After the waiter did not stay, he turned around and came to the table.

"Oh, I'm so unlucky. I was caught by someone."

"But the person who attacked me can use his special ability to avoid my perception. He is also a troublesome guy. The breath stopped in a place, which is not far from here. It seems that the person lives in this area."

Because it is not a direct threat to him, Ye Tian is not too anxious.

At present, the hostility of the other party is not very strong. After being discovered by him, he fled directly. As for the purpose of coming, it should be that he attracted hostility from someone after being high-profile during the day.

After sorting out these, he decided to go and find out tomorrow.

Ye Tian immediately began to enjoy the sumptuous dinner.

"Is this the pork elbow worth 12 Fair Silver? It doesn't look special, and it doesn't even come with rice? Bad review!"

"Pork bone soup, pure soup? What's the difference between this and pork bone noodles with only seasoning? Bad review!"

"Stir-fried tomatoes? No eggs? Bad review!"

"Sure enough, you can't expect anything from the other world. You can only eat bad food if you spend money."


Fu Family.

"Dad, my wife!"

"Can you be more promising? Our family is big and powerful, how can you not get a wife? If not, just change one. There are so many women, aren't there enough for you to choose?"

"I won't! I want to marry Ling Feiyan, she is the most beautiful woman in the district."

"You haven't seen her, have you? How can you be the first or the second?"

"People say she is the first, so she must be the first. Dad, my wife."

Fu Ma saw that his father was not in a good mood, and immediately lay on the ground and rolled.

The two guards, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Sun and Moon, all turned their backs to the front, standing still.

Fu Hao waved his hand and said with a dark face:

"If you want a wife, go fight for it yourself. What's the point of telling me? I've asked you, but Ye Qian won't give in. What can I do?"

Fu Ma also knew that his father was rejected during the day, but he felt a little aggrieved. It was obviously his wife, but Ye Qian insisted on snatching her away. How could he be willing?

When Fu Ma was no longer so anxious, Fu Hao took the opportunity to slowly say:

"Since someone is fighting with you, then go and fight. Now you are afraid, how can you inherit our family's business in the future? I still hope that you can turn our pigs into horses."

Fu Ma couldn't help but lower his head. Fu Hao mentioned this sentence in front of him more than once.

But the problem is that it is too difficult to change pigs into horses. A pig is only 6 Fergin, while a healthy adult horse requires 30 Fergin, which is a full 5 times difference.

Every time he talked about this, Fu Hao couldn't help but bring a trace of nostalgia:

"When I was young, my family was still doing business. Business is not valuable, but pigs are valuable. Your grandfather has placed high hopes on me since I was a child, and I must turn all the goods in the family into pigs. At the beginning, I didn't know where to start, but slowly, the pigs were raised and there were more of them, right?

"People, you have to look forward, and your future will definitely be like your name, with thousands of horses and horses."

"Okay, Dad, I don't know how many times I have heard it. You said you want to get married and start a career, so don't you have to get married before you start a career? I have to get my wife back first."

Fu Ma couldn't help but interrupt, he didn't dare let his father keep talking, when would this end.

Fu Hao nodded, and said with some agreement:

"That's right, I also got married first, and then started raising pigs. But I can't help you get married, you have to go by yourself. ”

“How can I go? Feiyan seems to have fallen in love with the new Ye something, and that Ye something has rejected you.”, Fu Ma asked in a somewhat hesitant manner.

Seeing that his son was so indecisive, Fu Hao had no choice but to remind him:

“Why are you so stupid! Let me ask you, you haven’t met Ling Feiyan, but has he met that Ye Qian?”

“Feiyan said she won’t go out before she gets married, and Ye… uh, he must have never met Ye Qian.”, Fu Ma was a little confused, not understanding why his father kept mentioning Ye Qian.

Fu Hao didn’t lead too much, and directly pointed out the core:

“Since they haven’t met, how could Ling Feiyan like Ye Qian? As for money, he doesn’t lack it, and neither do we. And you have been pursuing her for a long time, and Ye Qian just came here. Ling Feiyan didn’t give a definite answer, didn’t she just want to see how Ye Qian is? She

Just waiting and watching. "

Fu Ma was stunned, and said: "Ah this."

He thought about it, Ling Feiyan did not seem to say who she was going to marry.

Doesn't that mean that he still has a chance?

After a pause, Fu Hao said again:

"The only advantage that Ye Qian has over you is that he has more money. Nothing else is better than you. What you have to do now is to make Ling Feiyan feel that you are better than Ye Qian, and she will naturally not hesitate. "

Fu Ma's eyes lit up, and the whole person woke up like a revelation.

He jumped up, and then he asked again excitedly:

"Then what should I do to make her feel that I am better than Ye Qian?"

Seeing that his son understood, Fu Hao nodded with satisfaction, and then slowly said:

"You don't want her to feel, you want you to feel! Overwhelm the other party in momentum, despise the other party in action, and despise the other party in strategy. Only when there is no one around can you value him in your heart, do you understand?"

"I understand! ", Fu Ma's eyes lit up, and he said suddenly: "It is to make Ye Qian look inferior to me in front of others, so that he will appear inferior to me."

Fu Hao was very satisfied and said with emotion: "The young man is teachable."


Lingjia Building.

In the room on the third floor, a half-burned candle continued to emit a yellowish light, reflecting a dried sheepskin with densely packed squares and arc-shaped lines on it. This is a map.

"Areas 51 to 54 are adjacent to the outer areas with lower rankings. As long as the traffic here is cut off, the probability of the night watchers flowing to other places can be reduced. And to do this..."

Ling Yunzhi was mumbling in a low voice, when a gust of wind suddenly blew open the wooden window, and the candlelight swayed wildly.

The wooden window closed automatically with a "bang", as if it was no different from before, except that the room, which was not bright to begin with, became even darker.

Ling Yunzhi touched his beard and said as if talking to himself:

"It's done so quickly? Now there is no obstacle to our plan."

"No! It's not that simple." A spring swallow-like voice suddenly sounded beside Ling Yunzhi, and there was nothing beside him except a dark shadow.

Ling Yunzhi raised his eyebrows, but did not say anything, just sat quietly and waited.

The voice sounded again, adding:

"That Ye Qian is not an ordinary person. His mental power can easily resist my influence, and he can be alerted and confirm my existence. I saw that things were impossible, so I evacuated directly. "

Ling Yunzhi narrowed his eyes and whispered:

"Very rich, and with strong mental power, is that Ye Qian from Wang District? Your approach is very wise. However, the people from Wang District suddenly came to disrupt the situation. Was it accidental or intentional?"

Ling Yunzhi's voice became smaller and smaller, and it was almost silent at the end, as if he wanted to cover up something.

The voice heard some of it and felt a little strange, but didn't pay too much attention.

"Wang District? What does this have to do with that place?"

Ling Yunzhi slowly stood up, put away the map, and said politely:

"Nothing, just leave these to me. As long as you can take down the Fu family, you will have made a great contribution."

"What is the use of the Fu family to you? Why must it be them?" The voice seemed a little puzzled.

Ling Yunzhi laughed softly, touched his beard subconsciously, and said calmly:

"Of course it is very useful. You don't need to know now. I will tell you naturally when I succeed. But that Ye Qian was an accident. Tomorrow you should just tell me that you want to marry Fu Ma. The sooner it is over, the less likely it is to make mistakes.

"I will follow your advice, my father."

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