The two of them were in a mess.

"Why? Because we are not the same kind of people." Marian smiled, and then asked:

"How did you figure it out? Kosovo didn't even notice it, but you found it."

"Hehe, you are the only one who can remove the bracelet from the prisoner, except the boss!" Feng sneered.

"Oh? I didn't expect to miss it. But it's too late for you to realize it now."

Marian shook her head and said calmly.

A man with black mist floating all over his body appeared quietly and blocked the door.

Feng glanced at him and said in surprise:

"I thought you were a spy planted by other forces, but I didn't expect you to be a member of the Shadow."

"Haha, those trash in the King's District are qualified to command me? They can make me take the initiative to cooperate, naturally because they are my kind."

Marian walked slowly to the door and said to the man with black mist:

"Just have fun with him, I'll go to deal with the main control room first."

Feng's eyes sank, and he shouted angrily: "Stop!"

He threw his cloak, revealing two black scabbards on his waist. Two dark lights flashed, and his hands each held a blade, one long and one short, with a chain hanging under the handle.

Feng's body suddenly rushed forward, and the blades swung out synchronously, and two dark lights chased after him. The distance between him and Marian was shortened to one step in an instant.


Marian's hands extended out a series of hideous thorns, tightly entangled with Feng's blade.

"Your quick sword is indeed very strong, ranking high in the entire 0-7. If I were still 'Yun', I might not be able to block even one of your moves. Unfortunately, I have already broken through this realm."

Marian said with a smile, and black water droplets gradually condensed on the thorns in her hand. These water droplets quickly condensed into a ball and then spread towards the head of the thorns.

The thorns absorbed the black water and suddenly grew larger, and the thorns became sharper and more ferocious.

She swung hard, and the thorns were stretched a lot. Then, Feng was thrown out with her.


The thorns can not only grow longer, but also store power in the thorns to control the time of the explosion. When the time is most appropriate, it will directly act on Feng's blade.

Feng couldn't resist the effect of this force at all, and was thrown heavily against the wall.

Marian didn't look at him again, and turned and walked out of the door.

"Asshole, stop right there!"

Feng stood up, holding the hilt tightly, and was about to chase him, but he caught a glimpse of a black shadow attacking him from the corner of his eye.



Control room.

"Did you cut off the power to Area 0?"

"Of course. I'm sure you've seen that the intruders' target is Area 0. With the highest person in charge of the prison being pinned down, it's the best choice to completely isolate Area 0. In this case, whether the enemy can succeed depends on their strength."

"Then what's next? What are you going to do?"

The little girl pouted and looked at him steadily.

"Of course, we'll transfer people. We know the other party's purpose, but other colleagues don't. In this case, someone might risk their lives to protect something meaningless. The right thing to do should be to let them stay quietly in one place and not come out. When the other party realizes that they don't need to send people to pin them down, they will naturally stop attacking those machines, and we can also reduce casualties."

Lu Yi explained in detail, and didn't bluff her just because she was a little girl.

"You mean we should be cowards and let the enemy swagger through their plans?"

The little girl snorted and couldn't help but say.

"Whether their plans can be completed is not something we can decide. The decision-making power is there."

Lu Yi pointed his finger to the sky, and then said calmly:

"Others can only decide the amount of loss. In my opinion, the lives of the night watchers are definitely more important than those machines.

"Besides, don't you think it's a waste to let them die here?"

The little girl was silent for more than ten seconds and turned her head away.

"Okay, I have already given them instructions. You have seen the location, you can go there later, it must be much safer there than here."

The little girl said silently: "I will wait here until he comes back."

Lu Yi shook his head and said helplessly: "This is the room with the highest authority, and it is likely to be targeted by some people. You stay here

, it's too dangerous. "

The little girl turned around and snorted, "I don't want you to care!"

Lu Yi looked at her helplessly, opened the door, and before walking out, he turned around and asked again: "Are you really not going? I can take you there first."


He hesitated for a few seconds, then warned:

"I'm going to do what I should do. If you must wait here, get into those machines. If someone comes, don't make a sound."


The door closed.

She turned her head and took a screen. Then she sat on the sofa and watched with concern.

After a while, the door was pushed open again.

The little girl still stared at the screen, without raising her head, and said:

"I said I'm not going, you don't have to persuade me anymore."

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no movement at the door. The little girl raised her head and saw the golden figure.

"Marian? "

Marian laughed softly and said, "Xiaoyu, why are you here alone? This is too dangerous. Sister will take you to a safe place, okay?"

The little girl looked at her silently without saying anything.

"Hey, people, being too smart is not good. What a lovely little girl, it's a pity that she is going to die."

Marian sighed, and black mist gradually emerged on her hand, and a hideous thorn whip spread out.

The little girl gently put down the screen and said slowly: "In fact, it doesn't matter even if you control these things in front of me. I only care about one person, and I don't care about others.

"But, you shouldn't disturb me."

As she said, pink mist appeared out of thin air in the room and quickly spread throughout the room. Marian noticed something was wrong and stepped back in shock.

"You, how could you..."

The little girl floated up and stood in the air out of thin air. The pink mist around her gathered behind her and turned into a huge ghost face. A spiritual pressure belonging to "Rain" spread around.

"My name is Yu Sheng, the former deputy captain of the Night Watcher Team 2. I hope you can withstand my anger."


"Angie...", Solo looked at the flames on Angie's body and knew that he was beyond saving.

Angie's ability allows him to use his mental power as fuel to gain powerful strength. Usually he bursts out a little at a time, so that he can recover quickly.

But now Angie was seriously injured and was burning his mental power crazily, which obviously exceeded his limit.

The flames were overdrawing his life every minute and every second, and if he stopped now, he might die instantly under the backlash of mental power.

Solo ran away in tears. He didn't want to run, but he didn't want Angie's life to be wasted so meaninglessly.

The sky-high flames blocked everyone's sight, buying Solo a lot of time to escape.

Just as he was running out, a prisoner's eyes suddenly burst into golden light, and he looked at him after scanning around.

"Not good, someone's ability works on the eyes." Solo said secretly, speeding up and running forward.

"Another person wants to run, follow me!"

The man shouted and rushed forward. The two prisoners next to him also reacted and followed.

"Damn it!"

Solo's eyes flashed, and his hands burst into a blazing blue light, shining on the three people coming towards him.

Those people saw Solo shining the blue light over and realized something was wrong, but how could they run faster than the light? They were instantly shrouded in blue light.

The blue light on Solo's hand disappeared, and then he ran around them and ran forward.

The three prisoners stayed where they were and were moving slowly. Their actions were still carried out according to their original thoughts, but they were slowed down by about ten times.

Just when Solo thought he had escaped the encirclement, Angie's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Solo, get out of the way!"

Solo sensed the strong mental fluctuations behind him and quickly shot a beam of blue light backwards.

Turning his head, he found that Bone Overlord had appeared behind him, maintaining a diving posture. And Angie, who was far away, was half-kneeling on the ground, with a faint red flame still on his body.

"Run! I can't hold on. He doesn't have much physical strength left. You just need to pay attention and you can escape."

Angie said with difficulty, and then fell to the ground.

"Angie!" Solo sobbed, and then ran forward without looking back.

He didn't notice that Bone Overlord behind him slowly shed his bone armor.


"Hurry! Hurry!"

Ye Tian rushed forward frantically. Although he was very fast, he didn't expect that he was still too late.

Less than half a minute after the two sides met, the situation on Angie's side had taken a sharp turn for the worse.


By the time he arrives, maybe only Solo will be left!

A surge of anger rose in his heart, and he roared, his voice coming before he even arrived.

"Bone Overlord! Stop it!"

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