The two of them were in a narrow pipe.

"Ye Tian, ​​how do you know this is the water source channel?"

Hu Dou hugged Ye Tian's thigh and asked in confusion.

After they came to the end of the wastewater pipe before, they used their mental power to slightly sense the three forks. When they were hesitant, Ye Tian directly opened a pipe with his hands. Then a stream of clear water flowed out of the breach, and they immediately knew that it was the water source pipe.

So, several people walked up along the water source pipe.

Because the water occupies most of the space in the water source pipe, and this pipe is almost always upward, the difficulty of moving has soared. Fortunately, they were not ordinary people. Except for Hu Dou who was exhausted after swimming for a few minutes, everyone else could hold on.

The three members of the Genban class followed closely behind. Their physical strength did not allow them to speak, but they still listened carefully. They were also very curious about Ye Tian's ability to identify the water source pipeline so accurately.

How do I know? Of course I heard it. I can hear sounds within a range of 500 meters. There is no sound behind the other two pipelines, but this one not only has the sound of water flow, but also the sound can be heard from a distance.

Of course, this secret must not be revealed.

Ye Tian spit out bubbles, thought for a while and responded:

"The temperature of the water source pipeline is relatively low, while the temperature of other locations is high, so there will be a temperature difference, causing air reflux. I can feel a slight breeze, so I judge that this is a water source pipeline."

Hu Dou was confused after hearing this. Although he could understand the general meaning, he could not understand those technical terms. When did Ye Tian's knowledge level become so high? Isn't he illiterate?

Miracle value from Hu Dou +10, miracle value from Genban +5, miracle value from Bramo +5, miracle value from Shi Changsong +5.

Hmm? Is this hard to understand? Ye Tian didn't expect that this would also allow them to generate miracle points, and silently labeled them illiterate in his heart.

Some faint breath gradually appeared within a kilometer, which should be insects in the soil layer. I should be able to escape in no time, but I don't know if 0-1 has been successfully rescued.

Ye Tian looked back silently, and then continued to move forward.


Main control room.

Kosovo looked at the bodies in front of him, gently hit his chest with his fist, and bowed his head in silence.

1 minute later, he turned his head and looked.

There were two men in black cloaks kneeling there, Saba and Ibrahimovic, traitors in prison. Behind them was a man with stiff limbs, Bone Overlord.

"Kill them."

Kosovo glanced at them calmly and said calmly.

Feng's arm was twitching, and the other hand touched his waist, and he walked towards the two people at the same time.

Saba and Ibrahimovic did not expect Kosovo to kill them, and they shouted anxiously:

"We have surrendered, we are willing to cooperate with the interrogation, don't kill us."

Feng's eyes did not contain any warmth, and the black light flashed around his waist. A red line appeared on the necks of the two people, and they didn't even have time to spurt blood.

Kosovo waved his arm and threw the bodies of the two people out, and then looked at the "temporary assistant" next to him.

Han Wenshu's face turned pale, and he said with trembling teeth:

"Report to the commander, there are 37 intruders in total, 19 have been killed, 11 have been arrested, and 7 have escaped. We lost 6 night watchmen, namely Marian, Angie, Solo, Ma Yaoxiang, Cheng Zhuo, and Dong Jia. Except for Marian, the bodies have been found. 48 prisoners showed abnormalities, 28 of whom were arrested before they took action, 12 have been killed, namely Mao Wu, She Shu, Changchuan... 7 disappeared, namely Nizak, Segun, Bramo, Shi Changsong, Genban, Hu Dou, and Ye Tian, ​​and 1 was captured alive, that is the Bone Overlord next to him.

"After investigation, a tunnel appeared in the waste discharge area, and the tunnel opened up the wastewater discharge pipeline. Prisoners Bramo, Shi Changsong, Genban, Hu Dou and Ye Tian may have taken the opportunity to escape from the prison through the tunnel, and the whereabouts of Nizak and Segun have not been captured. "

I didn't tell him that Marian had betrayed, and Nizak and Sergun fled with her. Kosovo's eyes became deep, and after a long time, he said in a low voice:

"Ye Tian, ​​huh, I didn't expect you to be part of the plan."

"Ye Tian...", Feng whispered in a low voice, his eyes suddenly became cold. If Ye Tian didn't

If they had come, would Angie and the others not have died?

Knock knock.

Just as their thoughts were flashing, Lu Yi appeared at the door and knocked twice. Seeing them looking over, Lu Yi said politely:

"Sorry to bother you. I brought all the remaining night watchers here."

Kosovo nodded and motioned him to come in.

When Lu Yi came over, Kosovo patted him on the shoulder.

"You did a good job."

Then he asked Han Wenshu to repeat the report again, and then looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi suddenly became a little nervous. After thinking for a few seconds, he pretended to "follow Kosovo's ideas" to explain his own point of view:

"This raid was obviously prepared in advance. Even our internal prisoners were arranged in advance, so our night watchmen may have been infiltrated."

At this point, Lu Yi pushed his glasses and said calmly: "The missing Marian is likely to be one of the infiltrators. Of course, this requires us to investigate later and pay attention to whether there is any news about her in the outside world."

Kosovo raised his head slightly, motioning him to continue.

Seeing that Kosovo did not doubt his intention, Lu Yi finally relaxed and continued:

"According to my discovery at the time, the enemy's target was the prisoners in the Level 0 prison. After I found this, I cut off the power supply to Zone 0. There is a possibility that there is a traitor among the night watchmen. I cut off the power, and he could not open the cell through the authority. But I think this is not absolute. After all, they are so well prepared that a door should not be able to stop them. At most, it caused them some trouble.

"So, after I made some preparations, I went to observe the vicinity. Because of my low strength, I did not dare to get too close. I only saw from a distance that the door of Zone 0 was broken, and there was no one nearby. I can't be sure whether they succeeded or not.

"But what I think is that their success or failure is not that important. Since the matter is over, we should not consider the temporary loss. Why did they attack here? What is their purpose? Why can they place so many people here? The answers to these questions, I think, are much more important than analyzing the gains and losses."

Kosovo's eyes lit up slightly, and he adjusted his sitting posture, obviously more serious. Feng and Han Wenshu also looked at Lu Yi in surprise, as if they were meeting this newcomer for the first time.

Seeing that they had listened, Lu Yi's mouth curled up slightly, and he continued to "analyze":

"They attacked here just to rescue some "important" prisoners. If they succeed, we can infer their real purpose based on the information of these prisoners. If they fail, then we can also try to doubt whether they will break into the prison again? How long will it take? After all, we can't guarantee that they will take advantage of the psychological difference of "we just successfully defended it, and it should be fine in a short time" to catch us off guard.

"As for the placement of personnel, we can check the time periods and methods of arrest of some abnormal prisoners. I don't think anyone can arrange so many prisoners without leaving any clues. And the Night Watchmen, the only one who can infiltrate them is..."

Kosovo raised his hand and interrupted his analysis.

"Don't mention these, just tell me the next key target."

"Ahem, okay. ", Lu Yi cleared his throat, realizing that this was a great opportunity, he could take the opportunity to throw Kosovo's attention far away.

At least, let him not pay attention to himself during this period.

"I think that there must be indispensable "key" figures in order to promote this plan. Following these "key" figures, we will definitely find some key points that are difficult to find. "

Kosovo held his chin with one hand, and his eyes became deeper.

"At present, the person the other party wants to save is one, the missing Marian is one, and Bone Overlord is half... and the one that cannot be ignored is the leader of the Death Worship Cult - Ye Tian."

When Lu Yi said this, he unconsciously touched the frame of his glasses, and his eyes revealed a wise light:

"Ye Tian is the highest-ranking among these prisoners, and he is also a leader who has not been seen for many years. But his imprisonment is a bit too suspicious, and he himself has no awareness of being arrested, which is worth further investigation. He was arrested for only two or three days, and the attack happened. And judging from the tunnel, he had obviously prepared to escape.

"We are worthy of suspicion. Ye Tian is the most critical figure in this operation. In order to make the plan go smoothly, he even went to jail himself.

"Ye Tian is the biggest mastermind of this raid!"

PS: The protagonist's prison

The three-day tour ends here. Next is another tight plot group. Because I have to sort out this part of the content, the update will be slow. You can save it and read other books first. There is no need to waste time on me.

Well, that's it. Please bear with me and don't urge me to update. Goodbye (´◔︎ ‸◔︎`)

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