then pulled the staff on duty to run inside.

A quarter of an hour later.

"What? I can't afford to lose, so I hired someone to attack Ye Qian?" Fu Ma's eyes widened, almost popping out of his eyes.

The "White Tiger" in another room couldn't stand it, and slapped the door and said loudly: "Who spread this? You are so bold."

The "Green Dragon" next door also sighed: "We have been locked up here since last night, how can we hire someone to kill someone?"

Feijie nodded and looked at the staff on duty: "What do you think?"

The staff on duty said with a smile: "It's quite interesting. It's been a long time since this place has been so active"

Did I ask you to come and have fun? Feijie blew his beard in anger, turned his head and said to Fu Ma: "Now it's spread in the tavern that your behavior is shameful, Ling Feiyan must look down on you."

"That's fake! Someone wronged me, I... I want to find Feiyan to make it clear." Fu Ma said with red eyes.

"Master, don't worry, how about I go to ask Master Fu first?" Seeing that Fu Ma was a little out of his mind, Feijie realized that he was too reckless and didn't ask Fu Hao's opinion first.

"No! I'm going now." Then Fu Ma looked at the guard next to him. He just didn't like to use his brain but he was not stupid. With their family's status here, how could they not deal with the night watchers?

The guard put on an "I can't see" look.

Fu Ma was furious: "Hey! I'll give you 10 pigs, let me out!"

The guard's eyes were a little moved, but as a guard in the detention center, he still had basic professional qualities.

"Plus 50 jars of horse wine." Fu Ma raised the price expressionlessly.

The guard kept his eyes on him: "Deal!"

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