The prison was built in 1917.

Zone 0 Prison.

Lu Yi slowly walked down the stairs and came to the bottom floor.

He looked around, from 0-8 to 0-1, and finally came to the door of 0-1.

There was still a bracelet in front of the door.

Ashes 0-1.

"I turned off the electricity here, so the access control will not work. But the room here retains the original craftsmanship, and there is a physical lock that can be opened with a key behind the access control."

As he said, Lu Yi put his hand in his trouser pocket and took out a square key.

This key looks rusty, like an old object. But if you look closely, you can find that the black metal under the rust has a brand new reflection. The core of this key is Kasain metal. No matter how powerful the attack is, this key will not be destroyed.

"Why are you doing this?"

A voice came from inside the door, and the figure shrouded in black mist raised his head.

"I don't know if they are still sane if they want to use the authority of the Level 0 prison to break into the prison. You know, authority is the easiest thing to tamper with."

"So, when you closed the authority, you also eliminated the possible back-up plan?"

"Of course. Instead of breaking a path that everyone can see, it is better to find another way."

"Hehe, you are very smart. I didn't expect that this operation that was bound to fail could be opened by you."

Lu Yi frowned and looked at the door with some doubts:

"You knew that this operation would fail?"

"Of course, this rescue operation had already been prepared before I was caught."

Lu Yi suddenly felt a chill spreading from the bottom of his heart, and his hands and feet couldn't help shaking.

He was not a participant in this operation, but he just happened to get some clues and guessed the general idea of ​​this operation.

So he took the opportunity to come here and intervened at the most critical moment. He thought he did a good job, but he didn't expect the truth to be like this.

The rescue operation was planned before the people were caught, which means that Huijin's capture was also part of the plan. This operation was just a cover.

How terrifying would their real purpose be?

Without waiting for Lu Yi to think more, Huijin continued:

"You are not from those forces, right? Why did you come to save me?"

Lu Yi was silent for a few seconds and said:

"I want to ask some questions. You are the highest-ranking shadow I can contact. If it is you, you must know something, right?"

Huijin listened to Lu Yi's words silently and gradually stood up.

Lu Yi looked at the figure in the door, thought for a while and asked:

"What is the truth of this world?"

Huijing was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Lu Yi to take such a big risk just to ask these questions. Then he thought for a while:

"Do you want to ask about the shadow, or the relationship between the shadow and humans, or...


Lu Yi opened his mouth, wanting to say something but couldn't.

"Heh. This world is ridiculous, isn't it? The shadow can be attached to humans, or it can take over humans. The shadow has no body, but it lives in the same world as humans. The ability of the shadow is very similar to that of humans, but it is impossible for a person to have two abilities at the same time.

"The conflict between the shadow and humans can be traced back to before the destruction period. How could I know? But from the perspective of survival alone, the shadow must take over the body, and humans only have one body. Therefore, the conflict between the shadow and humans is irreconcilable.

"Even if some humans advocate coexistence with the shadow, this cannot stop the hostility of the vast majority of people to the shadow. I don't know if you can understand that the position of the shadow itself depends on humans. "

"I understand." Lu Yi nodded in agreement, and then asked: "What about the night? What's the matter with the shadows in the night?"

"Hey, I didn't expect you to notice this, but I can't give you an answer to this question."

After a pause, Ashes continued:

"I haven't been here for long, and I haven't seen the night. But I think you can regard those shadows in the night as another race, so it's easier to understand."

"Another race?" Lu Yi repeated in a daze.

"Hehe. Just like you humans have different ideas, isn't it strange that different factions behave differently?"

Lu Yi's pupils shrank suddenly. He was not surprised by this explanation, but surprised that Ashes could see through his secret. ...You humans, doesn't that mean

Did Huijin know that he was not Ying?

"Why? I saw through your true nature, and you subconsciously wanted to escape? Hey, you are really like the little guy I met before. But your reaction is really slow.

"Didn't you notice why I used "Ying" instead of "we" when I explained it before?"

Lu Yi suddenly realized that Huijin knew it from the beginning, but just didn't care.

"Don't worry about these, I don't have any thoughts about you. The truth of this world is not only what you want to know, but also what I want to know. If you have the opportunity to meet the Hanged Man, you can ask him. At that time, you can tell him my name, and he won't embarrass you.

"But I think you should want to explore it yourself, right?"

Lu Yi's eyes flickered, and he didn't answer, but silently remembered the name "Hanged Man".

"Okay, you can go now. We don't need you to save us."

Lu Yi looked at the figure in the door and responded politely:

"Thank you."

He put the key away again, stepped back, turned around and was about to leave, but Huijin called him again.


Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, and looked back at Huijin again.

Huijin raised his arm, and a black mist swirled.

Suddenly, a black round bead rolled out of the 0-4 room, and there was a black four-pointed star inside the bead. As soon as the bead rolled out, black light spots flowed around it, and it was as dazzling as a gem even in the dark night.

"This is..."

Lu Yi looked at the "familiar" round bead in front of him, a little surprised.

"The energy core of the 'cultivation' level, if used in human terms, is equivalent to the spiritual power of 'rain'. After the death of the Shadow Clan, they will turn into this kind of shadow bead, which is the crystallization of the Shadow Clan's power."

"After death...", Lu Yi picked up the shadow bead and murmured.

Ashes sighed silently, and then said in a slightly lower voice:

"The Shadow Clan is not afraid of death, but is afraid of having all traces erased. His power can be inherited by you, which is his best destiny."

Lu Yi held the Shadow Pearl in both hands and saw the four-pointed star inside it began to flicker.

He,... or him?

"Go, and get stronger with his share!"


Ye Tian came to the end of the tunnel, and under the watchful eyes of Hu Dou, Genban, Shi Changsong, and Bramo, he broke the last obstacle of the passage.

He tilted his head slightly and looked at the darkness behind:

'Solo, did you see it? '

'I will survive, and with your share! '

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