The first time I saw her was a big mistake.

Miracle value from Marian +3.

"Huh? Who is this? I don't seem to know her?"

"It seems that I still know too little about this book, so let's leave it at that for now."

"86, then I'm only 14 points away."

Ye Tian glanced at Genban who was walking in front of him, patted him and said:

"Genban, do you think I'm handsome?"

Genban turned around and looked at him, and said with some embarrassment:

"Hello, forget it, let's find someone else to get the wool. You have so little wool, you can't get it even if you want to."

Ye Tian sighed and walked in front of Genban.


Genban scratched his bald head and followed with a puzzled look.

"Hey, two over there."

On a huge steel machine sat a man who was about thirty years old. He had pure black hair and a circle of black cloth wrapped in front of his nose.


Ye Tian looked up at him. The light from high above shone down, and he seemed to be sitting in the center of the glory.

What a domineering figure.

Ye Tian secretly remembered it and decided to find an opportunity to try it in the future.

The man saw the two people looking up at him, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. He pushed his arms suddenly, and was about to do a beautiful backflip to the ground.


A piece of steel plate under his hand suddenly fell off and passed in front of his eyes.

"It's going to be bad!"


Ye Tian looked at the man who fell suddenly in front of him, still landing on his face. He was stunned and said:

"Uh, do you want me to help you up?"

"No, no."

The man stood up and rubbed his legs, then insisted on walking in front.

"Uh, are you really okay?"

Ye Tian saw him limping and asked worriedly.

"Of course. I will take you to the rest room first, and then it will be time for lunch. The two numbers on your bracelets, the first one is the area number, which is your daily activity area. As for the second one, it is your room number."

"Oh? Are rooms also divided into areas?"

He thought of the number of the root class, which was 4, and his was 0.

"This is not divided, after all, there are not many prisoners who can be locked up here. By the way, which area are you all in? I'll take you around later."

"He is 4, I am 0, it shouldn't be too far away." Ye Tian said casually, but found that the man in front of him suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, let me see your bracelet."

The man looked at his bracelet carefully, and then looked at Ye Tian with a serious face.

"Well, I'll take you to your room first, as for you..."

The man looked at Genban's bracelet and pointed in a direction, "You can reach Area 4 by walking in this direction, go there first, I'll find you later."

"Oh." Genban looked at Ye Tian and left obediently.

Ye Tian looked at the man and sent Genban away like this, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Hey, we all came together, why are you treating us differently?"

The man didn't expect him to say that, and said with some surprise:

"Your room is a little...special, it's not in the same place as his. And No. 0 is special, it requires some procedures, it's not appropriate for him to follow."

"Is that so?"

Ye Tian scratched his head, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

The two soon walked to a huge black metal door, there was not even a guard here, it looked deserted.

The man operated the access control for a long time before opening the iron door.

After entering, there was a huge space in a cylindrical shape. There were three floors that could be seen directly inside, and each floor was lined with isolated cells, densely packed in a circle.


"Didn't you say there weren't many people? This is too scary, isn't it?"

Ye Tian looked at the man in horror. If he didn't feel that he couldn't beat him, he would definitely press his head and beat him up.

"Ahem, this place is special. Besides, I'm not wrong. There are really not many people here, and most of the rooms are empty."

The man said with embarrassment.

"By the way, go find your room first, you can open it with the bracelet. I'm going to confirm your information and then take you to dinner."

The man quickly said, and suddenly retreated to the door, and then the door closed.

"Hey, why are you running so fast?"

Ye Tian looked at the tightly closed door and said a little dazedly.

The door

After being locked up, the place suddenly became dark, and there was a gloomy feeling. Fortunately, the light reflected from somewhere made the whole space blue, and things could be seen clearly.

"Hey! Is anyone there?"

He strode forward, shouting as he walked.

What the man said was not wrong. Most of the rooms here were indeed empty. At least he glanced at them and the rooms were empty.

There are at least 200 rooms here, because the room numbers next to him are between 160 and 170.

"It's so gloomy. The person who built this prison is really a piece of shit."

Ye Tian walked down the stairs, looking at the road carefully. He is No. 9, and should be at the bottom.

"Hey, kid, what you said is quite to my taste."

A somewhat cold voice sounded from below, scaring him.

"Huh. So there are people here, why didn't they respond when I called? I thought I was the only one here."

He patted his chest and said with some relief.

Fortunately, there are other people here, otherwise he would be alone, how cold it would be?

"Hey, who said I'm a human?"

The cold voice sounded again.

Ye Tian felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart, and his hair stood up.

But he soon recovered, curled his lips, and continued to walk down.

"Damn! I always scare others, but today I was scared by others. It's really embarrassing."

Ye Tian shook his head and gave this unknown cellmate a low score in his heart.

"Hey! The guy down there, why do you stay here all the time?"

"I just want to stay here. When I want to go out, I can go out at any time."

"Hey, isn't it just using a bracelet to open a door? How can you say it so domineeringly? Not bad, you have my potential."

He smiled, this cellmate seems to be pretty good.

Well, give a higher score, 60 points.

"Boy, why did you come in?"

The voice sounded again, obviously curious about him.

"Me? I was wrongly accused. I said I knew nothing, but they didn't believe me."

Ye Tian came to the bottom floor and saw his room.

It looked like there was only one bed inside, not as good as the detention center where I lived before. There was a layer of wire mesh outside, which was too low-class. What kind of 0-level prison is it? It's not as good as the detention center.

He curled his lips and looked at the rooms around him.

Except for his room, the other rooms were a little dark for some reason, and it was hard to tell whether there was anyone inside.

"Haha, I think what you said is true."

"Really? You are the first person willing to believe me."

Ye Tian walked towards the room where the voice came from and glanced at the number.


Good guy, worthy of being the one I like, this class is almost the same as mine.

"Hey, why are your rooms so dark?"

He leaned closer and looked curiously. There seemed to be a man sitting inside, with long hair and unclear face.

"Maybe the light can't reach it."

The man said casually, still sitting there motionless.

"By the way, we'll have lunch soon, don't you want to go with us?"

Ye Tian asked curiously, shouldn't they be outside? Why do they all like to stay in the room and not come out?

"I don't need it."

"No need? Good guy, another cheater."

"What bi?"

"Oh, it means you are awesome. By the way, what is your cultivation level?"

"Cultivation level? Do you mean the level of mental strength?"

"Yes, that's what I'm talking about."

"According to your understanding, it should be 'rain'."

Huh? My understanding? I don't have any understanding.

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly and continued to ask:

"Tell me more about it? Uh, that, my cultivation is different from yours."

"I heard that they divide it this way.

Mental power is in disarray and wanders around, which is the 'qi' realm.

Mental power condenses into a shape and manifests outside the body, which is the 'fog' realm.

Mental power soars from the ground, can gather and disperse, which is the 'cloud' realm.

Mental power condenses into a solid body and falls like rain, which is the 'rain' realm.

Mental power is a natural process and is endless, which is the 'chuan' realm.

Mental power is vast and inexhaustible, which is the 'sea' realm."

"Then you are actually in the fourth realm? Hiss~~~"

Ye Tian took a breath and looked at him in surprise.

0-1:? ? ?

"By the way, do you know how to cultivate to the 'qi' realm? My previous cultivation method was different."

"I don't know, my cultivation method is also different."

Ye Tian:? ? ?

"Well, how did you practice?"

He looked unconvinced.

He asked without giving up.

"I was born in this realm."

Ye Tian's face twitched, and he didn't want to talk to him.

At this time, the door above suddenly opened, and the person who brought him here shouted from above:

"Hey, it's time for dinner."

"Oh, I'll be right there."

Ye Tian heard that it was time for dinner, and he shouted quickly, then turned his head and asked:

"Hey, it's time for dinner, are you really not going?"


"Okay, I'm leaving."

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